21 Commits (0189ccc302cd27277f48f5dfdc0ca38463b401a9)

Author SHA1 Message Date
hecht 0189ccc302 added missing sign up stuffz and made tournaments manageable
8 years ago
hecht 4849678ab6 Commit changes applied on live server
8 years ago
hecht 4e41a922e3 fixed a lot reported bugs
9 years ago
hecht 192c09e8d2 try to simply replace the removed mysql calls with mysqli replacesments (functional way)
9 years ago
hecht e2f198084f checkin changes performed on the cronjobs
9 years ago
hecht 2835c5ec33 added some big and some small changes
10 years ago
hecht 0279d6a99e make it possible to hide all avatars (to save bandwidth)
10 years ago
hecht 2a787b1f36 Zuweisung Chars zu Clanraeume verbessert!
11 years ago
hecht c31c4544c4 Die Funktionen, die die array.php ersetzt haben wurden nun selbst ersetzt.
11 years ago
hecht 1a5efb2f8c - GM Panel #130 Rassen sind nun editierbar, werden aber noch nicht direkt genutzt (Vorbereitung für DB basierte Rassen)
11 years ago
hecht 4b5ba4e829 Trac #130: Nun werden die Rassen so "emuliert" als ob sie in der Datenbank stehen würden.
11 years ago
elfenland 177dd0421d char_overview.php -> Buffs der Items hinzugefügt (HP,MP)
13 years ago
hecht 1b7be6d31b changed the way of defining the path ... now it should also be able to place the installation of ag in a different directory!
14 years ago
radiskull 374d161858 Attackenset für Clanfights und NormalFights eingefügt
14 years ago
hecht a33f91757d the clanfights have been adjusted to store the timestamp when the fight can be viewed. Also there is a new file that can be used to display event fights. The file can be executed like this -> event_kampf_anzeige.php?event_id=<event-id>&event_fight_id=<event-fight-id> and looks like any usual display :)
14 years ago
hecht 5ee447997f Heute ne ganze Menge in Richtung Clanfights gemacht. Die Berechnung sollte nun (zumindest in der Theorie) schonmal klappen. Alle Daten werden in die Datenbank geschrieben. Was nun noch erledigt werden muss ist, dass die Fights zu bestimmten Zeiten "sichtbar" werden!
14 years ago
hecht 8cfa7e5332 adjusted the clanfights so some things are now persisted (there is also a small test-php file that can be tempoary be used to run some things localy)
14 years ago
hecht f30196b6cb added the "interfaces" for the clan fights
14 years ago
hecht 4a000b3ca5 Fix: the getAttacksforChar now returns all learned and currently learnable attacks. The order item is the level.
14 years ago
hecht b3fd6bb1a6 Added a funtion to create a overview which can be used to calculate newly learned attacks or display how many has to be done ;)
14 years ago
hecht 6c982776cc
14 years ago