added some big and some small changes

hecht 10 years ago
parent b11600ed89
commit 2835c5ec33

@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ include_once(''); // get the path ;)
include_once (ROOT_PATH . '/include/');
include_once (ROOT_PATH . '/include/');
include_once (ROOT_PATH . '/include/');
defineIfNotDefined('AG_CHAT_ROWS', 25);
defineIfNotDefined('AG_CHAT_ORDER', 'ASC');
@ -43,7 +44,7 @@ if(isset($user_ida['nickname'])){
$usr = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query('Select * from anon_chatter where ip = \''.$_SESSION['anon_ip'].'\''));
mysql_query('Insert into anon_chatter(ip, anon_id) values(\''.$_SESSION['anon_ip'].'\', '.mt_rand(90000,99999).')');
mysql_query('Insert into anon_chatter(ip, anon_id) values(\''.$_SESSION['anon_ip'].'\', '.mt_random_wrapper(90000,99999).')');
$usr = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query('Select * from anon_chatter where ip = \''.$_SESSION['anon_ip'].'\''));
$user_ida['id'] = $usr['anon_id'];

@ -313,9 +313,9 @@ function renovate($user, $arena, $vermoegen){
$arena = getArena($user_ida[id]);
$arena = getArena($user_ida['id']);
$auktionensumme = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query('SELECT SUM(aktuellesgebot) as summe FROM auktion WHERE bieter = '.$user_ida[id].' GROUP BY bieter'));
$auktionensumme = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query('SELECT SUM(aktuellesgebot) as summe FROM auktion WHERE bieter = '.$user_ida['id'].' GROUP BY bieter'));
$auktionensumme = $auktionensumme['summe'];
$vermoegen = $user['geld'] - $auktionensumme;
$unterhalt = calculateUnterhaltsKosten($arena);

@ -384,7 +384,7 @@ function zieheAuktionZurueck($userid,$auktionsid,$pay){
// Abfrage der uebergebenen Aktionen
if($action == 1){ // Bieten für eine Auktion
stelleBietenMaskeDar($user_ida['id'],$auktionsid, $gebot);

@ -24,10 +24,6 @@ include_once(ROOT_PATH.'/include/');
$chars = getCharsOfUser($user_ida['id']);
$char_zahl = 0;
foreach($chars as $my_charz){
// $hp = explode(",", $my_charz[hp]);
// $mp = explode(",", $my_charz[mp]);
// $POWERLEVEL5 = $my_charz['starke']+$my_charz['verteidigung']+$my_charz['speed']+$my_charz['ausdauer']+$my_charz['glueck'] + $hp[1]/10 + $mp[1]/5;
$POWERLEVEL5 = $my_charz['starke']+$my_charz['verteidigung']+$my_charz['speed']+$my_charz['ausdauer']+$my_charz['glueck'];
$fusi = "<br>Fusionsrasse: ".$my_charz['fusion_rasse'];

@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ function stelledar($char_id,$user_ida,$name) {
if($char_1[fusion] == 'ja') {
if($char_1['fusion'] == 'ja') {
<td width="192" height="25"><b>Fusion Rasse</b>
@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ function stelledar($char_id,$user_ida,$name) {
<td width="192" height="25"><b>Bild <?php echo ''.$pic_g31.' x '.$pic_g31.''; ?>
<td width="392" height="25">&nbsp;<?php echo '<input name="bild11" id="input" size="40" value="'.$char_1[bild].'">'; ?>
<td width="392" height="25">&nbsp;<?php echo '<input name="bild11" id="input" size="40" value="'.$char_1['bild'].'">'; ?>
@ -377,7 +377,7 @@ function eintragen($char_id,$name,$user_ida) {
$qry = 'UPDATE chars SET kampf_item=\''.$helm_e.','.$rustung_e.','.$schild_e.','.$schwert_e.','.$schuhe_e.'\', rustung =\''.$rustung.'\', '.
'attacken=\''.implode(',', $attset_nf).'\', '.
'attacken2=\''.implode(',', $attset_nf).'\', '.
'bild=\''.$bild11.'\' WHERE id='.$char[id].' LIMIT 1';
'bild=\''.$bild11.'\' WHERE id='.$char['id'].' LIMIT 1';
//neues updaten von Attacken

@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ $charm = $_GET['charm'];
if($charm == 3)
$item_info = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM clan_item WHERE id='$item_id' LIMIT 1"));
$user = getClan($user_ida['clan']); // mysql_Fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT leader, co_leader, geld, id FROM clan WHERE id='$user_ida[clan]'"));
$user = getClan($user_ida['clan']);
if($user['leader'] != $user_ida['id'] AND $user['co_leader'] != $user_ida['id']) {
displayErrorMessage(NULL,'Nur der Leader und der Co-Leader kann Clanitems kaufen!', displayHistoryBackLink());
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ if($charm == 3)
$new_geld = $user[geld] - $item_info[preis];
$new_geld = $user['geld'] - $item_info['preis'];
mysql_query("UPDATE clan_item SET anzahl=anzahl-1 WHERE id=".$item_info[id]." LIMIT 1");
mysql_query("UPDATE clan SET geld='$new_geld' WHERE id=".$user[id]." LIMIT 1");

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ if($charm == 1) {
foreach($chars as $char) {
$c_ware = validateUnsignedInteger($_GET['c_ware_'.$char['id']], null);
db_query('UPDATE chars SET clan_train='.$c_ware.' WHERE id='.$char['id'].' AND besitzer='.$user_ida[id]);
db_query('UPDATE chars SET clan_train='.$c_ware.' WHERE id='.$char['id'].' AND besitzer='.$user_ida['id']);
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ if(!isUserOwnerOf($user_ida['id'], $char_id)){
<td height="25" width="260" valign="middle" align="center">
Raum f&uuml;r <?php echo $char[name] ; ?>
Raum f&uuml;r <?php echo $char['name'] ; ?>
<td height="25" width="273" valign="middle">
<select id="input" name="c_ware_<?php echo $char['id']; ?>">

@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ if($clan_geld <= 0) {
// Damit das minus nicht ausgenutzt wird!!
$auktionensumme = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query('SELECT SUM(aktuellesgebot) as summe FROM auktion WHERE bieter = '.$user_ida[id].' GROUP BY bieter'));
$auktionensumme = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query('SELECT SUM(aktuellesgebot) as summe FROM auktion WHERE bieter = '.$user_ida['id'].' GROUP BY bieter'));
$auktionensumme = $auktionensumme['summe'];
@ -61,7 +61,6 @@ mysql_query('UPDATE user_clan SET spende = spende + '.$clan_geld.' WHERE clanid
if(mysql_affected_rows() == 0){
mysql_query('INSERT INTO user_clan(spende,clanid,userid) values('.$clan_geld.','.$user_ida['clan'].','.$user_ida['id'].')');
//mysql_query("UPDATE user SET geld=geld-'$_GET[clan_geld]', clan_geld=clan_geld+'$_GET[clan_geld]' WHERE id='$user_ida[id]'");
displayErrorMessage(NULL,'An Clan Erfolgreich Gespendet', '<a href="index.php?as=clan/spende">weiter...</a>');

@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ include_once(ROOT_PATH.'/include/');
// GET-Section
// Kritisch (SQL-Injections)
@ -49,7 +50,7 @@ function wuenscheTeufelsfrucht($user){
return false;
$natur_frucht = mysql_query('SELECT item, id,verteilung FROM wochen_markt WHERE art=\'natur\' order by id'); ///wieviel TF gibt es?.
$value = mt_rand(1,100);
$value = mt_random_wrapper(1,100);
$peak = 0;

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
function displayAttackenMenu($action, $attackname, $attackid, $depth, $name, $starke, $verteidigung, $speed, $hp, $mp, $rassen, $level, $geld, $options, $type, $info, $req_atk, $req_lvl, $Frucht, $runden, $maxlvl, $_REQUEST) {
function displayAttackenMenu($action, $attackname, $attackid, $depth, $name, $starke, $verteidigung, $speed, $hp, $mp, $rassen, $level, $geld, $options, $type, $info, $req_atk, $req_lvl, $Frucht, $runden, $maxlvl, $request) {
if($action === NULL){
@ -317,7 +317,6 @@ function createOrEditAttack($action, $attackid) {
$f_sql = 'SELECT id, item FROM wochen_markt WHERE type = \'Teufels Frucht\' order by item';
$f_qry = mysql_query($f_sql);
// <input name='Frucht' value='<?php echo $row[Frucht]===NULL?0:$row[Frucht]; '></input>
if($row['Frucht'] === NULL || $row['Frucht'] == 0){
echo '<option value="0" selected="selected">-Keine-</option>';
} else {
@ -454,38 +453,38 @@ function editAttack($attackname, $attackid, $Frucht, $starke, $verteidigung, $sp
function displayAttackenTypen($_REQUEST) {
function displayAttackenTypen($request) {
$colspan = 3;
echo '<form action="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'" method="GET">'."\n";
echo "\t".'<input type="hidden" name="choose" value="attackentypen"></input>'."\n";
echo "\t".'<input type="hidden" name="attid" value="'.$_REQUEST['attid'].'"></input>'."\n";
echo "\t".'<input type="hidden" name="attid" value="'.$request['attid'].'"></input>'."\n";
echo "\t".'<table width="80%" border="0">'."\n";
switch ($_REQUEST['action']) {
switch ($request['action']) {
if($_REQUEST['task'] == TASK_EDIT) {
editAttackentyp($_REQUEST['attid'], $_REQUEST['data']);
displayAttackenTypenInfo(ACTION_EDIT, TASK_EDIT, $_REQUEST['attid']);
if($request['task'] == TASK_EDIT) {
editAttackentyp($request['attid'], $request['data']);
displayAttackenTypenInfo(ACTION_EDIT, TASK_EDIT, $request['attid']);
} else {
displayAttackenTypenInfo(ACTION_EDIT, TASK_EDIT, $_REQUEST['attid']);
displayAttackenTypenInfo(ACTION_EDIT, TASK_EDIT, $request['attid']);
echo "\t".'<input type="hidden" name="action" value="'.ACTION_CREATE.'"></input>'."\n";
if($_REQUEST['task'] == TASK_CREATE) {
if($request['task'] == TASK_CREATE) {
} else {
displayAttackenTypenInfo(ACTION_CREATE, TASK_CREATE, $_REQUEST['attid']);
displayAttackenTypenInfo(ACTION_CREATE, TASK_CREATE, $request['attid']);
case 'delete':
if($_REQUEST['task'] == 'dodelete') {
if($request['task'] == 'dodelete') {
} else {
echo "\t".'<tr><td colspan="'.$colspan.'" style="text-align:center"><a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'">Zum Hauptmenu</a></td></tr>'."\n";
echo "\t".'</table>'."\n";

@ -337,7 +337,7 @@ function displayPolls($action,$openumfrage,$closeumfrage,$thema,$optionen,$text,
$qry = mysql_query('SELECT * from poll WHERE TIMESTAMPDIFF(Minute, close, now()) <= 0 || close is null');
while($result = mysql_fetch_assoc($qry)){
echo '<option value="'.$result[pollid].'">'.$result[thema].'</option>';
echo '<option value="'.$result['pollid'].'">'.$result['thema'].'</option>';
@ -353,7 +353,7 @@ function displayPolls($action,$openumfrage,$closeumfrage,$thema,$optionen,$text,
$qry = mysql_query('SELECT * from poll WHERE TIMESTAMPDIFF(Minute, close, now()) > 0');
while($result = mysql_fetch_assoc($qry)){
echo '<option value="'.$result[pollid].'">'.$result[thema].'</option>';
echo '<option value="'.$result['pollid'].'">'.$result['thema'].'</option>';
@ -388,17 +388,17 @@ function displayPolls($action,$openumfrage,$closeumfrage,$thema,$optionen,$text,
$result = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query('SELECT * FROM poll WHERE pollid='.$pollid));
$qry = mysql_query('SELECT * FROM poll_options WHERE pollid='.$pollid);
while($opts = mysql_fetch_assoc($qry)){
$options[$opts[polloptionid]] = $opts[text];
$options[$opts['polloptionid']] = $opts['text'];
<form action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>" method="POST">
<input type="hidden" name="choose" value="poll"></input>
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="update"></input>
<input type="hidden" name="pollid" value="<?php echo $result[pollid]; ?>"></input>
<input type="hidden" name="pollid" value="<?php echo $result['pollid']; ?>"></input>
<td><input name="thema" value="<?php echo $result[thema]; ?>"></input></td>
<td><input name="thema" value="<?php echo $result['thema']; ?>"></input></td>
@ -412,7 +412,7 @@ function displayPolls($action,$openumfrage,$closeumfrage,$thema,$optionen,$text,
<td colspan="2">
<textarea name="text" cols="50" rows="10"><?php echo $result[text]; ?></textarea>
<textarea name="text" cols="50" rows="10"><?php echo $result['text']; ?></textarea>
@ -477,7 +477,7 @@ function displayPolls($action,$openumfrage,$closeumfrage,$thema,$optionen,$text,
mysql_query('INSERT INTO poll_options(pollid, polloptionid, text) values('.$pollid['pollid'].','.$i.',\''.$optionen[$i].'\')');
displayPolls('display',NULL, NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,$pollid[pollid]);
displayPolls('display',NULL, NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,$pollid['pollid']);
} else if($action == 'update'){
mysql_query('UPDATE poll set thema =\''.$thema.'\', text =\''.$text.'\' WHERE pollid ='.$pollid);

@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ function displayQuestNPC($action, $name, $starke, $speed, $verteidigung, $ausdau
<td><?php echo $res['name']; ?></td>
<td><a href="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>?choose=qnpc&action=change&id=<?php echo $res[id]; ?>">&auml;ndern</a></td>
<td><a href="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>?choose=qnpc&action=delete&id=<?php echo $res[id]; ?>">l&ouml;schen</a></td>
<td><a href="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>?choose=qnpc&action=change&id=<?php echo $res['id']; ?>">&auml;ndern</a></td>
<td><a href="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>?choose=qnpc&action=delete&id=<?php echo $res['id']; ?>">l&ouml;schen</a></td>

@ -20,24 +20,19 @@ include_once(ROOT_PATH.'/include/config/');
function getChatMessages(){
$result = mysql_query('SELECT *, Minute(zeit) as m, Hour(zeit) as h, DAY(zeit) as d , MONTH(zeit) as mon FROM ag_chat ORDER BY ID desc');
$resultstring = '';
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
$h = $row[h];
$h = $row['h'];
if($h < 10){ $h = "0".$h;}
$m = $row[m];
$m = $row['m'];
if($m < 10){ $m = "0".$m;}
$resultstring = $row[d].'.'.$row[mon].' '.$h.':'.$m.' '.$row[user].': '.$row[nachricht].'<br>'.$resultstring;
$resultstring = $row['d'].'.'.$row['mon'].' '.$h.':'.$m.' '.$row['user'].': '.$row['nachricht'].'<br>'.$resultstring;
return $resultstring;
echo getChatMessages();
//$test = "Dies ist eine [b]beliebige[/b] Nachricht mit einem auktionslink [a]testlink.html[/a]";
//echo decodeMessage($test).'<br>';
//$test = '<a href="test.html">Test</a>';
//echo encodeMessage($test).'<br>';

@ -104,11 +104,11 @@ if ($name AND $passwort) {
<a href=index.php?as=halloffame>Halle der Helden</a><br>
<a href=index.php?as=last_fight>Letzten 20 K&auml;mpfe</a><br>";
$auktionensumme = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query('SELECT SUM(aktuellesgebot) as summe FROM auktion WHERE bieter = ' . $user_ida[id] . ' GROUP BY bieter'));
$auktionensumme = $auktionensumme[summe];
$auktionensumme = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query('SELECT SUM(aktuellesgebot) as summe FROM auktion WHERE bieter = ' . $user_ida['id'] . ' GROUP BY bieter'));
$auktionensumme = $auktionensumme['summe'];
if ($auktionensumme == 0) {
$geldstring = $user_info_test2[geld];
$geldstring = $user_info_test2['geld'];
} else {
$geldstring = displayMoney($user_info_test['geld'] - $auktionensumme) . ' (' . $user_info_test2['geld'] . ')';

@ -6,9 +6,10 @@
* @license GNU General Public Licence
function createAbholcode($charid){
$code = mt_rand(0, 44*$charid);
$code = mt_random_wrapper(0, 44*$charid);
$code = md5($code.time());
mysql_query('DELETE from char_abholcodes where charid = '.$charid);
mysql_query('INSERT INTO char_abholcodes(charid, code) values('.$charid.', \''.$code.'\')');

@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ function getItemOptions($userid,$preselected){
$qry = mysql_query($query);
// Damit waeren alle noetigen Datenbankaufrufe erledigt!
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qry)){
if($row[id] == $preselected){
if($row['id'] == $preselected){
$result[$index++] = '<option value=\''.$row['id'].','.$row['tablename'].'\' selected>'.$row['name'].' | Anzahl:'.$row['anzahl'].'</option>';

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
function isSpammer($id){
$result = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query('SELECT TIMESTAMPDIFF(Second,max(bann_until),now()) as anzahl from spammer WHERE userid='.$id.' group by userid'));
if($result[anzahl] < 0){
if($result['anzahl'] < 0){
return true;
} else{
return false;

@ -250,9 +250,6 @@ function getPowerLevel($charid, $buffer_enabled = true){
return null;
// Uncomment for hp/mp in PL
// $hp = explode(",", $char[hp]);
// $mp = explode(",", $char[mp]);
// return $char['starke']+$char['verteidigung']+$char['speed']+$char['ausdauer']+$char['glueck']+ $hp[1]/10 + $mp[1]/5;
return $char['starke']+$char['verteidigung']+$char['speed']+$char['ausdauer']+$char['glueck'];
@ -265,9 +262,6 @@ function getPowerLevelWithBuffs($charid, $buffer_enabled = true){
$char_buffs = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query('SELECT sum(i.hp) as hp, sum( as mp, sum(i.starke) as starke, sum(i.verteidigung) as verteidigung, sum(i.speed) as speed FROM ware w LEFT JOIN item i ON( WHERE IN (' . $char['kampf_item'] . ')'));
// Uncomment for hp/mp in PL
// $hp = explode(",", $char[hp]);
// $mp = explode(",", $char[mp]);
// return $char_buffs['starke']+$char_buffs['verteidigung']+$char_buffs['speed']+$char_buffs['ausdauer']+$char_buffs['glueck'] + $char_buffs['hp']/10 + $char_buffs['mp']/5 +$char['starke']+$char['verteidigung']+$char['speed']+$char['ausdauer']+$char['glueck'] + $hp[1]/10 + $mp[1]/5;
return $char_buffs['starke']+$char_buffs['verteidigung']+$char_buffs['speed']+$char_buffs['ausdauer']+$char_buffs['glueck']+$char['starke']+$char['verteidigung']+$char['speed']+$char['ausdauer']+$char['glueck'];

@ -59,38 +59,13 @@ if(!checkCookiePassword($name, $passwort)){
$banned_accs = mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("SELECT id FROM user WHERE ip!='' AND ip='$user_ida[ip]' AND id!='$user_ida[id]' LIMIT 2"));
#$clan_nachricht = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT FROM clan_k_list i LEFT JOIN clan c ON( WHERE i.anzeige='1' AND (c.leader='$user_ida[id]' OR c.co_leader='$user_ida[id]') AND'$user_ida[clan]' LIMIT 1"));
if ($user_ida['id'] != null) {
$as = 'profil';
$pic_g31 = 75; ///////////Bild Groesse
$GLOBALS['user_array'] = $user_ida;
#if ($clan_nachricht['id']) {
# print " <script language='JavaScript'>
# <!--
# alert('Sie wurden zum Clankampf Herausgefordert.');
# //-->
# </script>";
# mysql_query("UPDATE clan_k_list SET anzeige='0' WHERE id='$clan_nachricht[id]' LIMIT 1");
/*if($user_ida[post]) {
$nachricht = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("SELECT count(id) as anzahl FROM nachricht WHERE aktiv='1' AND besitzer='$user_ida[id]' LIMIT 1"));
if($nachricht['anzahl'] > 0) {
print ' <script language="JavaScript"">
alert("Sie haben '.$nachricht['anzahl'].' neue Nachrichten erhalten");
mysql_query("UPDATE nachricht SET aktiv='0' WHERE besitzer='$user_ida[id]'");

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
// This file should not be read in a usual way!!
# Database api #
# connections = "conn1, conn2, conn3" #
[ Database ]
connections = "default"
# Database for connection default #
# class = "\my\namespace\ClassName" #
# ... the rest is specific #
[ Database.default ]
class = "\io\db\MySQLDatabase"
host = "localhost"
user = "user"
password = "pass"
schema = "schema"
prefix = ""
# Logging api #
# connections = "appender1, appender2 #
[ Logging ]
appenders = "appender1, appender2"
[ Logging.appender1 ]
class = "\io\log\FileAppender"
level = "INFO"
file.output = "/var/log/logging.log"
file.size = "5M"
[ Logging.appender1 ]
class = "\io\log\DatabaseAppender"
level = "INFO"
db.table = "logging"
db.connection = "default"
# there may be more to come

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
// This file should not be read in a usual way!!
echo 'do not open this file or the process will die';
# Database api #
# connections = "conn1, conn2, conn3" #
[ Database ]
connections = "default"
# Database for connection default #
# class = "\my\namespace\ClassName" #
# ... the rest is specific #
[ Database.default ]
class = "\io\db\MySQLDatabase"
host = "localhost"
user = "animegame"
password = "salut65++"
schema = "test_ag"
prefix = ""
# Logging api #
# connections = "appender1, appender2 #
[ Logging ]
appenders = "appender1, appender2"
[ Logging.appender1 ]
class = "\io\log\FileAppender"
level = "INFO"
file.output = "/var/log/logging.log"
file.size = "5M"
[ Logging.appender1 ]
class = "\io\log\DatabaseAppender"
level = "INFO"
db.table = "logging"
db.connection = "default"
# there may be more to come

@ -0,0 +1 @@
mv db_backup.ini.php db.ini.php

@ -179,8 +179,6 @@ function addExpToChar($char_id, $n_exp){
function addExpToArena($user_id, $n_exp){
// $sql = 'SELECT * from arena where besitzer = '.$user_id;
// $qry = mysql_query($sql);
$arena = getArena($user_id);
$arena_exp = explode(',', $arena['exp']);
$arena_exp[0] += $n_exp;
@ -194,7 +192,6 @@ function addExpToArena($user_id, $n_exp){
$arena_exp[1] = calculateRequiredExpArena($arena['level']);
if($lvls > 0){
// mysql_query("UPDATE arena SET exp='$ne_exp1,$new_exp', level='$level1', skill='$skill_points' WHERE besitzer='$user_ida[id]' LIMIT 1");
echo '<script language="JavaScript">alert(\'Arena ist um '.$lvls.' Level gestiegen!\');</script>';
mysql_query('Update arena set exp=\''.$arena_exp[0].','.$arena_exp[1].'\', level='.$arena['level'].', skill=skill+'.$lvls.' WHERE besitzer='.$user_id);
} else{

@ -37,9 +37,9 @@ function getTableOfContentsRec($number,$values,$pre,$app){
$string ='';
if($values['node']['header'] != null){
if($values['node']['parent'] == 0){
$string = preg_replace(array('/###ID###/','/###ROW###/'),array($values['node'][id], 'tr><td>&nbsp;</td></tr><th align="left" colspan="2"'),$pre).'Thema '.$number.' '.$values['node']['header'].$app;
$string = preg_replace(array('/###ID###/','/###ROW###/'),array($values['node']['id'], 'tr><td>&nbsp;</td></tr><th align="left" colspan="2"'),$pre).'Thema '.$number.' '.$values['node']['header'].$app;
} else{
$string = preg_replace(array('/###ID###/','/###ROW###/'),array($values['node'][id], 'td width="10">&nbsp</td><td'),$pre).$number.' '.$values['node']['header'].$app;
$string = preg_replace(array('/###ID###/','/###ROW###/'),array($values['node']['id'], 'td width="10">&nbsp</td><td'),$pre).$number.' '.$values['node']['header'].$app;
$keys = array_keys($values);
@ -61,10 +61,10 @@ function getTableOfContents($pre,$app){
function getContextRec($number, $values, $pre1, $pre2, $app1, $app2){
$string ='';
if($values['node']['header'] != null){
$string .= preg_replace('/###ID###/',$values['node'][id],$pre1).$number.' '.$values['node']['header'].$app1."\n";
$string .= preg_replace('/###ID###/',$values['node']['id'],$pre1).$number.' '.$values['node']['header'].$app1."\n";
if($values['node']['body'] != null){
$string .= preg_replace('/###ID###/',$values['node'][id],$pre2).preg_replace('#\n#','<br>',$values['node']['body']).$app2."\n";
$string .= preg_replace('/###ID###/',$values['node']['id'],$pre2).preg_replace('#\n#','<br>',$values['node']['body']).$app2."\n";
$keys = array_keys($values);
$i = 1;

@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
function hasToAuthenticate($user){
return $user['code'] <= 0;
@ -26,7 +27,7 @@ function hasDoneAction($user, $count = 1){
function resetUserCounter($user){
$char_count = count(getCharsOfUser($user['id']));
// pro Char werden dem User 6-8 Aktionen zugestanden
mysql_query('Update user set code = '.($char_count*mt_rand(6,8)).' where id = '.$user['id']);
mysql_query('Update user set code = '.($char_count*mt_random_wrapper(6,8)).' where id = '.$user['id']);
function checkImageCode($id, $compr_phrase, $user){
@ -56,8 +57,8 @@ function checkImageCode($id, $compr_phrase, $user){
function createImage($id, $user) {
$variants = array ('a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j','k','l','m','n','p','q','r','s','t','u','v','w','x','y','z', 'A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M','N','O','P','Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z');
// Variable Länge
for ($i = 0, $n = mt_rand(4, 6); $i < $n; $i++) {
$char = $variants[mt_rand(0, count($variants)-1)];
for ($i = 0, $n = mt_random_wrapper(4, 6); $i < $n; $i++) {
$char = $variants[mt_random_wrapper(0, count($variants)-1)];
$string .= $char . ' ';
$comp_str .= $char;
@ -72,7 +73,7 @@ function createImage($id, $user) {
function generateImageID(){
return $id = md5((mt_rand() * time()));
return $id = md5((mt_random_wrapper() * time()));
function displayImage($id, $user) {

@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ if($k_attacke1_2[$x]) {
if($new_tech1 == 1) {
$technick1 = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT at_id, aktiv FROM lernen WHERE id='$k_attacke1_2[$x]' LIMIT 10"));
$prozent_technik1 = (20*$technick1[aktiv])-20;
$prozent_technik1 = (20*$technick1['aktiv'])-20;
$technick1 = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM attacken WHERE id='$technick1[at_id]' LIMIT 10"));
@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ if($k_attacke2_2[$x]) {
if($new_tech2 == 1) {
$technick2 = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT at_id, aktiv FROM lernen WHERE id='$k_attacke2_2[$x]' LIMIT 10"));
$prozent_technik2 = (20*$technick2[aktiv])-20;
$prozent_technik2 = (20*$technick2['aktiv'])-20;
$technick2 = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM attacken WHERE id='$technick2[at_id]' LIMIT 10"));

@ -8,6 +8,9 @@
#####################################KAMPF SYSTEM
// $zufall_pl1 = Attacke p1
// $zufall_pl2 = Attacke p2
@ -17,11 +20,11 @@
// A1 (Attacke Spieler1) = 0.7 * S1 / SA + 0.3 * L1 / LA
// P2 (Parade Spieler2) = 0.6 * S2 / SA + 0.4 * L2 / LA
$lucka1 = mt_rand(0,$k_glueck[0]);
$luckp1 = mt_rand(0,$k_glueck[0]);
$lucka1 = mt_random_wrapper(0,$k_glueck[0]);
$luckp1 = mt_random_wrapper(0,$k_glueck[0]);
$lucka2 = mt_rand(0,$k_glueck[1]);
$luckp2 = mt_rand(0,$k_glueck[1]);
$lucka2 = mt_random_wrapper(0,$k_glueck[1]);
$luckp2 = mt_random_wrapper(0,$k_glueck[1]);
$speedsum = $speeds_char1 + $speeds_char2;
$lucksum1 = $lucka1 + $luckp2;

@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ if($technick1['type'] == 'frucht') {
$k_ausdauer[1] = $k_ausdauer[1] + $frucht_stats2['ausdauer'];
$k_starke[1] = $k_starke[1] + ($frucht_stats2['starke']*$technick2['starke']);
$k_speed[1] = $k_speed[1] + ($frucht_stats2['speed']*$technick2['speed']);
$k_ver[1] = $k_ver[1] + ($frucht_stats2[ver]*$technick2['verteidigung']);
$k_ver[1] = $k_ver[1] + ($frucht_stats2['ver']*$technick2['verteidigung']);
$k_glueck[1] = $k_glueck[1] + $frucht_stats2['glueck'];
$aktion_AV2[$x] = 'nein';

@ -9,12 +9,10 @@
####################KAMPF HPMP SPIELER 1
if($technick1['type'] == "hpmp") {
//$k_hp[0] = $k_hp[0] + (($k_hp1[1] / 100) * $technick1[hp]);
$tmp_hp[0] = (($k_hp1[1] / 100) * $technick1['hp']);
$tmp_hp[3] = true;
$k_mp[0] = $k_mp[0] + (($k_mp1[1] / 100) * $technick1['mp']);
//if($k_hp1[1] < $k_hp[0]) { $k_hp[0] = $k_hp1[1]; }
if($k_mp1[1] < $k_mp[0]) {
$k_mp[0] = $k_mp1[1];
@ -28,12 +26,11 @@ if($technick1['type'] == "hpmp") {
####################KAMPF HPMP SPIELER 2
if($technick2['type'] == "hpmp") {
//$k_hp[1] = $k_hp[1] + (($k_hp2[1] / 100) * $technick2[hp]);
$tmp_hp[1] = (($k_hp2[1] / 100) * $technick2['hp']);
$tmp_hp[2] = true;
$k_mp[1] = $k_mp[1] + (($k_mp2[1] / 100) * $technick2['mp']);
//if($k_hp2[1] < $k_hp[1]) { $k_hp[1] = $k_hp2[1]; }
if($k_mp2[1] < $k_mp[1]) {
$k_mp[1] = $k_mp2[1];

@ -19,9 +19,9 @@ if($technick1['type'] == 'kaioken') {
} else {
$schaden_1 = 'Kaioken';
$k_starke[0] = $k_starke[0] + $technick1[starke];
$k_speed[0] = $k_speed[0] + $technick1[speed];
$k_ver[0] = $k_ver[0] + $technick1[verteidigung];
$k_starke[0] = $k_starke[0] + $technick1['starke'];
$k_speed[0] = $k_speed[0] + $technick1['speed'];
$k_ver[0] = $k_ver[0] + $technick1['verteidigung'];
$aktion_AV1[$x] = 'nein';

@ -7,6 +7,8 @@
if($zufall_pl1 > $play2_ausweich) {
$alt_hp = $k_hp[1];
@ -19,7 +21,7 @@ if(!$aktion_AV1[$x]){
if($charsa1_4_def < 1) {
$charsa1_4_def = 1;
$charsa1_def = mt_rand($charsa1_4_def,$charsa1_def);
$charsa1_def = mt_random_wrapper($charsa1_4_def,$charsa1_def);
$charsa1_str = $k_starke[0]*1.2+$technick1['starke'];
$charsa1_4_str = ($k_starke[0]*1.2+$technick1['starke'])+1;
if($charsa1_str <= 2) {
@ -28,8 +30,8 @@ if(!$aktion_AV1[$x]){
if($charsa1_4_str < 1) {
$charsa1_4_str = 1;
$charsa1_str = mt_rand($charsa1_4_str,$charsa1_str);
$k_hp[1] = round(($k_hp[1] + $charsa1_def - $charsa1_str + mt_rand(1,20)));
$charsa1_str = mt_random_wrapper($charsa1_4_str, $charsa1_str);
$k_hp[1] = round(($k_hp[1] + $charsa1_def - $charsa1_str + mt_random_wrapper(1,20)));
$schaden_1 = $alt_hp - $k_hp[1];
if($alt_hp < $k_hp[1]) {
$k_hp[1] = $alt_hp;
@ -56,7 +58,7 @@ if(!$aktion_AV2[$x]) {
$charsa2_4_def = 1;
$charsa2_def = mt_rand($charsa2_4_def,$charsa2_def);
$charsa2_def = mt_random_wrapper($charsa2_4_def,$charsa2_def);
$charsa2_str = $k_starke[1]*1.2+$technick2['starke'];
$charsa2_4_str = ($k_starke[1] *1.2 +$technick2['starke']) +1;
@ -67,9 +69,9 @@ if(!$aktion_AV2[$x]) {
$charsa2_4_str = 1;
$charsa2_str = mt_rand($charsa2_4_str,$charsa2_str);
$charsa2_str = mt_random_wrapper($charsa2_4_str,$charsa2_str);
$k_hp[0] = round(($k_hp[0] + $charsa2_def - $charsa2_str + mt_rand(1,20)));
$k_hp[0] = round(($k_hp[0] + $charsa2_def - $charsa2_str + mt_random_wrapper(1,20)));
$schaden_2 = $alt_hp - $k_hp[0];
if($alt_hp < $k_hp[0]) {

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
* @license GNU General Public Licence
####################KAIOKEN-LOSE SPIELER 1
@ -14,7 +15,7 @@ if($technick1['type'] == 'lose2') {
$schaden_1 = 'Schw&auml;chen fehlgeschlagen';
$k_mp[0] = 0;
} else {
if($technick1['starke'] >= mt_rand(1,100)) {
if($technick1['starke'] >= mt_random_wrapper(1,100)) {
$schaden_1 = 'Schw&auml;chen';
$k_mp[1] -= $k_mp2[1] * ($technick1['speed'] / 100);
if($k_mp[1] < 0) {
@ -35,7 +36,7 @@ if($technick2['type'] == 'lose2') {
$k_mp[1] = 0;
} else {
if($technick2['starke'] >= mt_rand(1,100)) {
if($technick2['starke'] >= mt_random_wrapper(1,100)) {
$schaden_2 = 'Schw&auml;chen';
$k_mp[0] -= $k_mp1[1] * ($technick2['speed'] / 100);
if($k_mp[0] < 0) {

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
* @license GNU General Public Licence
if (!function_exists('getKTChance')) {
@ -35,10 +36,10 @@ if (!function_exists('getKTChance')) {
################### Spieler 1
$char1_luck = mt_rand(0, $k_glueck[0]);
$char2_luck = mt_rand(0, $k_glueck[1]);
$char1_luck = mt_random_wrapper(0, $k_glueck[0]);
$char2_luck = mt_random_wrapper(0, $k_glueck[1]);
$chance = round(getKTChance($char1_luck, $char2_luck));
$random = mt_rand(0,100);
$random = mt_random_wrapper(0,100);
if ($technick1['type'] == 'tausch') {
if ($k_mp[0] >= $technick1['mp']) {
@ -87,10 +88,10 @@ if ($technick1['type'] == 'tausch') {
################### Spieler 2
$char1_luck = mt_rand(0, $k_glueck[0]);
$char2_luck = mt_rand(0, $k_glueck[1]);
$char1_luck = mt_random_wrapper(0, $k_glueck[0]);
$char2_luck = mt_random_wrapper(0, $k_glueck[1]);
$chance = round(getKTChance($char2_luck, $char1_luck));
$random = mt_rand(0,100);
$random = mt_random_wrapper(0,100);
if ($technick2['type'] == 'tausch') {
if ($k_mp[1] >= $technick2['mp']) {

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
################### Spieler 1
if ($technick1['type'] == 'tausch2') {
$k_mp[0] = $k_mp[0] - $technick1['mp'];
@ -29,7 +30,7 @@ if ($technick1['type'] == 'tausch2') {
if ($speeds_char1_4 < 1) {
$speeds_char1_4 = 1;
$speeds_char1 = mt_rand($speeds_char1_4, $speeds_char1);
$speeds_char1 = mt_random_wrapper($speeds_char1_4, $speeds_char1);
} else {
@ -64,7 +65,7 @@ if ($technick2['type'] == 'tausch2') {
if ($speeds_char2_4 < 1) {
$speeds_char2_4 = 1;
$speeds_char2 = mt_rand($speeds_char2_4, $speeds_char2);
$speeds_char2 = mt_random_wrapper($speeds_char2_4, $speeds_char2);
} else {
$k_mp[1] = 0;

@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
function displayCharTable($charbild, $charname, $starke, $ver, $speed, $ausdauer, $glueck = -1, $hp_akt, $hp_max, $mp_akt, $mp_max ){
@ -276,7 +277,7 @@ function displaySchatzSuche($char){
} else{
$final_result = 'lost';
$lose_rate = mt_rand(25,60)/100;
$lose_rate = mt_random_wrapper(25,60)/100;
$row['exp'] = round($row['exp'] * $lose_rate);
$row['geld'] = round ( $row ['geld'] * $lose_rate );
for($i = 0;$i< count($row_r); $i++){

@ -163,8 +163,8 @@ function calculateFight(array $char1, array $char2) {
///////////////////Hier laedt er den RELOAD der technik wenn die zusammen setzung nicht stimmen sollte
include (ROOT_PATH . '/include/kampf/andere_technik.php'); /////////////////// Wenn man ne andere technik sich aussuchen will...
$speeds_char1 = ($k_speed[0] + $technick1[speed]);
$speeds_char2 = ($k_speed[1] + $technick2[speed]);
$speeds_char1 = ($k_speed[0] + $technick1['speed']);
$speeds_char2 = ($k_speed[1] + $technick2['speed']);
$aussetzten_runde = '';
@ -215,10 +215,6 @@ function calculateFight(array $char1, array $char2) {
#####################################KAMPF SYSTEM
include (ROOT_PATH . '/include/kampf/kampf_rechnung.php');
// $db_query = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM kampf WHERE (char1='$chara_1[id]' OR char1='$chara_2[id]') AND dauer='0' order by id DESC LIMIT 1"));
// mysql_query("UPDATE kampf SET hp1='$db_query[hp1],$k_hp7[0]', hp2='$db_query[hp2],$k_hp7[1]', mp1='$db_query[mp1],$k_mp7[0]', mp2='$db_query[mp2],$k_mp7[1]', schaden1='$db_query[schaden1],$schaden_1', schaden2='$db_query[schaden2],$schaden_2', attacke1='$db_query[attacke1],$technick1[name]', attacke2='$db_query[attacke2],$technick2[name]', starke1='$db_query[starke1],$k_starke[0]', starke2='$db_query[starke2],$k_starke[1]', ver1='$db_query[ver1],$k_ver[0]', ver2='$db_query[ver2],$k_ver[1]', speed1='$db_query[speed1],$k_speed[0]', speed2='$db_query[speed2],$k_speed[1]', ausdauer1='$db_query[ausdauer1],$k_ausdauer[0]', ausdauer2='$db_query[ausdauer2],$k_ausdauer[1]', glueck1='$db_query[glueck1],$k_glueck[0]', glueck2='$db_query[glueck2],$k_glueck[1]' WHERE id='$db_query[id]'");
// stupid, i know .... but what else should i do if i don't want to rewrite it all -.-
// maybe you should have set a reference to the variable? :P (radi)

@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ include_once(ROOT_PATH.'/include/');
function sendMessage($von, $besitzer, $betreff, $text){
// $betreff = $betreff;
@ -116,7 +117,7 @@ function insertUserTickerMessage($userid, $message, $offset = 0){
} else{
$timestamp = '\''.date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time() + $offset * 60).'\'';
for($msgid = 0; $msgid < 100000; $msgid += mt_rand(1,1000)){
for($msgid = 0; $msgid < 100000; $msgid += mt_random_wrapper(1,1000)){
$sql = 'INSERT INTO user_ticker(userid, date, msgid, text) values('.$userid.', '.$timestamp.', '.$msgid.', \''.$message.'\')';
if(mysql_affected_rows() == 1){
@ -133,7 +134,7 @@ function insertClanTickerMessage($clanid, $message, $offset = 0){
} else{
$timestamp = '\''.date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time() + $offset * 60).'\'';
for($msgid = 0; $msgid < 100000; $msgid += mt_rand(1,1000)){
for($msgid = 0; $msgid < 100000; $msgid += mt_random_wrapper(1,1000)){
$sql = 'INSERT INTO clan_ticker(clanid, date, msgid, text) values('.$clanid.', now(), '.$msgid.', \''.$message.'\')';
if(mysql_affected_rows() == 1){

@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ function getUmfragen($entries, $page){
function getUmfragenCount(){
$temp = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query('SELECT count(*) as anzahl FROM poll'));
return $temp[anzahl];
return $temp['anzahl'];
function getComments($pollid, $entries, $page){
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ function getComments($pollid, $entries, $page){
function getCommentCount($pollid){
$temp = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query('Select count(*) as anzahl from poll_votes where comment != \'\' and pollid= '.$pollid));
return $temp[anzahl];
return $temp['anzahl'];
function getPollResult($pollid){
@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ function getPollResult($pollid){
$qry = mysql_query($sql);
// echo '<br>'.$sql.'<br>';
while($result = mysql_fetch_assoc($qry)){
$returnArray[$result[polloptionid]] = $result[anzahl];
$returnArray[$result['polloptionid']] = $result['anzahl'];
return $returnArray;

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
* Created on 01.09.2015
* @copyright (c) 2009
* @license GNU General Public Licence
* As mt_random does not accept $max < $min this wrapper ensures that this is still possible
* for the legacy code
function mt_random_wrapper($min, $max) {
if ($max < $min) {
return mt_rand ( $max, $min );
return mt_rand ( $min, $max );

@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ include_once(ROOT_PATH.'/include/');
function interruptSchatzSuche($charid){
@ -52,10 +53,10 @@ function getMonster($char_level, $city_id, $min, $max){
if($max == 0){
return NULL;
$sight = mt_rand($min,$max);
$sight = mt_random_wrapper($min,$max);
$all_monster = array();
$index = mt_rand(0, $gesamtguete-1);
$index = mt_random_wrapper(0, $gesamtguete-1);
if($monster[$t] !== NULL){
$index -= $monster[$t]['guete'];
@ -261,7 +262,6 @@ function monsterfight_neu($chara_1, $fight_monster, $std, $ort){
#####################################KAMPF SYSTEM
include (ROOT_PATH . '/include/kampf/kampf_rechnung.php');
// schaden1='$db_query[schaden1],$schaden_1', schaden2='$db_query[schaden2],$schaden_2', attacke1='$db_query[attacke1],$technick1[name]', attacke2='$db_query[attacke2],$technick2[name]'
$sql = 'Insert into quest_rounds(charid, fightnr, roundnr, c_attack, c_dmg, m_attack, m_dmg, c_st, c_sp, c_ver, c_hp, c_mp, c_aus, c_gl, m_st, m_sp, m_ver, m_hp, m_mp, m_aus, m_gl) values(' .
$chara_1['id'].', '.$i . ','.$x.',\''.$technick1['name'].'\',\''.$schaden_1.'\',\''.$technick2['name'].'\',\''.$schaden_2.'\','.
@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ function monsterfight_neu($chara_1, $fight_monster, $std, $ort){
// Just wait (so users can not determinate the success of the SS by calculation time)
usleep(mt_rand(200000,500000)); // sleep 0.2-0.5 sec/monster
usleep(mt_random_wrapper(200000,500000)); // sleep 0.2-0.5 sec/monster

@ -10,29 +10,29 @@ include_once (ROOT_PATH.'/include/');
function renderSchnellleiste($user){
$Schnell_my_chars = getCharsOfUser($user[id]);
$Schnell_my_chars = getCharsOfUser($user['id']);
$char_zahl = 0;
while($my_charz = mysql_fetch_assoc($Schnell_my_chars)) {
$POWERLEVEL5 = $my_charz[starke]+$my_charz[verteidigung]+$my_charz[speed]+$my_charz[ausdauer]+$my_charz[glueck];
$POWERLEVEL5 = $my_charz['starke']+$my_charz['verteidigung']+$my_charz['speed']+$my_charz['ausdauer']+$my_charz['glueck'];
$CHARAKTER_NAME[] = "Charakter:<br>".$my_charz[name]."";
$CHARAKTER_LERNPUNKTE[] = "Lernp.: <a href=index.php?as=lernpunkte&char_id=$my_charz[id]>".$my_charz[lernpunkte]."</a>";
if($user[schnelllink] == 1) {
$CHARAKTER_LERNPUNKTE[] = "Lernp.: <a href=index.php?as=lernpunkte&char_id=$my_charz[id]>".$my_charz['lernpunkte']."</a>";
if($user['schnelllink'] == 1) {
$CHARAKTER_VERWALTUNG[] = "Level: $my_charz[level]";
$CHARAKTER_SCHATZ[] = "Trainingsp.: $my_charz[training_points]";
if($user[schnelllink] == 2) {
if($user['schnelllink'] == 2) {
$CHARAKTER_VERWALTUNG[] = "Verwaltung: <a href=index.php?as=char_profil&char_id=$my_charz[id]>Hier</a>";
$CHARAKTER_TRAINING[] = "Training: <a href=index.php?as=training&char_id=$my_charz[id]>Hier</a>";
$CHARAKTER_SCHATZ[] = "Schatzsuche: <a href=schatz.php?char_id=$my_charz[id]>Hier</a>";
if($my_charz[status] != "Frei") {
$CHARAKTER_STATUS[] = "<a href=\"index.php?as=abholen&ab=".$my_charz[status]."&char_id=$my_charz[id]\">".$my_charz[status]."</a>";
if($my_charz['status'] != "Frei") {
$CHARAKTER_STATUS[] = "<a href=\"index.php?as=abholen&ab=".$my_charz[status]."&char_id=$my_charz[id]\">".$my_charz['status']."</a>";
} else {

@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ function getRelevantMoney($userid) {
$auktionensumme = $auktionensumme['summe'];
if ($auktionensumme == 0) {
$money = $user[geld];
$money = $user['geld'];
} else {
$money = $user['geld'] - $auktionensumme;

@ -324,18 +324,12 @@ if (top != self)
if($as != "irc" AND $as != "login" AND $as != "anmeldung" AND $as != "info/logs" AND $as != "info/agb" AND $as != "pw" AND $as != "aktiv" AND $as != 'impressum' AND $as != 'support' AND $POLOE == 1) {
echo "Passwort falsch oder Account nicht aktiviert!";
} else {
//if($banned_accs > 0) {
//echo "<p align=Center>Sie Sind mit Doppel Account drin sollten sie mit ihren Bruder Spielen bitte eine E-mail an mit Namen beider Charakter";
if($user_ida['bann'] == "ja") {
echo "<p align=Center>BANN melden sie sich beim Administrator";
//if($_GET[agb]) { mysql_query("UPDATE user SET agb='ja' WHERE id='$user_ida[id]' LIMIT 1"); echo "Ok sie koennen jetzt weiter Spielen"; exit; }
if($user_ida['agb'] == "nein" && $as != "info/agb") {
if($agb == 'ok'){
mysql_query("UPDATE user SET agb='ja' WHERE id='$user_ida[id]' LIMIT 1");

@ -43,12 +43,12 @@ function display1($char_id){
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%" height="100">
<th valign="middle" align="center"><?php echo $char_a[name]; ?></th>
<th valign="middle" align="center"><?php echo $char_a['name']; ?></th>
<td height="25"></td>
<td valign="middle" align="center">
<img border="1" src="<?php echo $char_a[bild]; ?>" width="75" height="75">
<img border="1" src="<?php echo $char_a['bild']; ?>" width="75" height="75">
<th height="90" valign="middle" align="center">
<a href="index.php?as=wanted&charm=1&char_id=<?php echo $char_id; ?>">Dead List</a>
@ -56,26 +56,26 @@ function display1($char_id){
<th valign="center" align="center">Siege</th>
<td height="25">&nbsp;<?php echo $char_a[siege]; ?></td>
<td height="25">&nbsp;<?php echo $char_a['siege']; ?></td>
<th valign="center" align="center">Liga Siege</th>
<td height="25">&nbsp;<?php echo $char_a[liga_siege]; ?></td>
<td height="25">&nbsp;<?php echo $char_a['liga_siege']; ?></td>
<th width="142" valign="center" align="center">Niederlagen</td>
<td height="25" width="429">&nbsp;<?php echo $char_a[niederlagen]; ?></td>
<td height="25" width="429">&nbsp;<?php echo $char_a['niederlagen']; ?></td>
<th width="142" valign="center" align="center">Liga Niederlagen</th>
<td height="25" width="429">&nbsp;<?php echo $char_a[liga_niederlagen]; ?></td>
<td height="25" width="429">&nbsp;<?php echo $char_a['liga_niederlagen']; ?></td>
<th width="142" valign="center" align="center">Rasse</th>
<td height="25" width="429">&nbsp;<?php echo $char_a[rasse]; ?></td>
<td height="25" width="429">&nbsp;<?php echo $char_a['rasse']; ?></td>
if($char_a[fusion] == "ja") {
if($char_a['fusion'] == "ja") {
<th width="192" height="25" align="center">Fusion Rasse</th>
@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ function display1($char_id){
// Erstmal deaktivieren
if($char_a[type] == "Onepiece" && $char_a['frucht'] != NULL && false) {
if($char_a['type'] == "Onepiece" && $char_a['frucht'] != NULL && false) {
<th width="192" height="25" align="center">Teufels Frucht</th>
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ function display1($char_id){
<th width="142" valign="center" align="center">Level</th>
<td height="25" width="429">&nbsp;<?php echo $char_a[level]; ?></td>
<td height="25" width="429">&nbsp;<?php echo $char_a['level']; ?></td>
@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ function display2($user_id, $userage, $user_ida){
<td valign="top" height="25" width="195" align="center"><b>Homepage</b></td>
<td valign="top" height="25" width="191">
&nbsp;<?php echo $user_a[homepage]; ?></td>
&nbsp;<?php echo $user_a['homepage']; ?></td>
<th valign="top" height="25" width="195" align="center">Clan</th>
@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ function display2($user_id, $userage, $user_ida){
<td valign="top" height="25" width="195" align="center"><b>Geschlecht</b></td>
<td valign="top" height="25" width="191">
&nbsp;<?php echo $user_a[geschlecht]; ?></td>
&nbsp;<?php echo $user_a['geschlecht']; ?></td>
@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ foreach($chars as $row){
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center"><a href="index.php?as=nachricht&charm=1&besitzer=<?php echo $user_a[nickname]; ?>">Nachricht schreiben</a></td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center"><a href="index.php?as=nachricht&charm=1&besitzer=<?php echo $user_a['nickname']; ?>">Nachricht schreiben</a></td></tr>

@ -457,7 +457,7 @@ if ($p) {
if (empty($at_z)) {
$at_z = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT id FROM attacken WHERE name LIKE '%".trim($search)."%' LIMIT 1"));
} else {
$linkz = 'p=1&search='.trim($search).'&seiten='.$seiten.'&order_art='.$order_art.'&last_klick1='.$last_klick1.'';

@ -17,60 +17,60 @@ $item_info = mysql_Fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM item WHERE id='$item_i
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse: collapse" bordercolor="#111111" width="100%" height="25">
<td width="504" height="25" colspan="2">
<p align="center"><b><?php echo $item_info[name]; ?></b></td>
<p align="center"><b><?php echo $item_info['name']; ?></b></td>
<td width="158" height="25">
<p align="center"><b>Name</b></td>
<td width="340" height="25">&nbsp;<?php echo $item_info[name]; ?></td>
<td width="340" height="25">&nbsp;<?php echo $item_info['name']; ?></td>
<td width="158" height="25">
<p align="center"><b>St&auml;rke</b></td>
<td width="340" height="25">&nbsp;<?php echo $item_info[starke]; ?></td>
<td width="340" height="25">&nbsp;<?php echo $item_info['starke']; ?></td>
<td width="158" height="25">
<p align="center"><b>Verteidigung</b></td>
<td width="340" height="25">&nbsp;<?php echo $item_info[verteidigung]; ?></td>
<td width="340" height="25">&nbsp;<?php echo $item_info['verteidigung']; ?></td>
<td width="158" height="25">
<p align="center"><b>Geschwindigkeit</b></td>
<td width="340" height="25">&nbsp;<?php echo $item_info[speed]; ?></td>
<td width="340" height="25">&nbsp;<?php echo $item_info['speed']; ?></td>
<td width="158" height="25">
<p align="center"><b>HP</b></td>
<td width="340" height="25">&nbsp;<?php echo $item_info[hp]; ?></td>
<td width="340" height="25">&nbsp;<?php echo $item_info['hp']; ?></td>
<td width="158" height="25">
<p align="center"><b>MP</b></td>
<td width="340" height="25">&nbsp;<?php echo $item_info[mp]; ?></td>
<td width="340" height="25">&nbsp;<?php echo $item_info['mp']; ?></td>
<td width="158" height="25">
<p align="center"><b>Level</b></td>
<td width="340" height="25">&nbsp;<?php echo $item_info[level]; ?></td>
<td width="340" height="25">&nbsp;<?php echo $item_info['level']; ?></td>
<td width="158" height="25">
<p align="center"><b>Geld</b></td>
<td width="340" height="25">&nbsp;<?php echo $item_info[geld]; ?></td>
<td width="340" height="25">&nbsp;<?php echo $item_info['geld']; ?></td>
<td width="158" height="25">
<p align="center"><b>Type</b></td>
<td width="340" height="25">&nbsp;<?php echo $item_info[type]; ?></td>
<td width="340" height="25">&nbsp;<?php echo $item_info['type']; ?></td>
<td width="158" height="25">
<p align="center"><b>Info</b></td>
<td width="340" height="25">&nbsp;<?php echo $item_info[info]; ?></td>
<td width="340" height="25">&nbsp;<?php echo $item_info['info']; ?></td>
$rassen_1 = explode(",", $item_info[rassen]);
$rassen_1 = explode(",", $item_info['rassen']);
$runde = 0;
while($runde < count($rassen_1)){

@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ if ($charm == 1) {
displayErrorMessage(NULL,'Dieser Charakter geh&ouml;rt nicht dir!', displayHistoryBackLink());
if ($item_info3['type'] != "$char_id1[type]" AND $item_info3['type'] != "ALL") {
if ($item_info3['type'] != $char_id1['type'] AND $item_info3['type'] != 'ALL') {
displayErrorMessage(NULL,'Dein Charakter kann dieses Item nicht benutzen!', displayHistoryBackLink());
@ -358,7 +358,7 @@ $item1 = mysql_query("SELECT item_id, id, ru_mal FROM ware WHERE user='$user[id]
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($item2)) {
$item_name = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query('SELECT hp, mp, name, type, s_type, id FROM item WHERE id='.$row['item_id']));
if ($item_name[s_type] == "Trank") {
if ($item_name['s_type'] == "Trank") {
echo '<option value="'.$row['id'].'">'.$item_name['name'].' ('.$row['anzahl'].' mal)';

@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ include_once (ROOT_PATH . '/include/');
include_once (ROOT_PATH . '/include/');
include_once (ROOT_PATH . '/include/');
include_once (ROOT_PATH . '/include/');
$k_exp[0] = "";
$X23 = "";
@ -20,72 +21,72 @@ if (!$chara_1['id'] OR !$chara_2['id']) {
################## Kaempfer 1
$char1_quis_item = explode(",", $chara_1[kampf_item]);
$char1_quis_item = explode(",", $chara_1['kampf_item']);
$char1_item_helm = mysql_Fetch_Array(mysql_query("SELECT i.hp,, i.starke, i.verteidigung, i.speed FROM ware w LEFT JOIN item i ON( WHERE'$char1_quis_item[0]' LIMIT 1"));
$char1_item_rustung = mysql_Fetch_Array(mysql_query("SELECT i.hp,, i.starke, i.verteidigung, i.speed FROM ware w LEFT JOIN item i ON( WHERE'$char1_quis_item[1]' LIMIT 1"));
$char1_item_schild = mysql_Fetch_Array(mysql_query("SELECT i.hp,, i.starke, i.verteidigung, i.speed FROM ware w LEFT JOIN item i ON( WHERE'$char1_quis_item[2]' LIMIT 1"));
$char1_item_schwert = mysql_Fetch_Array(mysql_query("SELECT i.hp,, i.starke, i.verteidigung, i.speed FROM ware w LEFT JOIN item i ON( WHERE'$char1_quis_item[3]' LIMIT 1"));
$char1_item_schuhe = mysql_Fetch_Array(mysql_query("SELECT i.hp,, i.starke, i.verteidigung, i.speed FROM ware w LEFT JOIN item i ON( WHERE'$char1_quis_item[4]' LIMIT 1"));
$k_hp1 = explode(",", $chara_1[hp]);
$k_mp1 = explode(",", $chara_1[mp]);
$k_hp1 = explode(",", $chara_1['hp']);
$k_mp1 = explode(",", $chara_1['mp']);
$k_starke[0] = $chara_1[starke] + $char1_item_helm[starke] + $char1_item_rustung[starke] + $char1_item_schild[starke] + $char1_item_schwert[starke] + $char1_item_schuhe[starke];
$k_speed[0] = $chara_1[speed] + $char1_item_helm[speed] + $char1_item_rustung[speed] + $char1_item_schild[speed] + $char1_item_schwert[speed] + $char1_item_schuhe[speed];
$k_ver[0] = $chara_1[verteidigung] + $char1_item_helm[verteidigung] + $char1_item_rustung[verteidigung] + $char1_item_schild[verteidigung] + $char1_item_schwert[verteidigung] + $char1_item_schuhe[verteidigung];
$k_hp1[0] += $char1_item_helm[hp] + $char1_item_rustung[hp] + $char1_item_schild[hp] + $char1_item_schwert[hp] + $char1_item_schuhe[hp];
$k_hp1[1] += $char1_item_helm[hp] + $char1_item_rustung[hp] + $char1_item_schild[hp] + $char1_item_schwert[hp] + $char1_item_schuhe[hp];
$k_mp1[0] += $char1_item_helm[mp] + $char1_item_rustung[mp] + $char1_item_schild[mp] + $char1_item_schwert[mp] + $char1_item_schuhe[mp];
$k_mp1[1] += $char1_item_helm[mp] + $char1_item_rustung[mp] + $char1_item_schild[mp] + $char1_item_schwert[mp] + $char1_item_schuhe[mp];
$k_starke[0] = $chara_1['starke'] + $char1_item_helm['starke'] + $char1_item_rustung['starke'] + $char1_item_schild['starke'] + $char1_item_schwert['starke'] + $char1_item_schuhe['starke'];
$k_speed[0] = $chara_1['speed'] + $char1_item_helm['speed'] + $char1_item_rustung['speed'] + $char1_item_schild['speed'] + $char1_item_schwert['speed'] + $char1_item_schuhe['speed'];
$k_ver[0] = $chara_1['verteidigung'] + $char1_item_helm['verteidigung'] + $char1_item_rustung['verteidigung'] + $char1_item_schild['verteidigung'] + $char1_item_schwert['verteidigung'] + $char1_item_schuhe['verteidigung'];
$k_hp1[0] += $char1_item_helm['hp'] + $char1_item_rustung['hp'] + $char1_item_schild['hp'] + $char1_item_schwert['hp'] + $char1_item_schuhe['hp'];
$k_hp1[1] += $char1_item_helm['hp'] + $char1_item_rustung['hp'] + $char1_item_schild['hp'] + $char1_item_schwert['hp'] + $char1_item_schuhe['hp'];
$k_mp1[0] += $char1_item_helm['mp'] + $char1_item_rustung['mp'] + $char1_item_schild['mp'] + $char1_item_schwert['mp'] + $char1_item_schuhe['mp'];
$k_mp1[1] += $char1_item_helm['mp'] + $char1_item_rustung['mp'] + $char1_item_schild['mp'] + $char1_item_schwert['mp'] + $char1_item_schuhe['mp'];
$k_ausdauer[0] = $chara_1[ausdauer];
$k_glueck[0] = $chara_1[glueck];
$k_ausdauer[0] = $chara_1['ausdauer'];
$k_glueck[0] = $chara_1['glueck'];
$k_attacke1 = explode(",", $chara_1[attacken]);
$k_select1_1 = explode(",", $chara_1[auswahl1]);
$k_select1_2 = explode(",", $chara_1[auswahl2]);
$k_select1_3 = explode(",", $chara_1[auswahl3]);
$k_attacke1_2 = explode(",", $chara_1[attacken2]);
$k_attacke1 = explode(",", $chara_1['attacken']);
$k_select1_1 = explode(",", $chara_1['auswahl1']);
$k_select1_2 = explode(",", $chara_1['auswahl2']);
$k_select1_3 = explode(",", $chara_1['auswahl3']);
$k_attacke1_2 = explode(",", $chara_1['attacken2']);
$k_hp[0] = round($k_hp1[0]);
$k_mp[0] = round($k_mp1[0]);
$k_aufgabe_a_1 = $k_hp1[1] / 100;
$k_aufgabe[0] = $k_aufgabe_a_1 * $chara_1[aufgeben];
$k_aufgabe[0] = $k_aufgabe_a_1 * $chara_1['aufgeben'];
################## Kaempfer 2
$char2_quis_item = explode(",", $chara_2[kampf_item]);
$char2_quis_item = explode(",", $chara_2['kampf_item']);
$char2_item_helm = mysql_Fetch_Array(mysql_query("SELECT i.hp,, i.starke, i.verteidigung, i.speed FROM ware w LEFT JOIN item i ON( WHERE'$char2_quis_item[0]' LIMIT 1"));
$char2_item_rustung = mysql_Fetch_Array(mysql_query("SELECT i.hp,, i.starke, i.verteidigung, i.speed FROM ware w LEFT JOIN item i ON( WHERE'$char2_quis_item[1]' LIMIT 1"));
$char2_item_schild = mysql_Fetch_Array(mysql_query("SELECT i.hp,, i.starke, i.verteidigung, i.speed FROM ware w LEFT JOIN item i ON( WHERE'$char2_quis_item[2]' LIMIT 1"));
$char2_item_schwert = mysql_Fetch_Array(mysql_query("SELECT i.hp,, i.starke, i.verteidigung, i.speed FROM ware w LEFT JOIN item i ON( WHERE'$char2_quis_item[3]' LIMIT 1"));
$char2_item_schuhe = mysql_Fetch_Array(mysql_query("SELECT i.hp,, i.starke, i.verteidigung, i.speed FROM ware w LEFT JOIN item i ON( WHERE'$char2_quis_item[4]' LIMIT 1"));
$k_hp2 = explode(",", $chara_2[hp]);
$k_mp2 = explode(",", $chara_2[mp]);
$k_hp2 = explode(",", $chara_2['hp']);
$k_mp2 = explode(",", $chara_2['mp']);
$k_starke[1] = $chara_2[starke] + $char2_item_helm[starke] + $char2_item_rustung[starke] + $char2_item_schild[starke] + $char2_item_schwert[starke] + $char2_item_schuhe[starke];
$k_speed[1] = $chara_2[speed] + $char2_item_helm[speed] + $char2_item_rustung[speed] + $char2_item_schild[speed] + $char2_item_schwert[speed] + $char2_item_schuhe[speed];
$k_ver[1] = $chara_2[verteidigung] + $char2_item_helm[verteidigung] + $char2_item_rustung[verteidigung] + $char2_item_schild[verteidigung] + $char2_item_schwert[verteidigung] + $char2_item_schuhe[verteidigung];
$k_hp2[0] += $char2_item_helm[hp] + $char2_item_rustung[hp] + $char2_item_schild[hp] + $char2_item_schwert[hp] + $char2_item_schuhe[hp];
$k_hp2[1] += $char2_item_helm[hp] + $char2_item_rustung[hp] + $char2_item_schild[hp] + $char2_item_schwert[hp] + $char2_item_schuhe[hp];
$k_mp2[0] += $char2_item_helm[mp] + $char2_item_rustung[mp] + $char2_item_schild[mp] + $char2_item_schwert[mp] + $char2_item_schuhe[mp];
$k_mp2[1] += $char2_item_helm[mp] + $char2_item_rustung[mp] + $char2_item_schild[mp] + $char2_item_schwert[mp] + $char2_item_schuhe[mp];
$k_starke[1] = $chara_2['starke'] + $char2_item_helm['starke'] + $char2_item_rustung['starke'] + $char2_item_schild['starke'] + $char2_item_schwert['starke'] + $char2_item_schuhe['starke'];
$k_speed[1] = $chara_2['speed'] + $char2_item_helm['speed'] + $char2_item_rustung['speed'] + $char2_item_schild['speed'] + $char2_item_schwert['speed'] + $char2_item_schuhe['speed'];
$k_ver[1] = $chara_2['verteidigung'] + $char2_item_helm['verteidigung'] + $char2_item_rustung['verteidigung'] + $char2_item_schild['verteidigung'] + $char2_item_schwert['verteidigung'] + $char2_item_schuhe['verteidigung'];
$k_hp2[0] += $char2_item_helm['hp'] + $char2_item_rustung['hp'] + $char2_item_schild['hp'] + $char2_item_schwert['hp'] + $char2_item_schuhe['hp'];
$k_hp2[1] += $char2_item_helm['hp'] + $char2_item_rustung['hp'] + $char2_item_schild['hp'] + $char2_item_schwert['hp'] + $char2_item_schuhe['hp'];
$k_mp2[0] += $char2_item_helm['mp'] + $char2_item_rustung['mp'] + $char2_item_schild['mp'] + $char2_item_schwert['mp'] + $char2_item_schuhe['mp'];
$k_mp2[1] += $char2_item_helm['mp'] + $char2_item_rustung['mp'] + $char2_item_schild['mp'] + $char2_item_schwert['mp'] + $char2_item_schuhe['mp'];
$k_ausdauer[1] = $chara_2[ausdauer];
$k_glueck[1] = $chara_2[glueck];
$k_ausdauer[1] = $chara_2['ausdauer'];
$k_glueck[1] = $chara_2['glueck'];
$k_attacke2 = explode(",", $chara_2[attacken]);
$k_select2_1 = explode(",", $chara_2[auswahl1]);
$k_select2_2 = explode(",", $chara_2[auswahl2]);
$k_select2_3 = explode(",", $chara_2[auswahl3]);
$k_attacke2_2 = explode(",", $chara_2[attacken2]);
$k_attacke2 = explode(",", $chara_2['attacken']);
$k_select2_1 = explode(",", $chara_2['auswahl1']);
$k_select2_2 = explode(",", $chara_2['auswahl2']);
$k_select2_3 = explode(",", $chara_2['auswahl3']);
$k_attacke2_2 = explode(",", $chara_2['attacken2']);
$k_hp[1] = round($k_hp2[0]);
$k_mp[1] = round($k_mp2[0]);
$k_aufgabe_a_2 = $k_hp2[1] / 100;
$k_aufgabe[1] = $k_aufgabe_a_2 * $chara_2[aufgeben];
$k_aufgabe[1] = $k_aufgabe_a_2 * $chara_2['aufgeben'];
$runden_type1 = 0;
$runden_type2 = 0;
@ -131,11 +132,11 @@ $GLOBALS['kampf']['aussetzen'] = &$aussetzten_runde;
while ($k_hp[0] > $k_aufgabe[0] AND $k_hp[1] > $k_aufgabe[1] AND $x < 10) {
$technick1 = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT at_id, aktiv FROM lernen WHERE id='$k_attacke1[$x]' LIMIT 10"));
$prozent_technik1 = (20 * $technick1[aktiv]) - 20;
$prozent_technik1 = (20 * $technick1['aktiv']) - 20;
$technick1 = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM attacken WHERE id='$technick1[at_id]' LIMIT 10"));
$technick2 = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT at_id, aktiv FROM lernen WHERE id='$k_attacke2[$x]' LIMIT 10"));
$prozent_technik2 = (20 * $technick2[aktiv]) - 20;
$prozent_technik2 = (20 * $technick2['aktiv']) - 20;
$technick2 = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM attacken WHERE id='$technick2[at_id]' LIMIT 10"));
///////////////////Hier laedt er den RELOAD der technik wenn die zusammen setzung nicht stimmen sollte
@ -147,15 +148,15 @@ while ($k_hp[0] > $k_aufgabe[0] AND $k_hp[1] > $k_aufgabe[1] AND $x < 10) {
$technick1['verteidigung'] = $technick1['verteidigung'] + (($technick1['verteidigung'] / 100) * $prozent_technik1);
$technick2['verteidigung'] = $technick2['verteidigung'] + (($technick2['verteidigung'] / 100) * $prozent_technik2);
$technick1[starke] = $technick1[starke] + (($technick1[starke] / 100) * $prozent_technik1);
$technick2[starke] = $technick2[starke] + (($technick2[starke] / 100) * $prozent_technik2);
$technick1['starke'] = $technick1['starke'] + (($technick1['starke'] / 100) * $prozent_technik1);
$technick2['starke'] = $technick2['starke'] + (($technick2['starke'] / 100) * $prozent_technik2);
$speeds_char1 = ($k_speed[0] + $technick1[speed]);
$speeds_char2 = ($k_speed[1] + $technick2[speed]);
$speeds_char1 = ($k_speed[0] + $technick1['speed']);
$speeds_char2 = ($k_speed[1] + $technick2['speed']);
// Speedbug
// $speeds_char1_4 = ($k_speed[0] + $technick1[speed]) / 1.5;
// $speeds_char2_4 = ($k_speed[1] + $technick2[speed]) / 1.5;
// $speeds_char1_4 = ($k_speed[0] + $technick1['speed']) / 1.5;
// $speeds_char2_4 = ($k_speed[1] + $technick2['speed']) / 1.5;
// if ($speeds_char1_4 < 1) {
// $speeds_char1_4 = 1;
@ -164,8 +165,8 @@ while ($k_hp[0] > $k_aufgabe[0] AND $k_hp[1] > $k_aufgabe[1] AND $x < 10) {
// $speeds_char2_4 = 1;
// }
// $speed_char1 = mt_rand($speeds_char1_4, $speeds_char1);
// $speed_char2 = mt_rand($speeds_char2_4, $speeds_char2);
// $speed_char1 = mt_random_wrapper($speeds_char1_4, $speeds_char1);
// $speed_char2 = mt_random_wrapper($speeds_char2_4, $speeds_char2);
$aussetzten_runde = "";
@ -268,11 +269,11 @@ while ($s < 2) {
$k_exp[0] = (getPowerLevelWithBuffs($chara_1['id']) + getPowerLevelWithBuffs($chara_2['id'])) * 2.2 * $exp001;
// $k_geld[0] = ((($chara_1[starke] + $chara_1[verteidigung] + $chara_1[speed] + $chara_1[ausdauer] + $chara_1[glueck] + $chara_2[starke] + $chara_2[verteidigung] + $chara_2[speed] + $chara_2[ausdauer] + $chara_2[glueck]) / 2)) * $exp001;
// $k_geld[0] = ((($chara_1['starke'] + $chara_1['verteidigung'] + $chara_1['speed'] + $chara_1['ausdauer'] + $chara_1['glueck'] + $chara_2['starke'] + $chara_2['verteidigung'] + $chara_2['speed'] + $chara_2['ausdauer'] + $chara_2['glueck']) / 2)) * $exp001;
$k_exp[1] = (getPowerLevelWithBuffs($chara_1['id']) + getPowerLevelWithBuffs($chara_2['id'])) * $exp001;
// $k_geld[1] = ((((($chara_1[starke] + $chara_1[verteidigung] + $chara_1[speed] + $chara_1[ausdauer] + $chara_1[glueck] + $chara_2[starke] + $chara_2[verteidigung] + $chara_2[speed] + $chara_2[ausdauer] + $chara_2[glueck]) / 2)) / 2)) * $exp001;
// $k_geld[1] = ((((($chara_1['starke'] + $chara_1['verteidigung'] + $chara_1['speed'] + $chara_1['ausdauer'] + $chara_1['glueck'] + $chara_2['starke'] + $chara_2['verteidigung'] + $chara_2['speed'] + $chara_2['ausdauer'] + $chara_2['glueck']) / 2)) / 2)) * $exp001;
$sieger = $chara_1['name'];
$verlierer = $chara_2['name'];
@ -289,11 +290,11 @@ while ($s < 2) {
$k_exp[1] = (getPowerLevelWithBuffs($chara_1['id']) + getPowerLevelWithBuffs($chara_2['id'])) * 2.2 * $exp001;
// $k_geld[1] = ((($chara_1[starke] + $chara_1[verteidigung] + $chara_1[speed] + $chara_1[ausdauer] + $chara_1[glueck] + $chara_2[starke] + $chara_2[verteidigung] + $chara_2[speed] + $chara_2[ausdauer] + $chara_2[glueck]) / 2)) * $exp001;
// $k_geld[1] = ((($chara_1['starke'] + $chara_1['verteidigung'] + $chara_1['speed'] + $chara_1['ausdauer'] + $chara_1['glueck'] + $chara_2['starke'] + $chara_2['verteidigung'] + $chara_2['speed'] + $chara_2['ausdauer'] + $chara_2['glueck']) / 2)) * $exp001;
$k_exp[0] = (getPowerLevelWithBuffs($chara_1['id']) + getPowerLevelWithBuffs($chara_2['id'])) * $exp001;
// $k_geld[0] = ((((($chara_1[starke] + $chara_1[verteidigung] + $chara_1[speed] + $chara_1[ausdauer] + $chara_1[glueck] + $chara_2[starke] + $chara_2[verteidigung] + $chara_2[speed] + $chara_2[ausdauer] + $chara_2[glueck]) / 2)) / 2)) * $exp001;
// $k_geld[0] = ((((($chara_1['starke'] + $chara_1['verteidigung'] + $chara_1['speed'] + $chara_1['ausdauer'] + $chara_1['glueck'] + $chara_2['starke'] + $chara_2['verteidigung'] + $chara_2['speed'] + $chara_2['ausdauer'] + $chara_2['glueck']) / 2)) / 2)) * $exp001;
@ -331,9 +332,9 @@ mysql_query('Update arena set einnahmen = einnahmen + '.$k_geld[1].' WHERE besit
$arena_geld = 0;
$dauer_Z = time() + ($kampf_info[zeit_rec]);
$dauer_Z = time() + ($kampf_info['zeit_rec']);
$arena_exp_new = round(50 * ($chara_1[level] + $chara_2[level]) * ($exp001 / 3));
$arena_exp_new = round(50 * ($chara_1['level'] + $chara_2['level']) * ($exp001 / 3));
mysql_query("UPDATE kampf SET preis='$nw_preis', art='$kampf_info[art]', art2='$kampf_info[rasse]', exp1='$k_exp[0]', arena_name = '$arena_data[id]', win='$sieger', lose='$verlierer', exp2='$k_exp[1]', geld1='$k_geld[0]', geld2='$k_geld[1]', loge='$arena[loge]' , sitz='$arena[sitz]', steh='$arena[steh]', db_satz='$chara_1[id]', dauer='$dauer_Z', arena_exp=$arena_exp_new, loge = $arena_data[loge], sitz = $arena_data[sitz], steh = $arena_data[steh] , arena_geld = $arena_geld WHERE id='$db_query[id]'");

@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ if ($kampf1['id']) {
###################################################CHARAKTER WIN
if ($kampf1['win'] == "$my_charakter[name]") {
if ($kampf1['win'] == $my_charakter['name']) {
$new_siege = $my_charakter['siege'] + 1;
////////NPC item verteilung
@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ if ($kampf1['id']) {
mysql_query("INSERT $item[datensatz] SET $satz='$item[item]', user='$user_ida[id]'");
if (!$ut) {
$itemname = $item[item];
$itemname = $item['item'];
} else {
$itemname .= ',' . $item['item'];
@ -221,17 +221,17 @@ if ($kampf1['id']) {
} else {
###################################################CHARAKTER LOSE
$new_niederlagen = $my_charakter[niederlagen] + 1;
$new_niederlagen = $my_charakter['niederlagen'] + 1;
if ($kampf1[art] == "Liga Kampf") {
$new_liga_niederlagen = $my_charakter[liga_niederlagen] + 1;
$new_liga_niederlagen = $my_charakter['liga_niederlagen'] + 1;
} else {
$new_liga_niederlagen = $my_charakter[liga_niederlagen];
$new_liga_niederlagen = $my_charakter['liga_niederlagen'];
if ($kampf1[art2] == "Todes Kampf") {
if ($kampf1['art2'] == "Todes Kampf") {
print " <script language='JavaScript'>
alert('$my_charakter[name] Ist in diesen Kampf gestorben und K&auml;mpft bleibt bis 0Uhr in Reich der Toten');
@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ if ($kampf1['id']) {
$new_dead_list = "$my_charakter[dead_list]";
$new_preis = $my_charakter[preis];
$new_preis = $my_charakter['preis'];

@ -19,72 +19,72 @@ if (!$chara_1['id'] OR !$chara_2['id']) {
################## Kaempfer 1
$char1_quis_item = explode(",", $chara_1[kampf_item]);
$char1_quis_item = explode(",", $chara_1['kampf_item']);
$char1_item_helm = mysql_Fetch_Array(mysql_query("SELECT i.hp,, i.starke, i.verteidigung, i.speed FROM ware w LEFT JOIN item i ON( WHERE'$char1_quis_item[0]' LIMIT 1"));
$char1_item_rustung = mysql_Fetch_Array(mysql_query("SELECT i.hp,, i.starke, i.verteidigung, i.speed FROM ware w LEFT JOIN item i ON( WHERE'$char1_quis_item[1]' LIMIT 1"));
$char1_item_schild = mysql_Fetch_Array(mysql_query("SELECT i.hp,, i.starke, i.verteidigung, i.speed FROM ware w LEFT JOIN item i ON( WHERE'$char1_quis_item[2]' LIMIT 1"));
$char1_item_schwert = mysql_Fetch_Array(mysql_query("SELECT i.hp,, i.starke, i.verteidigung, i.speed FROM ware w LEFT JOIN item i ON( WHERE'$char1_quis_item[3]' LIMIT 1"));
$char1_item_schuhe = mysql_Fetch_Array(mysql_query("SELECT i.hp,, i.starke, i.verteidigung, i.speed FROM ware w LEFT JOIN item i ON( WHERE'$char1_quis_item[4]' LIMIT 1"));
$k_hp1 = explode(",", $chara_1[hp]);
$k_mp1 = explode(",", $chara_1[mp]);
$k_hp1 = explode(",", $chara_1['hp']);
$k_mp1 = explode(",", $chara_1['mp']);
$k_starke[0] = $chara_1[starke] + $char1_item_helm[starke] + $char1_item_rustung[starke] + $char1_item_schild[starke] + $char1_item_schwert[starke] + $char1_item_schuhe[starke];
$k_speed[0] = $chara_1[speed] + $char1_item_helm[speed] + $char1_item_rustung[speed] + $char1_item_schild[speed] + $char1_item_schwert[speed] + $char1_item_schuhe[speed];
$k_ver[0] = $chara_1[verteidigung] + $char1_item_helm[verteidigung] + $char1_item_rustung[verteidigung] + $char1_item_schild[verteidigung] + $char1_item_schwert[verteidigung] + $char1_item_schuhe[verteidigung];
$k_hp1[0] += $char1_item_helm[hp] + $char1_item_rustung[hp] + $char1_item_schild[hp] + $char1_item_schwert[hp] + $char1_item_schuhe[hp];
$k_hp1[1] += $char1_item_helm[hp] + $char1_item_rustung[hp] + $char1_item_schild[hp] + $char1_item_schwert[hp] + $char1_item_schuhe[hp];
$k_mp1[0] += $char1_item_helm[mp] + $char1_item_rustung[mp] + $char1_item_schild[mp] + $char1_item_schwert[mp] + $char1_item_schuhe[mp];
$k_mp1[1] += $char1_item_helm[mp] + $char1_item_rustung[mp] + $char1_item_schild[mp] + $char1_item_schwert[mp] + $char1_item_schuhe[mp];
$k_starke[0] = $chara_1['starke'] + $char1_item_helm['starke'] + $char1_item_rustung['starke'] + $char1_item_schild['starke'] + $char1_item_schwert['starke'] + $char1_item_schuhe['starke'];
$k_speed[0] = $chara_1['speed'] + $char1_item_helm['speed'] + $char1_item_rustung['speed'] + $char1_item_schild['speed'] + $char1_item_schwert['speed'] + $char1_item_schuhe['speed'];
$k_ver[0] = $chara_1['verteidigung'] + $char1_item_helm['verteidigung'] + $char1_item_rustung['verteidigung'] + $char1_item_schild['verteidigung'] + $char1_item_schwert['verteidigung'] + $char1_item_schuhe['verteidigung'];
$k_hp1[0] += $char1_item_helm['hp'] + $char1_item_rustung['hp'] + $char1_item_schild['hp'] + $char1_item_schwert['hp'] + $char1_item_schuhe['hp'];
$k_hp1[1] += $char1_item_helm['hp'] + $char1_item_rustung['hp'] + $char1_item_schild['hp'] + $char1_item_schwert['hp'] + $char1_item_schuhe['hp'];
$k_mp1[0] += $char1_item_helm['mp'] + $char1_item_rustung['mp'] + $char1_item_schild['mp'] + $char1_item_schwert['mp'] + $char1_item_schuhe['mp'];
$k_mp1[1] += $char1_item_helm['mp'] + $char1_item_rustung['mp'] + $char1_item_schild['mp'] + $char1_item_schwert['mp'] + $char1_item_schuhe['mp'];
$k_ausdauer[0] = $chara_1[ausdauer];
$k_glueck[0] = $chara_1[glueck];
$k_ausdauer[0] = $chara_1['ausdauer'];
$k_glueck[0] = $chara_1['glueck'];
$k_attacke1 = explode(",", $chara_1[attacken]);
$k_select1_1 = explode(",", $chara_1[auswahl1]);
$k_select1_2 = explode(",", $chara_1[auswahl2]);
$k_select1_3 = explode(",", $chara_1[auswahl3]);
$k_attacke1_2 = explode(",", $chara_1[attacken2]);
$k_attacke1 = explode(",", $chara_1['attacken']);
$k_select1_1 = explode(",", $chara_1['auswahl1']);
$k_select1_2 = explode(",", $chara_1['auswahl2']);
$k_select1_3 = explode(",", $chara_1['auswahl3']);
$k_attacke1_2 = explode(",", $chara_1['attacken2']);
$k_hp[0] = round($k_hp1[0]);
$k_mp[0] = round($k_mp1[0]);
$k_aufgabe_a_1 = $k_hp1[1] / 100;
$k_aufgabe[0] = $k_aufgabe_a_1 * $chara_1[aufgeben];
$k_aufgabe[0] = $k_aufgabe_a_1 * $chara_1['aufgeben'];
################## Kaempfer 2
$char2_quis_item = explode(",", $chara_2[kampf_item]);
$char2_quis_item = explode(",", $chara_2['kampf_item']);
$char2_item_helm = mysql_Fetch_Array(mysql_query("SELECT i.hp,, i.starke, i.verteidigung, i.speed FROM ware w LEFT JOIN item i ON( WHERE'$char2_quis_item[0]' LIMIT 1"));
$char2_item_rustung = mysql_Fetch_Array(mysql_query("SELECT i.hp,, i.starke, i.verteidigung, i.speed FROM ware w LEFT JOIN item i ON( WHERE'$char2_quis_item[1]' LIMIT 1"));
$char2_item_schild = mysql_Fetch_Array(mysql_query("SELECT i.hp,, i.starke, i.verteidigung, i.speed FROM ware w LEFT JOIN item i ON( WHERE'$char2_quis_item[2]' LIMIT 1"));
$char2_item_schwert = mysql_Fetch_Array(mysql_query("SELECT i.hp,, i.starke, i.verteidigung, i.speed FROM ware w LEFT JOIN item i ON( WHERE'$char2_quis_item[3]' LIMIT 1"));
$char2_item_schuhe = mysql_Fetch_Array(mysql_query("SELECT i.hp,, i.starke, i.verteidigung, i.speed FROM ware w LEFT JOIN item i ON( WHERE'$char2_quis_item[4]' LIMIT 1"));
$k_hp2 = explode(",", $chara_2[hp]);
$k_mp2 = explode(",", $chara_2[mp]);
$k_hp2 = explode(",", $chara_2['hp']);
$k_mp2 = explode(",", $chara_2['mp']);
$k_starke[1] = $chara_2[starke] + $char2_item_helm[starke] + $char2_item_rustung[starke] + $char2_item_schild[starke] + $char2_item_schwert[starke] + $char2_item_schuhe[starke];
$k_speed[1] = $chara_2[speed] + $char2_item_helm[speed] + $char2_item_rustung[speed] + $char2_item_schild[speed] + $char2_item_schwert[speed] + $char2_item_schuhe[speed];
$k_ver[1] = $chara_2[verteidigung] + $char2_item_helm[verteidigung] + $char2_item_rustung[verteidigung] + $char2_item_schild[verteidigung] + $char2_item_schwert[verteidigung] + $char2_item_schuhe[verteidigung];
$k_hp2[0] += $char2_item_helm[hp] + $char2_item_rustung[hp] + $char2_item_schild[hp] + $char2_item_schwert[hp] + $char2_item_schuhe[hp];
$k_hp2[1] += $char2_item_helm[hp] + $char2_item_rustung[hp] + $char2_item_schild[hp] + $char2_item_schwert[hp] + $char2_item_schuhe[hp];
$k_mp2[0] += $char2_item_helm[mp] + $char2_item_rustung[mp] + $char2_item_schild[mp] + $char2_item_schwert[mp] + $char2_item_schuhe[mp];
$k_mp2[1] += $char2_item_helm[mp] + $char2_item_rustung[mp] + $char2_item_schild[mp] + $char2_item_schwert[mp] + $char2_item_schuhe[mp];
$k_starke[1] = $chara_2['starke'] + $char2_item_helm['starke'] + $char2_item_rustung['starke'] + $char2_item_schild['starke'] + $char2_item_schwert['starke'] + $char2_item_schuhe['starke'];
$k_speed[1] = $chara_2['speed'] + $char2_item_helm['speed'] + $char2_item_rustung['speed'] + $char2_item_schild['speed'] + $char2_item_schwert['speed'] + $char2_item_schuhe['speed'];
$k_ver[1] = $chara_2['verteidigung'] + $char2_item_helm['verteidigung'] + $char2_item_rustung['verteidigung'] + $char2_item_schild['verteidigung'] + $char2_item_schwert['verteidigung'] + $char2_item_schuhe['verteidigung'];
$k_hp2[0] += $char2_item_helm['hp'] + $char2_item_rustung['hp'] + $char2_item_schild['hp'] + $char2_item_schwert['hp'] + $char2_item_schuhe['hp'];
$k_hp2[1] += $char2_item_helm['hp'] + $char2_item_rustung['hp'] + $char2_item_schild['hp'] + $char2_item_schwert['hp'] + $char2_item_schuhe['hp'];
$k_mp2[0] += $char2_item_helm['mp'] + $char2_item_rustung['mp'] + $char2_item_schild['mp'] + $char2_item_schwert['mp'] + $char2_item_schuhe['mp'];
$k_mp2[1] += $char2_item_helm['mp'] + $char2_item_rustung['mp'] + $char2_item_schild['mp'] + $char2_item_schwert['mp'] + $char2_item_schuhe['mp'];
$k_ausdauer[1] = $chara_2[ausdauer];
$k_glueck[1] = $chara_2[glueck];
$k_ausdauer[1] = $chara_2['ausdauer'];
$k_glueck[1] = $chara_2['glueck'];
$k_attacke2 = explode(",", $chara_2[attacken]);
$k_select2_1 = explode(",", $chara_2[auswahl1]);
$k_select2_2 = explode(",", $chara_2[auswahl2]);
$k_select2_3 = explode(",", $chara_2[auswahl3]);
$k_attacke2_2 = explode(",", $chara_2[attacken2]);
$k_attacke2 = explode(",", $chara_2['attacken']);
$k_select2_1 = explode(",", $chara_2['auswahl1']);
$k_select2_2 = explode(",", $chara_2['auswahl2']);
$k_select2_3 = explode(",", $chara_2['auswahl3']);
$k_attacke2_2 = explode(",", $chara_2['attacken2']);
$k_hp[1] = round($k_hp2[0]);
$k_mp[1] = round($k_mp2[0]);
$k_aufgabe_a_2 = $k_hp2[1] / 100;
$k_aufgabe[1] = $k_aufgabe_a_2 * $chara_2[aufgeben];
$k_aufgabe[1] = $k_aufgabe_a_2 * $chara_2['aufgeben'];
$runden_type1 = 0;
$runden_type2 = 0;
@ -130,41 +130,27 @@ if ($k_hp[0] > $k_aufgabe[0] AND $k_hp[1] > $k_aufgabe[1] AND $x < 10) {
while ($k_hp[0] > $k_aufgabe[0] AND $k_hp[1] > $k_aufgabe[1] AND $x < 10) {
$technick1 = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT at_id, aktiv FROM lernen WHERE id='$k_attacke1[$x]' LIMIT 10"));
$prozent_technik1 = (20 * $technick1[aktiv]) - 20;
$prozent_technik1 = (20 * $technick1['aktiv']) - 20;
$technick1 = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM attacken WHERE id='$technick1[at_id]' LIMIT 10"));
$technick2 = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT at_id, aktiv FROM lernen WHERE id='$k_attacke2[$x]' LIMIT 10"));
$prozent_technik2 = (20 * $technick2[aktiv]) - 20;
$prozent_technik2 = (20 * $technick2['aktiv']) - 20;
$technick2 = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM attacken WHERE id='$technick2[at_id]' LIMIT 10"));
///////////////////Hier laedt er den RELOAD der technik wenn die zusammen setzung nicht stimmen sollte
include (ROOT_PATH . '//include/kampf/andere_technik.php'); /////////////////// Wenn man ne andere technik sich aussuchen will...
$technick1[speed] = $technick1[speed] + (($technick1[speed] / 100) * $prozent_technik1);
$technick2[speed] = $technick2[speed] + (($technick2[speed] / 100) * $prozent_technik2);
$technick1['speed'] = $technick1['speed'] + (($technick1['speed'] / 100) * $prozent_technik1);
$technick2['speed'] = $technick2['speed'] + (($technick2['speed'] / 100) * $prozent_technik2);
$technick1[verteidigung] = $technick1[verteidigung] + (($technick1[verteidigung] / 100) * $prozent_technik1);
$technick2[verteidigung] = $technick2[verteidigung] + (($technick2[verteidigung] / 100) * $prozent_technik2);
$technick1['verteidigung'] = $technick1['verteidigung'] + (($technick1['verteidigung'] / 100) * $prozent_technik1);
$technick2['verteidigung'] = $technick2['verteidigung'] + (($technick2['verteidigung'] / 100) * $prozent_technik2);
$technick1[starke] = $technick1[starke] + (($technick1[starke] / 100) * $prozent_technik1);
$technick2[starke] = $technick2[starke] + (($technick2[starke] / 100) * $prozent_technik2);
$technick1['starke'] = $technick1['starke'] + (($technick1['starke'] / 100) * $prozent_technik1);
$technick2['starke'] = $technick2['starke'] + (($technick2['starke'] / 100) * $prozent_technik2);
$speeds_char1 = ($k_speed[0] + $technick1[speed]);
$speeds_char2 = ($k_speed[1] + $technick2[speed]);
// Speedbug
// $speeds_char1_4 = ($k_speed[0] + $technick1[speed]) / 1.5;
// $speeds_char2_4 = ($k_speed[1] + $technick2[speed]) / 1.5;
// if ($speeds_char1_4 < 1) {
// $speeds_char1_4 = 1;
// }
// if ($speeds_char2_4 < 1) {
// $speeds_char2_4 = 1;
// }
// $speed_char1 = mt_rand($speeds_char1_4, $speeds_char1);
// $speed_char2 = mt_rand($speeds_char2_4, $speeds_char2);
$speeds_char1 = ($k_speed[0] + $technick1['speed']);
$speeds_char2 = ($k_speed[1] + $technick2['speed']);
$aussetzten_runde = ""; ////// MUSS SO BLEIBEN WICHTIG
##################################MP, SSJ Verwandlungen, HP, Koerper Tausch Technicken
@ -206,7 +192,6 @@ while ($k_hp[0] > $k_aufgabe[0] AND $k_hp[1] > $k_aufgabe[1] AND $x < 10) {
#####################################KAMPF SYSTEM
include (ROOT_PATH . '//include/kampf/kampf_rechnung.php');
#$db_query = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM clan_fights WHERE (char1='$chara_1[id]' OR char1='$chara_2[id]') AND dauer='0' order by id DESC LIMIT 1"));
$db_query = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM clan_fights WHERE (char1='$chara_1[id]' OR char1='$chara_2[id]') order by id DESC LIMIT 1"));
mysql_query("UPDATE clan_fights SET hp1='$db_query[hp1],$k_hp7[0]', hp2='$db_query[hp2],$k_hp7[1]', mp1='$db_query[mp1],$k_mp7[0]', mp2='$db_query[mp2],$k_mp7[1]', schaden1='$db_query[schaden1],$schaden_1', schaden2='$db_query[schaden2],$schaden_2', attacke1='$db_query[attacke1],$technick1[name]', attacke2='$db_query[attacke2],$technick2[name]', starke1='$db_query[starke1],$k_starke[0]', starke2='$db_query[starke2],$k_starke[1]', ver1='$db_query[ver1],$k_ver[0]', ver2='$db_query[ver2],$k_ver[1]', speed1='$db_query[speed1],$k_speed[0]', speed2='$db_query[speed2],$k_speed[1]', ausdauer1='$db_query[ausdauer1],$k_ausdauer[0]', ausdauer2='$db_query[ausdauer2],$k_ausdauer[1]' WHERE id='$db_query[id]'");

@ -50,8 +50,8 @@ while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($last_fight)) {
<p align="center">
<font face="Verdana" size="2">
<img border="0" src="<?php echo $char1[bild]; ?>" width="75" height="75"><strong><br>
<?php echo $char1[name]; ?></strong></font></td>
<img border="0" src="<?php echo $char1['bild']; ?>" width="75" height="75"><strong><br>
<?php echo $char1['name']; ?></strong></font></td>
<td width="101" height="92">
<p align="center">
@ -62,8 +62,8 @@ while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($last_fight)) {
<p align="center">
<font face="Verdana" size="2" >
<img border="0" src="<?php echo $char2[bild]; ?>" width="75" height="75"><strong><br>
<?php echo $char2[name]; ?></strong></font></td>
<img border="0" src="<?php echo $char2['bild']; ?>" width="75" height="75"><strong><br>
<?php echo $char2['name']; ?></strong></font></td>

@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ if(!$spleoic) { $spleoic = "top_kampf";
} else {
echo "<p align=center>$back<br>&nbsp;<br>";
$kampf1 = mysql_Fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM $spleoic WHERE id='$kampf_id' LIMIT 1"));
if(($kampf_id * 300) + $kampf1[dauer] > time()) {
if(($kampf_id * 300) + $kampf1['dauer'] > time()) {
echo "Fehler Sie k&ouml;nnen diesen Kampf nicht anschauen bevor er vorbei ist";
@ -42,31 +42,31 @@ if($kampf1['dauer'] > time()) {
$starke1 = explode(",", $kampf1[starke1]);
$starke2 = explode(",", $kampf1[starke2]);
$ver1 = explode(",", $kampf1[ver1]);
$ver2 = explode(",", $kampf1[ver2]);
$speed1 = explode(",", $kampf1[speed1]);
$speed2 = explode(",", $kampf1[speed2]);
$ausdauer1 = explode(",", $kampf1[ausdauer1]);
$ausdauer2 = explode(",", $kampf1[ausdauer2]);
$starke1 = explode(",", $kampf1['starke1']);
$starke2 = explode(",", $kampf1['starke2']);
$ver1 = explode(",", $kampf1['ver1']);
$ver2 = explode(",", $kampf1['ver2']);
$speed1 = explode(",", $kampf1['speed1']);
$speed2 = explode(",", $kampf1['speed2']);
$ausdauer1 = explode(",", $kampf1['ausdauer1']);
$ausdauer2 = explode(",", $kampf1['ausdauer2']);
$glueck1 = explode(',', $kampf1['glueck1']);
$glueck2 = explode(',', $kampf1['glueck2']);
$schaden1 = explode(",", $kampf1[schaden1]);
$schaden2 = explode(",", $kampf1[schaden2]);
$attacke1 = explode(",", $kampf1[attacke1]);
$attacke2 = explode(",", $kampf1[attacke2]);
$schaden1 = explode(",", $kampf1['schaden1']);
$schaden2 = explode(",", $kampf1['schaden2']);
$attacke1 = explode(",", $kampf1['attacke1']);
$attacke2 = explode(",", $kampf1['attacke2']);
$hp1 = explode(",", $kampf1[hp1]);
$hp2 = explode(",", $kampf1[hp2]);
$mp1 = explode(",", $kampf1[mp1]);
$mp2 = explode(",", $kampf1[mp2]);
$hp1 = explode(",", $kampf1['hp1']);
$hp2 = explode(",", $kampf1['hp2']);
$mp1 = explode(",", $kampf1['mp1']);
$mp2 = explode(",", $kampf1['mp2']);
$a_hp1 = explode(",", $char_1[hp]);
$a_hp2 = explode(",", $char_2[hp]);
$a_mp1 = explode(",", $char_1[mp]);
$a_mp2 = explode(",", $char_2[mp]);
$a_hp1 = explode(",", $char_1['hp']);
$a_hp2 = explode(",", $char_2['hp']);
$a_mp1 = explode(",", $char_1['mp']);
$a_mp2 = explode(",", $char_2['mp']);
$runde = 1;

@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ $turnier_uids = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT id FROM $spleoic WHERE art
if((($kampf_id-$turnier_uids[id]+1) * 300) + $kampf1[dauer] > time()) {
if((($kampf_id-$turnier_uids['id']+1) * 300) + $kampf1['dauer'] > time()) {
echo "Fehler Sie k&ouml;nnen diesen Kampf nicht anschauen bevor er vorbei ist";
@ -46,31 +46,31 @@ $char_2 = $char2;
$arena = mysql_Fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT name, besitzer FROM arena WHERE id='$kampf1[arena_name]' LIMIT 1"));
$starke1 = explode(",", $kampf1[starke1]);
$starke2 = explode(",", $kampf1[starke2]);
$ver1 = explode(",", $kampf1[ver1]);
$ver2 = explode(",", $kampf1[ver2]);
$speed1 = explode(",", $kampf1[speed1]);
$speed2 = explode(",", $kampf1[speed2]);
$ausdauer1 = explode(",", $kampf1[ausdauer1]);
$ausdauer2 = explode(",", $kampf1[ausdauer2]);
$starke1 = explode(",", $kampf1['starke1']);
$starke2 = explode(",", $kampf1['starke2']);
$ver1 = explode(",", $kampf1['ver1']);
$ver2 = explode(",", $kampf1['ver2']);
$speed1 = explode(",", $kampf1['speed1']);
$speed2 = explode(",", $kampf1['speed2']);
$ausdauer1 = explode(",", $kampf1['ausdauer1']);
$ausdauer2 = explode(",", $kampf1['ausdauer2']);
$glueck1 = explode(',', $kampf1['glueck1']);
$glueck2 = explode(',', $kampf1['glueck2']);
$schaden1 = explode(",", $kampf1[schaden1]);
$schaden2 = explode(",", $kampf1[schaden2]);
$attacke1 = explode(",", $kampf1[attacke1]);
$attacke2 = explode(",", $kampf1[attacke2]);
$schaden1 = explode(",", $kampf1['schaden1']);
$schaden2 = explode(",", $kampf1['schaden2']);
$attacke1 = explode(",", $kampf1['attacke1']);
$attacke2 = explode(",", $kampf1['attacke2']);
$hp1 = explode(",", $kampf1[hp1]);
$hp2 = explode(",", $kampf1[hp2]);
$mp1 = explode(",", $kampf1[mp1]);
$mp2 = explode(",", $kampf1[mp2]);
$hp1 = explode(",", $kampf1['hp1']);
$hp2 = explode(",", $kampf1['hp2']);
$mp1 = explode(",", $kampf1['mp1']);
$mp2 = explode(",", $kampf1['mp2']);
$a_hp1 = explode(",", $char_1[hp]);
$a_hp2 = explode(",", $char_2[hp]);
$a_mp1 = explode(",", $char_1[mp]);
$a_mp2 = explode(",", $char_2[mp]);
$a_hp1 = explode(",", $char_1['hp']);
$a_hp2 = explode(",", $char_2['hp']);
$a_mp1 = explode(",", $char_1['mp']);
$a_mp2 = explode(",", $char_2['mp']);
$runde = 1;

@ -43,29 +43,29 @@ if($kampf1['dauer'] > time()) {
$starke1 = explode(",", $kampf1[starke1]);
$starke2 = explode(",", $kampf1[starke2]);
$ver1 = explode(",", $kampf1[ver1]);
$ver2 = explode(",", $kampf1[ver2]);
$speed1 = explode(",", $kampf1[speed1]);
$speed2 = explode(",", $kampf1[speed2]);
$ausdauer1 = explode(",", $kampf1[ausdauer1]);
$ausdauer2 = explode(",", $kampf1[ausdauer2]);
$starke1 = explode(",", $kampf1['starke1']);
$starke2 = explode(",", $kampf1['starke2']);
$ver1 = explode(",", $kampf1['ver1']);
$ver2 = explode(",", $kampf1['ver2']);
$speed1 = explode(",", $kampf1['speed1']);
$speed2 = explode(",", $kampf1['speed2']);
$ausdauer1 = explode(",", $kampf1['ausdauer1']);
$ausdauer2 = explode(",", $kampf1['ausdauer2']);
$schaden1 = explode(",", $kampf1[schaden1]);
$schaden2 = explode(",", $kampf1[schaden2]);
$attacke1 = explode(",", $kampf1[attacke1]);
$attacke2 = explode(",", $kampf1[attacke2]);
$schaden1 = explode(",", $kampf1['schaden1']);
$schaden2 = explode(",", $kampf1['schaden2']);
$attacke1 = explode(",", $kampf1['attacke1']);
$attacke2 = explode(",", $kampf1['attacke2']);
$hp1 = explode(",", $kampf1[hp1]);
$hp2 = explode(",", $kampf1[hp2]);
$mp1 = explode(",", $kampf1[mp1]);
$mp2 = explode(",", $kampf1[mp2]);
$hp1 = explode(",", $kampf1['hp1']);
$hp2 = explode(",", $kampf1['hp2']);
$mp1 = explode(",", $kampf1['mp1']);
$mp2 = explode(",", $kampf1['mp2']);
$a_hp1 = explode(",", $char_1[hp]);
$a_hp2 = explode(",", $char_2[hp]);
$a_mp1 = explode(",", $char_1[mp]);
$a_mp2 = explode(",", $char_2[mp]);
$a_hp1 = explode(",", $char_1['hp']);
$a_hp2 = explode(",", $char_2['hp']);
$a_mp1 = explode(",", $char_1['mp']);
$a_mp2 = explode(",", $char_2['mp']);
$runde = 1;

@ -156,34 +156,34 @@ function stopp()
<table width="100%" border="0">
<td width="160">Restliche Lernpunkte</td>
<td width="236"><input id="input" name="ges_lern" type="text" value="<?php echo $char[lernpunkte]; ?>" size="2" readonly></td>
<td width="236"><input id="input" name="ges_lern" type="text" value="<?php echo $char['lernpunkte']; ?>" size="2" readonly></td>
<td>St&auml;rke <?php echo $char[starke]; ?></td>
<td>St&auml;rke <?php echo $char['starke']; ?></td>
<td><input id="input" name="staerke" type="text" value=0 size="2" readonly>
<input id="input" type="button" name="+1" value=" + " onClick="button_plus('staerke', 1)" onMouseDown="start_plus('staerke',1);" onMouseUp="stopp();">
<input id="input" type="button" name="-1" value="-" onClick="button_minus('staerke', 0, 1)" onMouseDown="start_minus('staerke',0,1);" onMouseUp="stopp();"></td>
<td>Verteidigung <?php echo $char[verteidigung]; ?></td>
<td>Verteidigung <?php echo $char['verteidigung']; ?></td>
<td><input id="input" name="verteidigung" type="text" value=0 size="2" readonly>
<input id="input" type="button" name="+2" value=" + " onClick="button_plus('verteidigung', 1)" onMouseDown="start_plus('verteidigung',1);" onMouseUp="stopp();">
<input id="input" type="button" name="-2" value="-" onClick="button_minus('verteidigung', 0, 1)" onMouseDown="start_minus('verteidigung',0,1);" onMouseUp="stopp();"></td>
<td>Geschwindigkeit <?php echo $char[speed]; ?></td>
<td>Geschwindigkeit <?php echo $char['speed']; ?></td>
<td><input id="input" name="speed" type="text" value=0 size="2" readonly>
<input id="input" type="button" name="+3" value=" + " onClick="button_plus('speed', 1)" onMouseDown="start_plus('speed',1);" onMouseUp="stopp();">
<input id="input" type="button" name="-3" value="-" onClick="button_minus('speed', 0, 1)" onMouseDown="start_minus('speed',0,1);" onMouseUp="stopp();"></td>
<td>Ausdauer <?php echo $char[ausdauer]; ?></td>
<td>Ausdauer <?php echo $char['ausdauer']; ?></td>
<td><input id="input" name="ausdauer" type="text" value=0 size="2" readonly>
<input id="input" type="button" name="+4" value=" + " onClick="button_plus('ausdauer', 1)" onMouseDown="start_plus('ausdauer',1);" onMouseUp="stopp();">
<input id="input" type="button" name="-4" value="-" onClick="button_minus('ausdauer', 0, 1)" onMouseDown="start_minus('ausdauer',0,1);" onMouseUp="stopp();"></td>
<td>Gl&uuml;ck <?php echo $char[glueck]; ?></td>
<td>Gl&uuml;ck <?php echo $char['glueck']; ?></td>
<td><input id="input" name="glueck" type="text" value=0 size="2" readonly>
<input id="input" type="button" name="+5" value=" + " onClick="button_plus('glueck', 1)" onMouseDown="start_plus('glueck',1);" onMouseUp="stopp();">
<input id="input" type="button" name="-5" value="-" onClick="button_minus('glueck', 0, 1)" onMouseDown="start_minus('glueck',0,1);" onMouseUp="stopp();"></td>

@ -18,17 +18,16 @@ $chara = mysql_query("SELECT name, liga_siege, liga_niederlagen, bild, id, liga_
while($row = mysql_Fetch_array($chara)) {
$PIC = "<img border=0 src=".$row[bild]." width=".$pic_g31." height=".$pic_g31.">";
$PIC = "<img border=0 src=".$row['bild']." width=".$pic_g31." height=".$pic_g31.">";
//$row[liga_punkte] = $row[liga_siege] * 3;
if($x <= 5) {
$CHARAKTER = "<a href=index.php?as=info&char_id=".$row[id]."&charm=1>".$row[name]."</a><br>$PIC";
$CHARAKTER = "<a href=index.php?as=info&char_id=".$row['id']."&charm=1>".$row['name']."</a><br>$PIC";
} else {
$CHARAKTER = "<a href=index.php?as=info&char_id=".$row[id]."&charm=1>".$row[name]."</a>";
$CHARAKTER = "<a href=index.php?as=info&char_id=".$row['id']."&charm=1>".$row['name']."</a>";
$WIN = $row[liga_siege];
$LOSE = $row[liga_niederlagen];
$WIN = $row['liga_siege'];
$LOSE = $row['liga_niederlagen'];
$PUNKTE = number_format($row['liga_punkte'],0,"",".");

@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ if ($search) {
$kampf_id2 = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT FROM chars c LEFT JOIN liga_kampf k ON( OR WHERE'$kampf_name' LIMIT 1"));
<SCRIPT language="JavaScript"><?php echo '"liga_kampf_anzeige.php?kampf_id=' .$kampf_id2[id]. '"'; ?>,"","status=no,hotkeys=no,Height=600,Width=820,scrollbars=yes");<?php echo '"liga_kampf_anzeige.php?kampf_id=' .$kampf_id2['id']. '"'; ?>,"","status=no,hotkeys=no,Height=600,Width=820,scrollbars=yes");
@ -57,31 +57,31 @@ if ($kampf_id) {
$spleoic = "liga";
$starke1 = explode(",", $kampf1[starke1]);
$starke2 = explode(",", $kampf1[starke2]);
$ver1 = explode(",", $kampf1[ver1]);
$ver2 = explode(",", $kampf1[ver2]);
$speed1 = explode(",", $kampf1[speed1]);
$speed2 = explode(",", $kampf1[speed2]);
$ausdauer1 = explode(",", $kampf1[ausdauer1]);
$ausdauer2 = explode(",", $kampf1[ausdauer2]);
$starke1 = explode(",", $kampf1['starke1']);
$starke2 = explode(",", $kampf1['starke2']);
$ver1 = explode(",", $kampf1['ver1']);
$ver2 = explode(",", $kampf1['ver2']);
$speed1 = explode(",", $kampf1['speed1']);
$speed2 = explode(",", $kampf1['speed2']);
$ausdauer1 = explode(",", $kampf1['ausdauer1']);
$ausdauer2 = explode(",", $kampf1['ausdauer2']);
$glueck1 = explode(',', $kampf1['glueck1']);
$glueck2 = explode(',', $kampf1['glueck2']);
$schaden1 = explode(",", $kampf1[schaden1]);
$schaden2 = explode(",", $kampf1[schaden2]);
$attacke1 = explode(",", $kampf1[attacke1]);
$attacke2 = explode(",", $kampf1[attacke2]);
$schaden1 = explode(",", $kampf1['schaden1']);
$schaden2 = explode(",", $kampf1['schaden2']);
$attacke1 = explode(",", $kampf1['attacke1']);
$attacke2 = explode(",", $kampf1['attacke2']);
$hp1 = explode(",", $kampf1[hp1]);
$hp2 = explode(",", $kampf1[hp2]);
$mp1 = explode(",", $kampf1[mp1]);
$mp2 = explode(",", $kampf1[mp2]);
$hp1 = explode(",", $kampf1['hp1']);
$hp2 = explode(",", $kampf1['hp2']);
$mp1 = explode(",", $kampf1['mp1']);
$mp2 = explode(",", $kampf1['mp2']);
$a_hp1 = explode(",", $char_1[hp]);
$a_hp2 = explode(",", $char_2[hp]);
$a_mp1 = explode(",", $char_1[mp]);
$a_mp2 = explode(",", $char_2[mp]);
$a_hp1 = explode(",", $char_1['hp']);
$a_hp2 = explode(",", $char_2['hp']);
$a_mp1 = explode(",", $char_1['mp']);
$a_mp2 = explode(",", $char_2['mp']);
$runde = 1;
include (ROOT_PATH . '/include/kampf_anzeige.php');
@ -105,10 +105,10 @@ if ($kampf_id) {
<td width="102" height="23">
<p align="center"><b><?php echo $row[c1_name]; ?> </b></td>
<p align="center"><b><?php echo $row['c1_name']; ?> </b></td>
<td width="19" height="23"><b> vs</b>.</td>
<td width="298" height="23">&nbsp;<b><?php echo $row[c2_name]; ?></b></td>
<td width="279" height="22"><b>&nbsp;<a href='javascript:liga_anzeige(<?php echo $row[id]; ?>)'>Angucken</a></b></td>
<td width="298" height="23">&nbsp;<b><?php echo $row['c2_name']; ?></b></td>
<td width="279" height="22"><b>&nbsp;<a href='javascript:liga_anzeige(<?php echo $row['id']; ?>)'>Angucken</a></b></td>

@ -98,9 +98,9 @@ while($u < count($w_item_anzahl)) {
if($w_item_anzahl[$u]) {
$item = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT preis, anzahl, name FROM item WHERE id='$w_item_id[$u]' LIMIT 1"));
$item_preis = $item_preis + ($item[preis] * $w_item_anzahl[$u]);
$item_preis = $item_preis + ($item['preis'] * $w_item_anzahl[$u]);
if($item[anzahl] < $w_item_anzahl[$u]) {
if($item['anzahl'] < $w_item_anzahl[$u]) {
$fehler = "Fehler! $item[name] Ausverkauft.";
$link = $back;
@ -128,9 +128,9 @@ $user = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT geld, item_res FROM user WHERE id=
$item_preis = ($item_preis / 100) * (100 - $user['item_res']);
$auktionensumme = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query('SELECT SUM(aktuellesgebot) as summe FROM auktion WHERE bieter = '.$user_ida['id'].' GROUP BY bieter'));
$auktionensumme = $auktionensumme[summe];
$auktionensumme = $auktionensumme['summe'];
if($user[geld]<$item_preis+$auktionensumme) {
if($user['geld']<$item_preis+$auktionensumme) {
$fehler = "Sie haben nicht genug Geld!";
$link = $back;
@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ while($u < count($w_item_anzahl)) {
$item = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT anzahl, name, s_type FROM item WHERE id='$w_item_id[$u]' LIMIT 1"));
while($t < $w_item_anzahl[$u]) {
if($item[s_type] != "Trank") { $ru_malss = 1; }
if($item['s_type'] != "Trank") { $ru_malss = 1; }
mysql_query("INSERT ware SET ru_mal='$ru_malss', item_id='$w_item_id[$u]', user='$user_ida[id]'");
@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ exit;
$user = mysql_Fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT id, geld, item_res FROM user WHERE id='$user_ida[id]' LIMIT 1"));
$user_item = mysql_query("SELECT name, id FROM item ");
$GELD = $user[geld];
$GELD = $user['geld'];
if ($ords == 'Trank') {
@ -206,17 +206,17 @@ exit;
$ITEM = $row[name];
$TYPE = $row[type];
$ANZAHL = $row[anzahl];
$row[preis] = $row[preis] / 100;
$row[preis] = $row[preis] * (100 - $user[item_res]);
$ITEM = $row['name'];
$TYPE = $row['type'];
$ANZAHL = $row['anzahl'];
$row['preis'] = $row['preis'] / 100;
$row['preis'] = $row['preis'] * (100 - $user['item_res']);
$PREIS = $row['preis'];
$PREIS1 = 'preis_'.$y;
$ANZAHL1 = "anzahl_".$y."";
$ITEM_ID1 = "item_".$y."";
$ITEM_ID = $row[id];
$info_id = $row[id];
$ITEM_ID = $row['id'];
$info_id = $row['id'];
if($x==1) {
$FARBE = "#A5B197";
@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ exit;
$user_items = mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("SELECT id FROM ware WHERE item_id='$row2[id]' AND user='$user_ida[id]' LIMIT 100"));
if($user_items) {
$STORE_ITEMS .= "".$row2[name]." x ".$user_items."<br>";
$STORE_ITEMS .= "".$row2['name']." x ".$user_items."<br>";

@ -33,20 +33,20 @@ function deleteFromIgnorelist($userid, $ignoredUserId){ //charm 7
$user_name = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT nickname FROM user WHERE id=\''.$ignoredUserId.'\''));
$fehler_m = $user_name[nickname].' wurde erfolgreich aus der Ignoreliste entfernt.';
$fehler_m = $user_name['nickname'].' wurde erfolgreich aus der Ignoreliste entfernt.';
$weiter_an = '<a href="index.php?as=nachricht&charm=5">weiter...</a>';
displayErrorMessage('&Auml;nderungen &uuml;bernommen',$fehler_m,$weiter_an);
function insertInIgnorelist($userid, $ignorename){ /// if($charm == 6) {
$ignore_user = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT id FROM user WHERE nickname=\''.$ignorename.'\''));
$bereits_ignoriert = mysql_num_rows(mysql_query('SELECT id FROM ignolist WHERE besitzer='.$userid.' AND user='.$ignore_user[id]));
$bereits_ignoriert = mysql_num_rows(mysql_query('SELECT id FROM ignolist WHERE besitzer='.$userid.' AND user='.$ignore_user['id']));
$fehler_m = '';
$weiter_an = '<a href="index.php?as=nachricht&charm=5">weiter...</a>';
if($bereits_ignoriert) {
$fehler_m = 'Nachrichten von '.$ignorename.' werden schon ignoriert.';
} else{
mysql_query('INSERT ignolist SET user='.$ignore_user[id].', besitzer='.$userid);
mysql_query('INSERT ignolist SET user='.$ignore_user['id'].', besitzer='.$userid);
$fehler_m = 'Die Nachrichten von '.$ignorename.' werden ab jetzt ignoriert.';
displayErrorMessage('&Auml;nderungen &uuml;bernommen',$fehler_m,$weiter_an);
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ function insertInIgnorelist($userid, $ignorename){ /// if($charm == 6) {
function showIngorelist($userid){//if($charm == 5) {
<form action="<?php echo $_SERVER[PHP_SELF]; ?>" method="get">
<form action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>" method="get">
<input type="hidden" name="as" value="nachricht">
<input type="hidden" name="charm" value="6">
<table border="0" width="100%" height="166" id="AutoNumber1">
@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ function showIngorelist($userid){//if($charm == 5) {
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($user_igno_list)) {
<td width="336" height="15" colspan="2" align="center"><?php echo "<a href=index.php?as=nachricht&charm=7&id=".$row[id].">".$row[nickname]."</a>"; ?></td>
<td width="336" height="15" colspan="2" align="center"><?php echo "<a href=index.php?as=nachricht&charm=7&id=".$row['id'].">".$row[nickname]."</a>"; ?></td>
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ function showIngorelist($userid){//if($charm == 5) {
function displayMessage($userid,$nr){//if($charm == 3) {
$nachricht = mysql_Fetch_assoc(mysql_Query('SELECT text, betreff, id, von FROM nachricht WHERE id='.$nr.' AND besitzer='.$userid));
mysql_query('UPDATE nachricht SET ag=\'alt\' WHERE id='.$nachricht[id]);
mysql_query('UPDATE nachricht SET ag=\'alt\' WHERE id='.$nachricht['id']);
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="80%" height="176">
@ -100,24 +100,24 @@ function displayMessage($userid,$nr){//if($charm == 3) {
<th valign="top" align="center">User</th>
<td height="25" valign="top" align="center"><?php echo '<a href="index.php?as=info&userage='.$nachricht[von].'"> '.$nachricht[von].'</a>'; ?></td>
<td height="25" valign="top" align="center"><?php echo '<a href="index.php?as=info&userage='.$nachricht['von'].'"> '.$nachricht['von'].'</a>'; ?></td>
<th valign="top" align="center">Betreff</th>
<td height="25" valign="top" align="center"><?php echo $nachricht[betreff]; ?></td>
<td height="25" valign="top" align="center"><?php echo $nachricht['betreff']; ?></td>
<th valign="top" align="center">Text</th>
<td height="25" valign="top">
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="250" border=1 height="25">
<td width="" height="30"> <?php echo $nachricht[text]; ?></td>
<td width="" height="30"> <?php echo $nachricht['text']; ?></td>
$betreff=urlencode('Re: '.$nachricht[betreff]);
$betreff=urlencode('Re: '.$nachricht['betreff']);
<td width="185" valign="top" align="center">&nbsp;</td>
@ -131,20 +131,7 @@ function displayMessage($userid,$nr){//if($charm == 3) {
function deleteMessage($userid,$nachrichten){//if($charm == 2) {
// Sollte auch alles in einer sql-anfrage geschehen koennen
$nachricht = mysql_num_rows(mysql_Query("SELECT id FROM nachricht WHERE besitzer='$user_ida[id]'"));
$o = 0;
while($o < $nachricht) {
if($checket[$o] != "") {
mysql_Query("DELETE FROM nachricht WHERE id='$checket[$o]' AND besitzer='$user_ida[id]'");
function deleteMessage($userid,$nachrichten){
$weiter_an = '<a href="index.php?as=nachricht">weiter...</a>';
// echo implode(',', $nachrichten);
@ -160,14 +147,14 @@ function sendMessageForumlar($userid,$username,$besitzer,$betreff,$text){// if($
$weiter_an = '<a href="index.php?as=nachricht&charm=1">weiter...</a>';
if(isset($besitzer) && isset($text)) {
$user_erf = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query('SELECT id FROM user WHERE nickname=\''.$besitzer.'\''));
$igno_user = mysql_num_rows(mysql_query('SELECT id FROM ignolist WHERE besitzer='.$user_erf[id].' AND user='.$userid));
$igno_user = mysql_num_rows(mysql_query('SELECT id FROM ignolist WHERE besitzer='.$user_erf['id'].' AND user='.$userid));
if($igno_user) {
displayErrorMessage(NULL,'Fehler, der Nutzer '.$besitzer.' hat dich auf seiner Ignorierliste',$weiter_an);
if(!$user_erf[id]) {
if(!$user_erf['id']) {
displayErrorMessage(NULL,'Fehler, Nutzer '.$besitzer.' existiert nicht...',$weiter_an);
@ -197,7 +184,7 @@ function sendMessageForumlar($userid,$username,$besitzer,$betreff,$text){// if($
<form action="<?php echo $_SERVER[PHP_SELF]; ?>" method="get">
<form action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>" method="get">
<!--- Wird eh im PHP-Skript abgefangen! -->
<input type="hidden" name="as" value="nachricht"></input>
<input type="hidden" name="charm" value="1"></input>
@ -237,9 +224,9 @@ function mainPage($userid,$aktualPage){
$nachricht = mysql_query('SELECT betreff, ag, von, datum, id FROM nachricht WHERE besitzer='.$userid.' order by id DESC LIMIT '.($aktualPage*30).',30');
$anzahl = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query('SELECT count(*) as anzahl from nachricht WHERE besitzer='.$userid));
$anzahl = ceil($anzahl[anzahl]/30);
$anzahl = ceil($anzahl['anzahl']/30);
<form name="nachrichten" action="<?php echo $_SERVER[PHP_SELF]; ?>" method="post">
<form name="nachrichten" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="as" value="nachricht">
<input type="hidden" name="charm" value="2">
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%" height="172">
@ -258,9 +245,9 @@ function mainPage($userid,$aktualPage){
<td height="40" width="32" valign="top" align="left"><?php echo '<input id="input" name="checky['.$t.']" type="checkbox" value="'.$row[id].'"> ('.$row[ag].')'; ?></td>
<th height="28" width="98" valign="top" align="center"><?php echo $row[betreff]; ?></th>
<th height="28" width="98" valign="top" align="center"><?php echo $row['betreff']; ?></th>
<th height="28" width="128" valign="top" align="center"><?php echo '<a href="index.php?as=nachricht&charm=3&nr='.$row[id].'">'.$row[von].'</a>'; ?></th>
<th height="28" width="128" valign="top" align="center"><?php echo $row[datum]; ?></th>
<th height="28" width="128" valign="top" align="center"><?php echo $row['datum']; ?></th>
@ -288,7 +275,7 @@ function mainPage($userid,$aktualPage){
<td colspan="4" width="100%" align="center">
echo displayPagelinks($aktualPage,$anzahl,'<a href="'.$_SERVER[PHP_SELF].'?as=nachricht&page=###PAGE###">###LABEL###</a>');
echo displayPagelinks($aktualPage,$anzahl,'<a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?as=nachricht&page=###PAGE###">###LABEL###</a>');

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ $charm = $_GET['charm'];
$username = $user_ida['nickname'];
function insertComment($username, $komment, $news_id) { //if($charm == 1 AND $_GET[post_name] AND $_GET[kommens]) {
function insertComment($username, $komment, $news_id) {
$sql = 'INSERT ff11_komments SET user=\'' . $username . '\', text=\'' . encodeNoHTMLWithBB($komment) . '\', ip=\'' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . '\', datum=CURRENT_DATE, zeit=CURRENT_TIME, news_id=' . $news_id;
// echo $sql;

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
include_once(''); // get the path ;)
// GET-Section
@ -19,7 +20,7 @@ function changePassword($email){
if(!$emails['nickname']) {
return 'E-Mailadresse gibt es nicht';
$test = 'a'.mt_rand(1,1000000);
$test = 'a'.mt_random_wrapper(1,1000000);
@mail($email,'Zugangsdaten von','Ihre Zugangsdaten,'."\n\n".'Sie lauten:'."\n\n".'Username: '.$emails['nickname']."\n\n".'Passwort: '.$test.' '."\n\n", 'From: Hecht'."\n".'Reply-To:'."\n".'X-Mailer: PHP/'.phpversion());
$test2 = md5($test);

@ -5,9 +5,9 @@
* @license GNU General Public Licence
if($technick1[type] == "runde") {
if($technick1['type'] == "runde") {
$k_mp[0] = $k_mp[0] - $technick1[mp];
$k_mp[0] = $k_mp[0] - $technick1['mp'];
if($k_mp[0] < 0) {
$schaden_1 = "$technick1[name] fehlgeschlagen";
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ if($technick1[type] == "runde") {
$k_mp[0] = 0;
} else {
if($runden_type1 < $technick1[hp]) { /////////HP wert sagt an wieviel runden die technik dauert
if($runden_type1 < $technick1['hp']) { /////////HP wert sagt an wieviel runden die technik dauert
$schaden_1 = "Energie Sammeln";
$speeds_char1 = 10;
$aktion_AV1[$x] = "nein";
@ -27,15 +27,15 @@ if($technick1[type] == "runde") {
if($technick2[type] == "runde") {
$k_mp[1] = $k_mp[1] - $technick2[mp];
if($technick2['type'] == "runde") {
$k_mp[1] = $k_mp[1] - $technick2['mp'];
if($k_mp[1] < 0) {
$schaden_2 = "$technick2[name] fehlgeschlagen";
$aktion_AV2[$x] = "nein";
$k_mp[1] = 0;
} else {
if($runden_type2 < $technick2[hp]) { /////////HP wert sagt an wieviel runden die technik dauert
if($runden_type2 < $technick2['hp']) { /////////HP wert sagt an wieviel runden die technik dauert
$schaden_2 = "Energie Sammeln";
$speed_char2 = 10;
$aktion_AV2[$x] = "nein";

@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ include_once(ROOT_PATH.'/include/');
// GET-Section
// Kritisch (SQL-Injections)
@ -30,11 +31,11 @@ function useChest($item_id, $user){
$row = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query('SELECT wert FROM sp_item where id = '.$item_id));
// Calc the treasure
$treasure = mt_rand(0,1000) * $row['wert'];
$treasure = mt_random_wrapper(0,1000) * $row['wert'];
// $treasure = 0;
if($treasure == 0){ // Muhahaha -> failed
$nothin_msg = array('Da war wohl jemand vor dir da!', 'Die Schatztruhe ist voller Steine!', 'Naja, dabei sein is alles, ne??!', 'Diese Schatztruhe war leer, vielleicht klappts ja das nächte Mal');
displayErrorMessage('Schatztruhe geöffnet','Niete!! ' . $nothin_msg[mt_rand(0, count($nothin_msg)-1)],'<a href="index.php?as=item">zurück...</a>');
displayErrorMessage('Schatztruhe geöffnet','Niete!! ' . $nothin_msg[mt_random_wrapper(0, count($nothin_msg)-1)],'<a href="index.php?as=item">zurück...</a>');
} else {
displayErrorMessage('Schatztruhe geöffnet','GOLD!! Du findest ganze '.$treasure.' ¥','<a href="index.php?as=item">zurück...</a>');
@ -180,7 +181,7 @@ function confirmPotaraUse($item_id, $char1, $char2, $new_name){
function askForPotaraUse($user, $item_id){
// Spezielle abfrage in der Char-Tabelle (Koenne aber durch Puffern schneller sein, als diese SQL-Anfrage)
$all_charakter = mysql_query('SELECT id, name FROM chars WHERE besitzer='.$user[id].' and fusion != \'ja\'');
$all_charakter = mysql_query('SELECT id, name FROM chars WHERE besitzer='.$user['id'].' and fusion != \'ja\'');
$options = '';
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($all_charakter)) {
$options.= '<option value='.$row['id'].'>'.$row['name'].'</option>';

@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ $charm = $_GET['charm'];
if($art == 'woche') { $art = 'wochen'; }
$turnier = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT hp1, id FROM turnier_kampf WHERE art=\''.$art.'\' LIMIT 1'));
if(!$turnier[id]) {
if(!$turnier['id']) {
displayErrorMessage(NULL,'Turnier fand noch nicht statt!',$back);
else if($charm == 1) {

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ function displayTodesliste($char_id){
$char_in = getChar($char_id);
echo '<p align=center><b>Todes List von '.$char_in['name'].':</b><br>&nbsp;<br>';
$list_a = explode(',', $char_in[dead_list]);
$list_a = explode(',', $char_in['dead_list']);
$u = 0;
while($u < count($list_a)){
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ function displayWantedTop10(){
$char_z = mysql_query('SELECT name, bild, besitzer, preis, id FROM chars order by preis DESC LIMIT 10');
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($char_z)) {
$trainer = mysql_fetch_Array(mysql_query('SELECT nickname, id FROM user WHERE id=\''.$row[besitzer].'\' LIMIT 10'));
$trainer = mysql_fetch_Array(mysql_query('SELECT nickname, id FROM user WHERE id=\''.$row['besitzer'].'\' LIMIT 10'));
<td height="30" width="117" valign="top" align="center"><a href="index.php?as=info&charm=1&char_id=<?php echo $row['id']; ?>"> <?php echo $row['name']; ?><br><img border="0" src="<?php echo $row['bild']; ?>" width="75" height="75"></a></td>

@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ if ($search) {
<SCRIPT language="JavaScript"><?php echo '"wanted_kampf_anzeige.php?kampf_id=' .$kampf_id2[id]. '"'; ?>,"","status=no,hotkeys=no,Height=600,Width=820,scrollbars=yes");<?php echo '"wanted_kampf_anzeige.php?kampf_id=' .$kampf_id2['id']. '"'; ?>,"","status=no,hotkeys=no,Height=600,Width=820,scrollbars=yes");
@ -45,31 +45,31 @@ if ($kampf_id) {
$char_2 = getChar($kampf1['char2']);
$spleoic = "wanted";
$starke1 = explode(",", $kampf1[starke1]);
$starke2 = explode(",", $kampf1[starke2]);
$ver1 = explode(",", $kampf1[ver1]);
$ver2 = explode(",", $kampf1[ver2]);
$speed1 = explode(",", $kampf1[speed1]);
$speed2 = explode(",", $kampf1[speed2]);
$ausdauer1 = explode(",", $kampf1[ausdauer1]);
$ausdauer2 = explode(",", $kampf1[ausdauer2]);
$starke1 = explode(",", $kampf1['starke1']);
$starke2 = explode(",", $kampf1['starke2']);
$ver1 = explode(",", $kampf1['ver1']);
$ver2 = explode(",", $kampf1['ver2']);
$speed1 = explode(",", $kampf1['speed1']);
$speed2 = explode(",", $kampf1['speed2']);
$ausdauer1 = explode(",", $kampf1['ausdauer1']);
$ausdauer2 = explode(",", $kampf1['ausdauer2']);
$glueck1 = explode(',', $kampf1['glueck1']);
$glueck2 = explode(',', $kampf1['glueck2']);
$schaden1 = explode(",", $kampf1[schaden1]);
$schaden2 = explode(",", $kampf1[schaden2]);
$attacke1 = explode(",", $kampf1[attacke1]);
$attacke2 = explode(",", $kampf1[attacke2]);
$schaden1 = explode(",", $kampf1['schaden1']);
$schaden2 = explode(",", $kampf1['schaden2']);
$attacke1 = explode(",", $kampf1['attacke1']);
$attacke2 = explode(",", $kampf1['attacke2']);
$hp1 = explode(",", $kampf1[hp1]);
$hp2 = explode(",", $kampf1[hp2]);
$mp1 = explode(",", $kampf1[mp1]);
$mp2 = explode(",", $kampf1[mp2]);
$hp1 = explode(",", $kampf1['hp1']);
$hp2 = explode(",", $kampf1['hp2']);
$mp1 = explode(",", $kampf1['mp1']);
$mp2 = explode(",", $kampf1['mp2']);
$a_hp1 = explode(",", $char_1[hp]);
$a_hp2 = explode(",", $char_2[hp]);
$a_mp1 = explode(",", $char_1[mp]);
$a_mp2 = explode(",", $char_2[mp]);
$a_hp1 = explode(",", $char_1['hp']);
$a_hp2 = explode(",", $char_2['hp']);
$a_mp1 = explode(",", $char_1['mp']);
$a_mp2 = explode(",", $char_2['mp']);
$runde = 1;
// das muss noch umgestellt werden!!
@ -94,10 +94,10 @@ if ($kampf_id) {
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($kampf_search)) {
<th width="102" height="23" align="center"><?php echo $row[c1_name]; ?></th>
<th width="102" height="23" align="center"><?php echo $row['c1_name']; ?></th>
<th width="19" height="23">vs.</th>
<th width="298" height="23"><?php echo $row[c2_name]; ?></th>
<th width="279" height="22"><a href='javascript:wanted_anzeige(<?php echo $row[id]; ?>)'>Anzeigen</a></td>
<th width="298" height="23"><?php echo $row['c2_name']; ?></th>
<th width="279" height="22"><a href='javascript:wanted_anzeige(<?php echo $row['id']; ?>)'>Anzeigen</a></td>
