Code Säuberung

Der Gewinner bekommt die Möglichkeit, seinen Account vor der automatischen Löschung zu schützen.
radiskull 14 years ago
parent 3594b26dcd
commit db79561dc1

@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ include_once ('inclu/');
include_once ('inclu/');
include_once ('inclu/');
include_once ('inclu/');
include_once ('include/');
$sql1 = 'select distinct(char1) from turnier_kampf where art = \'gross\' order by char1';
$sql2 = 'select distinct(char2) from turnier_kampf where art = \'gross\' order by char1';
@ -37,29 +38,29 @@ AS i1id, AS i2id FROM turnier_kampf u LEFT JOIN chars c1 ON(
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($row2)) {
$new_hp = explode(",",$row[hp1]);
$or_hp1 = explode(",",$row[c1hp]);
$new_hp = explode(",",$row['hp1']);
$or_hp1 = explode(",",$row['c1hp']);
$new_hp2 = count($new_hp) - 1;
$new_mp = explode(",",$row[mp1]);
$or_mp1 = explode(",",$row[c1mp]);
$new_mp = explode(",",$row['mp1']);
$or_mp1 = explode(",",$row['c1mp']);
$new_mp2 = count($new_mp) - 1;
$or_exp1 = explode(",",$row[c1exp]);
$new_exp = $or_exp1[0] + ($row[round] * 10000);
$add_exp1 = ($row[round] * 10000);
$or_exp1 = explode(",",$row['c1exp']);
$new_exp = $or_exp1[0] + ($row['round'] * 10000);
$add_exp1 = ($row['round'] * 10000);
$new_lernpunkte1 = $row[c1lern] + (($row[round] * $row[round] / 2));
$new_lernpunkte2 = $row[c2lern] + (($row[round] * $row[round] / 2));
$new_lernpunkte1 = $row['c1lern'] + (($row['round'] * $row['round'] / 2));
$new_lernpunkte2 = $row['c2lern'] + (($row['round'] * $row['round'] / 2));
$new_geld1 = $row[i1geld] + ($row[round] * 10000);
$new_geld2 = $row[i2geld] + ($row[round] * 10000);
$new_geld1 = $row['i1geld'] + ($row['round'] * 10000);
$new_geld2 = $row['i2geld'] + ($row['round'] * 10000);
$trainings_points1 = $row[round] * 2;
$trainings_points2 = $row[round] * 2;
$trainings_points1 = $row['round'] * 2;
$trainings_points2 = $row['round'] * 2;
if($row[round] == 9 AND $row[win] == $row[c1id]) {
if($row['round'] == 9 AND $row['win'] == $row['c1id']) {
$new_exp += 250000;
$add_exp1 += 250000;
$new_lernpunkte1 += 30;
@ -67,26 +68,26 @@ $trainings_points1 += 50;
$new_geld1 += 2000000;
$new_hp_2 = explode(",",$row[hp2]);
$or_hp1_2 = explode(",",$row[c2hp]);
$new_hp_2 = explode(",",$row['hp2']);
$or_hp1_2 = explode(",",$row['c2hp']);
$new_hp2_2 = count($new_hp_2) - 1;
$new_mp_2 = explode(",",$row[mp2]);
$or_mp1_2 = explode(",",$row[c2mp]);
$new_mp_2 = explode(",",$row['mp2']);
$or_mp1_2 = explode(",",$row['c2mp']);
$new_mp2_2 = count($new_mp_2) - 1;
$or_exp1_2 = explode(",",$row[c2exp]);
$new_exp_2 = $or_exp1_2[0] + ($row[round] * 3000);
$add_exp2 = ($row[round] * 10000);
$or_exp1_2 = explode(",",$row['c2exp']);
$new_exp_2 = $or_exp1_2[0] + ($row['round'] * 3000);
$add_exp2 = ($row['round'] * 10000);
if($row[round] == 9 AND $row[win] == $row[c2id]) {
if($row['round'] == 9 AND $row['win'] == $row['c2id']) {
$new_exp_2 += 250000;
$add_exp2 += 250000;
$new_lernpunkte2 += 30;
$trainings_points2 += 50;
$new_geld2 += 2000000;
$old_win = $row[win];
$old_win = $row['win'];
//mysql_query("UPDATE chars SET training_points=training_points+'$trainings_points1', lernpunkte='$new_lernpunkte1', hp='$new_hp[$new_hp2],$or_hp1[1]', mp='$new_mp[$new_mp2],$or_mp1[1]', exp='$new_exp,$or_exp1[1]' WHERE id='$row[c1id]'");
//mysql_query("UPDATE chars SET training_points=training_points+'$trainings_points2',lernpunkte='$new_lernpunkte2', hp='$new_hp_2[$new_hp2_2],$or_hp1_2[1]', mp='$new_mp_2[$new_mp2_2],$or_mp1_2[1]', exp='$new_exp_2,$or_exp1_2[1]' WHERE id='$row[c2id]'");
@ -108,12 +109,18 @@ mysql_query("UPDATE online SET turnier_gross='$win_online[turnier_gross],$win_us
// insertIntoHallOfFame($title, $charid, $userid);
insertIntoHallOfFame('Weltturnier', $old_win, $win_user['besitzer']);
$natur_frucht = mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("SELECT id FROM wochen_markt WHERE art='natur'")); ///wieviel TF gibt es?.
//$natur_frucht = mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("SELECT id FROM wochen_markt WHERE art='natur'")); ///wieviel TF gibt es?.
////////////////FRUCHT ARRAY
//include "array.php";
//Schutz vor automatischem löschen hinzufügen für den sieger :)
$usergroups = getUserGroups($win_user['besitzer']);
if(!isUserInGroup($usergroups, inaktiv_loeschschutz) && !isUserInGroup($usergroups, aktiv_loeschschutz)) {
addUserToGroup($win_user['besitzer'], inaktiv_loeschschutz);
// Durchschnittslevel
$sql5 = 'Select count(win), win from turnier_kampf where art = \'gross\' group by win order by count(win) desc';

@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
* @copyright (c) 2010
* @license GNU General Public Licence
define("admin", 1);
define("tester", 2);
define("entwickler", 3);
define("designer", 4);
define("Werbung_an", 5);
define("inaktiv_loeschschutz", 6);
define("aktiv_loeschschutz", 7);
function getUserGroups($user) {
$qry = null;
$groups = array();
//prüfen welcher wert für user steht (id oder name)
if(is_numeric($user)) {
$test = 'SELECT ug.gruppen_name, ug.gruppen_id FROM user_gruppe_zuordnung as ugz
INNER JOIN user_gruppe as ug ON ugz.gruppen_id=ug.gruppen_id
WHERE ugz.user_id = \''.$user.'\'';
$qry = mysql_query($test);
} else if (validateString($user) != null) {
$test = 'SELECT ug.gruppen_name, ug.gruppen_id FROM user_gruppe_zuordnung as ugz
INNER JOIN user_gruppe as ug ON ugz.gruppen_id=ug.gruppen_id
INNER JOIN user as u ON
WHERE u.nickname = \''.$user.'\'';
$qry = mysql_query($test);
$i = 0;
while ($result = mysql_fetch_assoc($qry)) {
$groups[$i] = array("gruppen_id" => $result['gruppen_id'], "gruppen_name" => $result['gruppen_name']);
return $groups;
function isUserInGroup($usergrouparray, $group) {
for($i = 0; $i < count($usergrouparray); $i++) {
if($usergrouparray[$i]['gruppen_id'] == $group) {
return true;
return false;
function removeUserFromGroup($user, $group) {
if($user !== NULL) {
if ($group !== NULL && $group >= 0) {
$qry = 'DELETE FROM user_gruppe_zuordnung WHERE user_id in (SELECT id FROM user WHERE nickname = \''.$user.
'\') AND gruppen_id = '.$group.';';
return true;
return false;
function addUserToGroup($user, $group) {
if($user !== NULL) {
if ($group !== NULL && $group >= 0) {
$qry = 'INSERT INTO user_gruppe_zuordnung(user_id, gruppen_id)
VALUES((SELECT id FROM user WHERE nickname = \''.$user.'\'), '.$group.');';
return true;
return false;

@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ mysql_query('DELETE FROM user_activation where TIMESTAMPDIFF(day, registerdate,
mysql_query('DELETE FROM anon_chatter WHERE TIMESTAMPDIFF(day, online, now()) > 35'); // 5 Wochen
// Loesche inaktive user!
$sql = 'Select * from user where TIMESTAMPDIFF(week, online_zeit, now()) > 10 and id > 2';
$sql = 'Select * from user where TIMESTAMPDIFF(week, online_zeit, now()) > 10 and id > 2 and id not in (SELECT user_id FROM user_gruppe_zuordnung WHERE gruppen_id = 7 AND user_id = id)';
//echo $sql;
