Bug beseitigt beim Usergruppen-User-Anzeige (es wird jetzt der gesuchte Name angezeigt)

Charaktererstellung überarbeitet
Testchars sind nun erstellbar (getChar() wurde überladen)
radiskull 13 years ago
parent b4e6a33216
commit 7c60ccf2d6

@ -16,6 +16,8 @@ include_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'ag/include/designfunctions.inc.php');
// GET-Section
@ -23,9 +25,13 @@ include_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'ag/include/parse.inc.php');
$char_name = validateName($_GET['char_name']);
$char_1_type = validateString($_GET['char_1_Type']);
$char_bild = validateURL($_GET['char_bild']);
$char_lvl = validateInteger($_GET['char_lvl'], NULL);
// Unkritisch
$charm = $_GET['charm'];
if($_POST['charm'] === NULL) {
$charm = $_GET['charm'];
} else
$charm = $_POST['charm'];
$char_type = $_GET['char_type'];
@ -53,110 +59,271 @@ function isAPhoneNumber(){
// $user_ida, $char_1_Type, $char_name
function handleErstelleCharRequest($user, $type, $name, $bild){
if($type != 'Mensch' && $type != 'Saiyajin' && $type != 'Dämon' && $type != 'Mutant' && $type != 'Cyborg' && $type != 'Namekianer' && $type != 'Pirat' && $type != 'Schwertkämpfer' && $type != 'Grandline Maschine'){
displayErrorMessage(NULL,'Rasse kann nicht erstellt werden!',displayHistoryBackLink());
if(erstelleChar($user, $type, $name,$bild)){
displayErrorMessage('&Auml;nderungen &uuml;bernommen','','<a href="index.php?as=char">weiter</a>');
if($type != 'Mensch' && $type != 'Saiyajin' && $type != 'Dämon' && $type != 'Mutant' && $type != 'Cyborg' && $type != 'Namekianer' && $type != 'Pirat' && $type != 'Schwertkämpfer' && $type != 'Grandline Maschine'){
displayErrorMessage(NULL,'Rasse kann nicht erstellt werden!',displayHistoryBackLink());
if(erstelleChar($user, $type, $name, $bild)){
displayErrorMessage('&Auml;nderungen &uuml;bernommen','','<a href="index.php?as=char">weiter</a>');
function handleErstelleCharRequestOfTestUser($user, $type, $name, $bild, $lvl, $lp, $hp, $mp, $str, $def, $spd, $end, $lck){
//stats auf numeric prüfen!
if($type != 'Mensch' && $type != 'Saiyajin' && $type != 'Dämon' && $type != 'Mutant' && $type != 'Cyborg' &&
$type != 'Namekianer' && $type != 'Pirat' && $type != 'Schwertkämpfer' && $type != 'Grandline Maschine' && $type != 'Kaioshin' && $type != 'Shichibukai'){
displayErrorMessage(NULL,'Rasse kann nicht erstellt werden!',displayHistoryBackLink());
if(!is_numeric($hp) || !is_numeric($mp) || !is_numeric($str) || !is_numeric($def) || !is_numeric($spd) || !is_numeric($end) || !is_numeric($lck)) {
displayErrorMessage(NULL,'Ungültige Eingabe bei den Stats!',displayHistoryBackLink());
if($lp <= ($hp+$mp+$str+$def+$spd+$end+$lck)) {
displayErrorMessage(NULL,'Es wurden mehr Lernpunkte ausgegeben als eigentlich möglich!',displayHistoryBackLink());
$lp -= ($hp+$mp+$str+$def+$spd+$end+$lck);
if(erstelleChar($user, $type, $name, $bild, $lvl, $lp, $hp, $mp, $str, $def, $spd, $end, $lck)){
displayErrorMessage('&Auml;nderungen &uuml;bernommen','','<a href="index.php?as=char">weiter</a>');
//if($charm !== NULL) {
function handleSecondPhase($type, $name){
<form action="index.php" method="get">
<input type="hidden" name="as" value="char">
<input type="hidden" name="charm" value="2">
<input type="hidden" name="char_name" value="<?php echo $name; ?>">
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse: collapse" bordercolor="#111111" width="100%" height="20">
<th colspan="2" align="center">Charakter erstellen (2/2)</th>
<th align="left">Rasse:</td>
<select id="input" name="char_1_Type">
if($type == 'Dragonball') {
<option value="Mensch">Mensch</option>
<option value="Saiyajin">Saiyajin</option>
<option value="Dämon">D&auml;mon</option>
<option value="Mutant">Mutant</option>
<option value="Cyborg">Cyborg</option>
<option value="Namekianer">Namekianer</option>
} else if($type == 'Onepiece') {
<option value="Pirat">Pirat</option>
<option value="Schwertkämpfer">Schwertk&auml;mpfer</option>
<option value="Grandline Maschine">Grandline Maschine</option>
} else{
<option value="Cheater">Cheater</option>
<th align="left">Charakter Bild (75x75):</th>
<input name="char_bild" id="input">
<input id="input" type=submit value="weiter">
<input type="hidden" name="as" value="char"> <input type="hidden"
name="charm" value="2"> <input type="hidden" name="char_name"
value="<?php echo $name; ?>">
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"
style="border-collapse: collapse" bordercolor="#111111" width="100%"
<th colspan="2" align="center">Charakter erstellen (2/2)</th>
<th align="left">Rasse:</th>
<td><select id="input" name="char_1_Type">
if($type == 'Dragonball') {
<option value="Mensch">Mensch</option>
<option value="Saiyajin">Saiyajin</option>
<option value="Dämon">D&auml;mon</option>
<option value="Mutant">Mutant</option>
<option value="Cyborg">Cyborg</option>
<option value="Namekianer">Namekianer</option>
} else if($type == 'Onepiece') {
<option value="Pirat">Pirat</option>
<option value="Schwertkämpfer">Schwertk&auml;mpfer</option>
<option value="Grandline Maschine">Grandline Maschine</option>
} else{
<option value="Cheater">Cheater</option>
<th align="left">Charakter Bild (75x75):</th>
<td><input name="char_bild" id="input">
<td><input id="input" type=submit value="weiter">
function handleSecondPhaseForTester($type, $name){
<form action="index.php" method="GET">
<input type="hidden" name="as" value="char">
<input type="hidden" name="charm" value="3">
<input type="hidden" name="char_name" value="<?php echo $name; ?>">
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"
style="border-collapse: collapse" bordercolor="#111111" width="100%"
<th colspan="2" align="center">Charakter erstellen (2/3)</th>
<th align="left">Rasse:</th>
<td><select id="input" name="char_1_Type">
if($type == 'Dragonball') {
<option value="Mensch">Mensch</option>
<option value="Saiyajin">Saiyajin</option>
<option value="Dämon">D&auml;mon</option>
<option value="Mutant">Mutant</option>
<option value="Cyborg">Cyborg</option>
<option value="Namekianer">Namekianer</option>
<option value="Kaioshin">Kaioshin</option>
} else if($type == 'Onepiece') {
<option value="Pirat">Pirat</option>
<option value="Schwertkämpfer">Schwertk&auml;mpfer</option>
<option value="Grandline Maschine">Grandline Maschine</option>
<option value="Shichibukai">Shichibukai</option>
} else{
<option value="Cheater">Cheater</option>
<th align="left">Charakter Bild (75x75):</th>
<td><input name="char_bild" id="input">
<th align="left">Level(1-150): </th>
<td><input name="char_lvl" id="input">
<td><input id="input" type=submit value="weiter">
function handleThirdPhaseForTester($type, $name, $char_lvl){
if(($char_lvl >= 1 && $char_lvl <= 150) && $char_lvl !== NULL && is_numeric($char_lvl)) {
$lp = 0;
for ($i = 1; $i < $char_lvl; $i++) {
$lp += calculateTrainingPoints($i);
$lp = round($lp / 2);
<form action="index.php" method="POST">
<input type="hidden" name="as" value="char">
<input type="hidden" name="charm" value="4">
<input type="hidden" name="char_type" value="<?php echo $type; ?>">
<input type="hidden" name="char_name" value="<?php echo $name; ?>">
<input type="hidden" name="lvl" value="<?php echo $char_lvl; ?>">
<input type="hidden" name="lp" value="<?php echo $lp; ?>">
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"
style="border-collapse: collapse" bordercolor="#111111" width="100%"
<th colspan="2" align="center">Charakter erstellen (3/3)</th>
<th align="left">CharakterTyp: </th>
<td><?php echo $type;?> </td>
<th align="left">Charakterlevel: </th>
<td><?php echo $char_lvl;?> </td>
<th align="left">verfügbare LP: </th>
<td><?php echo $lp?></td>
<th align="left">HP (1LP = 20HP): </th>
<td><input name="hp" value = "0" id="input">
<th align="left">MP (1LP = 10MP): </th>
<td><input name="mp" value = "0" id="input">
<th align="left">St&auml;rke: </th>
<td><input name="str" value = "0" id="input">
<th align="left">Verteidigung: </th>
<td><input name="def" value = "0" id="input">
<th align="left">Geschwindigkeit: </th>
<td><input name="spd" value = "0" id="input">
<th align="left">Ausdauer: </th>
<td><input name="end" value = "0" id="input">
<th align="left">Glück: </th>
<td><input name="lck" value = "0" id="input">
<td><input id="input" type=submit value="weiter">
<?php } else
echo 'Ungültiger Levelbereich!';
function handleFirstPhase(){
<form action="index.php" method="get" name="charz" onsubmit="return isAPhoneNumber()">
<input type="hidden" name="as" value="char">
<input type="hidden" name="charm" value="1">
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse: collapse" bordercolor="#111111" width="100%" height="25">
<th colspan="2" align="center">Charakter Erstellen (1/2)</th>
<th align="center">Charaktername</th>
<input id="input" name="char_name" size="20"></input> (Buchstaben)
<th align="center">Type</th>
<select id="input" name="char_type">
<option value="Dragonball">Dragonball</option>
<option value="Onepiece">Onepiece</option>
<td><input id="input" type="submit" value="weiter"></td>
<form action="index.php" method="get" name="charz"
onsubmit="return isAPhoneNumber()">
<input type="hidden" name="as" value="char"> <input type="hidden"
name="charm" value="1">
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"
style="border-collapse: collapse" bordercolor="#111111" width="100%"
<th colspan="2" align="center">Charakter Erstellen (1/2)</th>
<th align="center">Charaktername</th>
<td><input id="input" name="char_name" size="20"></input>
<th align="center">Type</th>
<td><select id="input" name="char_type">
<option value="Dragonball">Dragonball</option>
<option value="Onepiece">Onepiece</option>
<td><input id="input" type="submit" value="weiter"></td>
$user_daten= mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("SELECT char_max, id FROM user WHERE nickname='".$_COOKIE[name]."' LIMIT 1"));
$user_daten= mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("SELECT char_max, id FROM user WHERE nickname='".$_COOKIE['name']."' LIMIT 1"));
$anzahl_spezialchars = mysql_num_rows(mysql_query('SELECT char_type,name from chars WHERE (rasse = "Kaioshin" OR fusion_rasse = "Kaioshin" OR rasse = "Shichibukai" OR fusion_rasse = "Shichibukai") AND besitzer='.$user_daten['id']));
$anzahl_charactere= mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("SELECT id FROM chars WHERE besitzer='".$user_daten[id]."'"));
$anzahl_charactere= mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("SELECT id FROM chars WHERE besitzer='".$user_daten['id']."'"));
if ($anzahl_spezialchars >= 1 AND $user_daten['char_max'] == 7) {
$chars_max= 8;
@ -165,15 +332,23 @@ if ($anzahl_spezialchars >= 1 AND $user_daten['char_max'] == 7) {
if ($anzahl_charactere < $chars_max) {
if($charm === NULL){
} else if($charm == 1){
handleSecondPhase($char_type, $char_name);
} else if($charm == 2){
handleErstelleCharRequest($user_ida, $char_1_type, $char_name, $char_bild);
if($charm === NULL){
} else if($charm == 1){
if(isUserInGroup($usergroups, tester)) {
handleSecondPhaseForTester($char_type, $char_name);
} else {
handleSecondPhase($char_type, $char_name);
} else if($charm == 2){
handleErstelleCharRequest($user_ida, $char_1_type, $char_name, $char_bild);
} else if($charm == 3) {
handleThirdPhaseForTester($char_1_type, $char_name, $char_lvl);
} else if($charm == 4) {
handleErstelleCharRequestOfTestUser($user_ida, $_POST['char_type'], $_POST['char_name'], $_POST['char_bild'], $_POST['lvl'], $_POST['lp'], $_POST['hp'], $_POST['mp'], $_POST['str'], $_POST['def'], $_POST['spd'], $_POST['end'], $_POST['lck']);
} else {
echo 'Du hast bereits die maximal mögliche Menge an Characteren erstellt, die du erstellen kannst.<br />Nämlich '.$anzahl_charactere.' von '.$chars_max.' Charaktere.';
echo 'Du hast bereits die maximal mögliche Menge an Characteren erstellt, die du erstellen kannst.<br />Nämlich '.$anzahl_charactere.' von '.$chars_max.' Charaktere.';

@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ if(checkLoginData($_SESSION['user'],$_SESSION['password'])){
displayShop($_REQUEST['action'], $_REQUEST['s_id'],$_REQUEST['info'], $_REQUEST['s_name'] , $_REQUEST['s2_name'], $_REQUEST['s3_name'], $_REQUEST['s_typ'], $_REQUEST['preis'], $_REQUEST['frei'], $_REQUEST['anzahl']);
} else if($_REQUEST['choose'] == 'usergroups'){
//displayUserGroups($_REQUEST['action'], $_REQUEST['uname']);
displayUserGroups($_REQUEST['action'] ,$_REQUEST['name'] ,$_REQUEST['ugname'], $_REQUEST['delete'], $_REQUEST['add']);
displayUserGroups($_REQUEST['action'] ,$_REQUEST['uname'] ,$_REQUEST['ugname'], $_REQUEST['delete'], $_REQUEST['add']);
} else {

@ -48,8 +48,8 @@ function displayUserGroups($action, $name, $ugname, $delete, $add) {
$usergroups = getUserGroups($name);
$notusergroups = getOtherUserGroups($name);
$usergroups = getUserGroups($username);
$notusergroups = getOtherUserGroups($username);
<form action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>" method="POST">
@ -124,7 +124,6 @@ function displayUserGroups($action, $name, $ugname, $delete, $add) {
<td colspan="3">
<table border="1" width="100%">
$count = ceil(mysql_num_rows($usergroups_qry) / 4);
echo '<tr>';
$x = 0;
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($usergroups_qry)){
@ -163,7 +162,7 @@ function displayUserGroups($action, $name, $ugname, $delete, $add) {
<th align="center" colspan="3">User suchen</th>
<td align="center">Username: <input name="name" value="" />
<td align="center">Username: <input name="uname" value="" />
<input type="submit" value="search" />

@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ include_once ($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . 'ag/include/speed_config.inc.php');
include_once ($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . 'ag/include/online.inc.php');
include_once ($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . 'ag/include/parse.inc.php');
include_once ($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . 'ag/include/user.inc.php');
include_once ($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . 'ag/include/usergroup.inc.php');
// Referer statistics (no use for this in the moment)
//$rs = strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'],'//');
@ -43,8 +44,10 @@ $passwort = validateString($_COOKIE['passwort']);
if(!checkCookiePassword($name, $passwort)){
$POLOE = 1;
$user_ida = array();
$usergroups = array();
} else {
$user_ida = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM user WHERE nickname='$name' LIMIT 1"));
$usergroups = getUserGroups($name);
mysql_query('UPDATE user SET ip=\'' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . '\', online_zeit=now() WHERE id='.$user_ida['id']);
if ($online_rekord_1_0['anzahl'] < $online_r) {
mysql_query('UPDATE online SET anzahl='.$online_r.', datum=now() WHERE id=1');

@ -17,12 +17,12 @@ include_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'ag/include/exp.inc.php');
function erstelleUser(){
// TODO: Imlementierung
// TODO: Imlementierung
// Muss aus einem sicheren Kontext gestartet werden
function erstelleChar($user, $specialcharname, $newname = '', $picture = ''){
function erstelleChar($user, $specialcharname, $newname = '', $picture = '', $lvl = 1, $lp = 0, $hp = 0, $mp = 0, $str = 0, $def = 0, $spd = 0, $end = 0, $lck = 0){
// If-Anweisungen muessen noch durch Datenbankabfragen ersetzt werden
$type = '';
$trainingspoints = 0;
@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ function erstelleChar($user, $specialcharname, $newname = '', $picture = ''){
$Geschwindigkeit = 100;
$Gluck = 100;
$Ausdauer = 100;
$type = $specialcharname;
//$type = $specialcharname; <-- wird überschrieben?!
$trainingspoints = 500;
$special_char = true;
$type = $op;
@ -148,6 +148,26 @@ function erstelleChar($user, $specialcharname, $newname = '', $picture = ''){
// If-Anweisungen ende
// Werte hinzufügen, falls ein Testcharakter erstellt wird
$HP += ($hp*20);
$MP += ($mp*10);
$Starke += $str;
$Verteidigung += $def;
$Geschwindigkeit += $spd;
$Gluck += $lck;
$Ausdauer += $end;
$trainingspoints += $lp*2;
echo 'HP:'.$HP.'<br>';
echo 'HP:'.$MP.'<br>';
echo 'STR:'.$Starke.'<br>';
echo 'DEF:'.$Verteidigung.'<br>';
echo 'SPD:'.$Geschwindigkeit.'<br>';
echo 'LCK:'.$Gluck.'<br>';
echo 'END:'.$Ausdauer.'<br>';
echo 'TP:'.$trainingspoints.'<br>';
echo 'LVL:'.$lvl.'<br>';
// Ueberprüfe ob ein Slot frei ist
$chars = getCharsOfUser($user['id']);
$normal = 0;
@ -165,14 +185,14 @@ function erstelleChar($user, $specialcharname, $newname = '', $picture = ''){
} else{
$slots_used = $normal + $special - 1;
// echo 'Slots used: '.$slots_used.'<br>Slots available: '.$slots_avail.'<br>';
// echo 'Slots used: '.$slots_used.'<br>Slots available: '.$slots_avail.'<br>';
if($slots_used >= $user['char_max']){
displayErrorMessage(NULL,'Alle Slots sind schon belegt!!',displayHistoryBackLink());
return false;
// Slotüberprüfung beendet!
echo 'Slotüberprüfung abgeschlossen!<br>';
$sql = 'Insert into chars(name, starke, verteidigung, speed, glueck, ausdauer, hp, mp, level, type, rasse, besitzer, char_type, training_points, lernpunkte, bild, exp) ' .
'values(\''.$newname.'\',' .
' '.$Starke.',' .
@ -182,7 +202,7 @@ function erstelleChar($user, $specialcharname, $newname = '', $picture = ''){
' '.$Ausdauer.',' .
' \''.$HP.','.$HP.'\',' .
' \''.$MP.','.$MP.'\',' .
' 1,' .
' '.$lvl.',' .
' \''.$type.'\',' .
' \''.$specialcharname.'\',' .
' '.$user['id'].',' .
@ -190,10 +210,11 @@ function erstelleChar($user, $specialcharname, $newname = '', $picture = ''){
' '.$trainingspoints.',' .
' 0, ' .
'\''.$picture.'\', '.
'\'0,'.calculateRequiredExpChars(1).'\'' .
'\'0,'.calculateRequiredExpChars($lvl).'\'' .
// echo $sql.'<br>';
echo $sql.'<br>';
$identifier = mysql_query($sql);
echo $identifier;
if($identifier == FALSE){
if(mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query('Select * from chars where name = \''.$newname.'\''))){
displayErrorMessage(NULL,'Name schon vorhanden!!',displayHistoryBackLink());

@ -39,9 +39,9 @@ function getUserGroups($user) {
return $groups;
function isUserInGroup($usergroup, $group) {
for($i = 0; $i < count($usergroup); $i++) {
if(in_array($group, $usergroup[$i])) {
function isUserInGroup($usergrouparray, $group) {
for($i = 0; $i < count($usergrouparray); $i++) {
if($usergrouparray[$i]['gruppen_id'] == $group) {
return true;
