okay, finally!!! the leader now can force another users char to participate in the clanfight, even if they have the "Kampf" or "Schatzsuche Status" depending if they can be fetched ("abgeholen")
if($forced && ($char['status'] == 'Kampf' || $char['status'] == 'Schatz Suche')) { // foreign assignment may also possible if the status is in "fetching" state
// okay now check if the fetch-time is reached!!
if($char['status'] == 'Schatz Suche') {
$row = mysql_fetch_row(db_query('SELECT Timestampdiff(Second,now(),dauer) as dauer from quests where charid = '.$charid));
} else {
$row = mysql_fetch_row(db_query('SELECT dauer - ' . time() . ' FROM kampf WHERE db_satz='.$charid ));
if($row[0] > 0) {
return 'Du kannst den Char \''.$char['name'].'\' nicht an dem Kampf teilnehmen lassen, da er im Moment noch für ' . $row[0] . ' Sekunden mit ' . $char['status']. ' beschäftigt ist!';
} else {
// char is not free but is he already participating?
// char is not free but is he already participating?