@ -36,8 +36,6 @@
(aset (:ctx gamestate) "font" "10px monospace")
(defn set-timing
"sets the current time at the given key"
[state timingkey]
@ -82,6 +80,21 @@
(set-timing :prev)))
(defn draw-fps
"draws the current fps"
(let [ctx (:ctx gamestate)]
(aset ctx "fillStyle" "white")
0 0 13 13)
(aset ctx "fillStyle" "black")
(aset ctx "font" "10px monospace")
(:ctx gamestate)
(int (get-in gamestate [:timing :fps]))
0 10)))
(defn draw-step
"clears the canvas, draws fps and invokes the scene draw function"
@ -93,10 +106,7 @@
scene (scenekey (:scenes gamestate))
drawfunc (:draw scene)]
(drawfunc gamestate scene))
(:ctx gamestate)
(int (get-in gamestate [:timing :fps]))
0 10))
(draw-fps gamestate))
(defn mainloop
"transforms the given gamestate by invoking a series of update
@ -105,11 +115,18 @@
(let [newstate (update-step gamestate)]
(draw-step newstate)
(.setTimeout js/window
(fn []
(.requestAnimationFrame js/window
#(mainloop newstate)))
(/ 1000 (:target-fps gamestate)))))
; calculate the duration of update-step and draw-step
; substract that from the wait time to reach target-fps
; more accurately
(let [now (get-in newstate [:timing :now])
duration (- (.now js/performance) now)]
(.setTimeout js/window
(fn []
(.requestAnimationFrame js/window
#(mainloop newstate)))
(- 1000 duration)
(:target-fps gamestate))))))
(defn init-scenes
"initiates the scene data maps using their respective init functions"