731 lines
23 KiB
731 lines
23 KiB
* @copyright (c) 2009 animegame.eu
* @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html GNU General Public Licence
// GET-Section
if(isset($_GET['action'])) {
$action = $_GET['action'];
} else {
$action = NULL;
if(isset($_GET['what'])) {
$what = $_GET['what'];
} else {
$what = NULL;
// Kritisch (SQL-Injections)
$clan_id = validateUnsignedInteger($_GET['clan_id'], null);
$member = validateUnsignedInteger($_GET['member'], NULL);
$text = validateString($_GET['text']);
$displayMore = true;
if($clan_id == NULL){
if($user_ida['clan'] != null){
$clan_id = $user_ida['clan'];
} else {
$displayMore = false;
if(isset($_GET['cancel'])) {
$action = NULL;
if((isset($_GET['value1']) || isset($_GET['value2']) || isset($_GET['edited'])) && !isset($_GET['cancel'])) {
switch($what) {
case 'Banner':
case 'Homepage':
$value1 = validateURL($_GET['value1']);
case 'Info':
$value1 = encodeNoHTMLWithBB($_GET['value1']);
case 'Clanzeichen':
$value1 = validateString($_GET['value1']);
$value2 = validateString($_GET['value2']);
case 'Leadership':
$value1 = validateUnsignedInteger($_GET['value1'], NULL);
$value2 = validateUnsignedInteger($_GET['value2'], NULL);
case 'Member':
$value1 = validateUnsignedIntegerArray($_GET['value1'], NULL); // kicked members
$value2 = validateUnsignedIntegerArray($_GET['value2'], NULL); // whitelist members
function displayClanProfileReadOnly($clan, $ownclan, $userid){
$member_qry = mysql_query('Select id from user where clan = '.$clan['id']);
$count = mysql_num_rows($member_qry);
$member = array();
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($member_qry)){
$tmp = generateUserLinkByID($row['id']);
if($row['id'] == $userid){
$member[] = $tmp.' (<a href="index.php?as=clan/clan_info&action=fire&member='.$row['id'].'">verlassen</a>)';
} else{
$member[] = $tmp;
if($row['id'] == $clan['leader']){
$leader = $tmp;
if($row['id'] == $clan['co_leader']){
$coleader = $tmp;
$inv_qry = mysql_query('SELECT userid, TIMESTAMPDIFF(HOUR, now(), valid) as till FROM user_clan_invitations WHERE clanid = '.$clan['id'].' and valid > now()');
$invited = array();
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($inv_qry)) {
$invited[] = generateUserLinkByID($row['userid']) . ' (noch ' . $row['till'] . 'h gültig)';
if(count($invited) == 0) {
$invited[] = 'Keine';
$openChallengeRequests = getOpenChallengeRequests($clan['id']);
// okay now we split into challenges we have done and we have received
foreach($openChallengeRequests as $request) {
if($request['clan_requester'] != $clan['id']) {
$openChallengeRequestsDisplay[] = displayClanLink($request['clan_requester']) ;
} else {
$openChallengeRequestsDisplay[] = displayClanLink($request['clan_challenged']) ;
<div align="center">
<table width="100%">
<th width="100%" height="39" colspan="2" align="center"><?php echo $clan['clanname']; ?>
if($clan['banner'] != "0"){
<td width="100%" height="52" colspan="2" align="center"><img
src="<?php echo $clan['banner']; ?> " width="468" height="60"></td>
<th width="20%" align="Left" height="25">Leader:</th>
if($leader == null && $coleader == null){
if($ownclan) {
echo '<td rowspan="2"><a href="index.php?as=clan/clan_info&action=putsch">Macht übernehmen</a></td>';
} else if(count($member) > 0){
echo '<td rowspan="2">Keine Leader</td>';
} else {
echo '<td rowspan="2"><a href="index.php?as=clan/clan_info&action=putsch&clan_id='.$clan['id'].'">Clan übernehmen</a></td>';
} else{
echo '<td>'.$leader.'</td>';
<th align="Left" height="25">Co-Leader:</th>
if($leader != null && $coleader != null){
echo '<td>'.$coleader.'</td>';
<th align="Left" height="25">Clanzeichen:</th>
<td><?php echo $clan['clanz_pre'].' '.$clan['clanz_suff']; ?></td>
<th align="Left">Member (<?php echo $count.'/'.getMaximumMembers($clan['id']); ?>):</th>
<td><?php echo join('<br>',$member); ?></td>
if($ownclan && count($invited) > 0) {
<th align="Left">Eingeladen:</th>
<td><?php echo join('<br>', $invited); ?></td>
if(count($openChallengeRequestsDisplay) > 0) {
<th align="Left">Herausforderungen:</th>
<td><?php echo join('<br>', $openChallengeRequestsDisplay); ?></td>
<th align="Left" height="25">Level:</th>
<td><?php echo $clan['level']; ?></td>
<th align="Left" height="25">Erfahrung:</th>
<td><?php echo $clan['exp'].' / '.getRequiredClanExp($clan['level']); ?>
<th align="Left" height="25">ELO-Wertung:</th>
<td><?php echo $clan['elo']; ?></td>
<th width="96" height="25" align="Left">Homepage:</th>
if($clan['homepage'] != 'Keine'){
echo '<td height="25"><a href="'.$clan['homepage'].'" target=_blank>'.$clan['homepage'].'</a></td>';
} else{
echo '<td height="25">Keine</td>';
<th align="Left">Info:</th>
<td><?php echo $clan['info']; ?></td>
if($ownclan) {
if(isClanNewsletterAvailable($clan['id'])) {
<td> </td>
<td colspan="2">
<form action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>" method="GET">
<input type="hidden" name="as" value="clan/clan_info"> <input
type="hidden" name="action" value="newsletter">
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%" height="69">
<th height="18" valign="top" width="603" colspan="2"
class="content">Nachricht an alle Clanmember schicken</th>
<td height="25" valign="top" colspan="2" align="center"> <textarea
class="input" rows="8" name="text" cols="40"></textarea></td>
<td height="25" valign="top" colspan="2" align="center"> <input
class="input" type="submit" value="abschicken"></td>
else {
<td> </td>
<th height="18" valign="top" width="603" colspan="2" class="content">Clannachrichten erst ab Level <?php echo CLAN_LVL_NEWSLETTER;?> verfügbar</th>
function displayClanProfileEditable($clan, $userid){
$member_qry = mysql_query('Select id from user where clan = '.$clan['id']);
$member = array();
$count = mysql_num_rows($member_qry);
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($member_qry)){
$tmp = displayUserLinkByID($row['id']);
$kickable = true;
if($row['id'] == $clan['leader']){
$leader = $tmp;
$kickable = false;
if($row['id'] == $clan['co_leader']){
$coleader = $tmp;
$kickable = false;
if($userid == $row['id'] && $kickable){
$member[] = $tmp.' (<a href="index.php?as=clan/clan_info&action=fire&member='.$row['id'].'">verlassen</a>)';
} else{
$member[] = $tmp;
$inv_qry = mysql_query('SELECT userid, TIMESTAMPDIFF(HOUR, now(), valid) as till FROM user_clan_invitations WHERE clanid = '.$clan['id'].' and valid > now()');
$invited = array();
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($inv_qry)) {
$invited[] = generateUserLinkByID($row['userid']) . ' (noch ' . $row['till'] . 'h gültig, <a href="index.php?as=clan/clan_info&action=reject&member='.$row['userid'].'">zurückziehen</a>)';
if(count($invited) == 0) {
$invited[] = 'Keine';
$openChallengeRequests = getOpenChallengeRequests($clan['id']);
// okay now we split into challenges we have done and we have received
foreach($openChallengeRequests as $request) {
if($request['clan_requester'] != $clan['id']) {
$openChallengeRequestsDisplay[] = displayClanLink($request['clan_requester']) . ' (annehmen)';
} else {
$openChallengeRequestsDisplay[] = displayClanLink($request['clan_challenged']) . ' (zurückziehen)';
<table width="100%">
<th width="500" height="39" colspan="2" align="center"><?php echo $clan['clanname']; ?>
<td width="100%" height="52" colspan="2" align="center"><?php
if($clan['banner'] != "0"){
?> <img src="<?php echo $clan['banner']; ?> " width="468" height="60">
?> <br> <a href="index.php?as=clan/clan_info&action=edit&what=Banner">(edit)</a>
<th width="25%" align="Left" height="25">Leader:<a
<td><?php echo $leader; ?></td>
<th align="Left" height="25">Co-Leader:<a
<td><?php echo $coleader; ?></td>
<th align="Left" height="25">Clanzeichen:<a
<td><?php echo $clan['clanz_pre'].' '.$clan['clanz_suff']; ?></td>
<th align="Left">Member (<?php echo $count.'/'.getMaximumMembers($clan['id']); ?>):<br><a
<td><?php echo join('<br>',$member); ?></td>
if(count($invited) > 0) {
<th align="Left">Eingeladen:</th>
<td><?php echo join('<br>', $invited); ?></td>
if(count($openChallengeRequestsDisplay) > 0) {
<th align="Left">Herausforderungen:</th>
<td><?php echo join('<br>', $openChallengeRequestsDisplay); ?></td>
<th align="Left" height="25">Level:</th>
<td><?php echo $clan['level']; ?></td>
<th align="Left" height="25">Erfahrung:</th>
<td><?php echo $clan['exp'].' / '.getRequiredClanExp($clan['level']); ?>
<th align="Left" height="25">ELO-Wertung:</th>
<td><?php echo $clan['elo']; ?></td>
<th align="Left" height="25">Homepage:<a
if($clan['homepage'] != 'Keine'){
echo '<td><a href="'.$clan['homepage'].'" target=_blank>'.$clan['homepage'].'</a></td>';
} else{
echo '<td>Keine</td>';
<th align="Left">Info:<a
<td><?php echo $clan['info']; ?></td>
<th align="left">Clan auflösen</th>
href="javascript:if(confirm('Wirklich auflösen? der Clan kann ggf. durch jemand übernommen werden!')==true) window.location.href='index.php?as=clan/clan_info&action=kill'">Clan
auflösen (Achtung! Clans ggf. nur geleert!)</a></td>
if(isClanNewsletterAvailable($clan['id'])) {
<td> </td>
<td colspan="2">
<form action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>" method="GET">
<input type="hidden" name="as" value="clan/clan_info"> <input
type="hidden" name="action" value="newsletter">
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%" height="69">
<th height="18" valign="top" width="603" colspan="2"
class="content">Nachricht an alle Clanmember schicken</th>
<td height="25" valign="top" colspan="2" align="center"> <textarea
class="input" rows="8" name="text" cols="40"></textarea></td>
<td height="25" valign="top" colspan="2" align="center"> <input
class="input" type="submit" value="abschicken"></td>
else {
<td> </td>
<th height="18" valign="top" width="603" colspan="2" class="content">Clannachrichten erst ab Level <?php echo CLAN_LVL_NEWSLETTER;?> verfügbar</th>
function displayClanProfile($clanid, $userid){
$clan = getClan($clanid, FALSE);
$user = getUser($userid, false);
if(!$clan) {
echo displayErrorMessage(NULL, 'Es gibt den Clan mit der ID ' .$clanid.' nicht oder nicht mehr!', displayHistoryBackLink());
$editable = $clan['leader'] == $user['id'] || $clan['co_leader'] == $user['id'];
displayClanProfileReadOnly($clan, $user['clan'] == $clan['id'], $user['id']);
} else{
displayClanProfileEditable($clan, $user['id']);
function setProfile($user, $what, $value1, $value2, $clanid, $rootlvl){
if($rootlvl < 1) {
return 'Du hast keine Rechte um diese Aktion auszuführen!';
case 'Homepage':
mysql_query('UPDATE clan SET homepage = \''.$value1.'\' where id = '.$clanid);
return NULL;
case 'Clanzeichen':
if(strlen($value1.$value2) > MAX_CHARS_CLANSIGN) {
return 'Clanzeichen sind ungültig: Summe aus beiden Teilen darf nicht größer als '.MAX_CHARS_CLANSIGN.' Zeichen sein!';
mysql_query('UPDATE clan SET clanz_pre = \''.$value1.'\', clanz_suff = \''.$value2.'\' where id = '.$clanid);
return NULL;
case 'Banner':
mysql_query('UPDATE clan SET banner = \''.$value1.'\' where id = '.$clanid);
return NULL;
case 'Info':
mysql_query('UPDATE clan SET Info = \''.$value1.'\' where id = '.$clanid);
return NULL;
case 'Leadership':
$clan = getClan($clanid);
if($value1 == 0 && $rootlvl == 2){$value1 = 'null';}
else if($rootlvl == 1) { $value1 = $clan['leader']; }
if($value2 == 0){$value2 = 'null';}
// okay, are we allowed to change?? If we have max members, it is not allowed to remove the co_leader
$clan = getClan($clanid);
$members = getClanMembersCount($clanid);
$members_max = getMaximumMembers($clan['id']);
if($members_max == $members && $clan['leader'] != $clan['co_leader'] && ($value1 == $value2 || $value2 == 'null')) {
// Okay, actually there are the max amount of users in the clan
// it is now not possible to change to a leader only clan!!
return 'Es ist nicht möglich den Co-Leader zu ändern, da der clan die maximale Anzahl Member besitzt!';
if($rootlvl == 1){ // the co leader may only set the co leader XD
$sql = 'UPDATE clan SET co_leader = '.$value2.' where id = '.$clanid;
//echo $sql.'<br>';
} else if($rootlvl == 2) { // the leader may set the leader and the co leader
$sql = 'UPDATE clan SET leader = '.$value1.', co_leader = '.$value2.' where id = '.$clanid;
// echo $sql.'<br>';
return NULL;
case 'Member':
// okay, now apply the changes!! --> first filter the values of value2 that are in value1
$value2 = array_diff($value2, $value1);
$clan = getClan($clanid);
// now kick some asses ;)
foreach($value1 as $member) {
if($clan['leader'] == $member || $clan['coleader'] == $member) {
// we cannot kick the asses of the leaders!!
fireMember($user, $member);
updateAuthorizedClanfightCoordinators($clanid, $value2);
displayEdit($what, $clanid, $rootlvl);
return NULL;
return 'Error!';
function displayEdit($what, $clanid, $rootlvl){
if($rootlvl < 1) {
$content = '<tr><td colspan="2">Du hast keine Rechte um diese Aktion auszuführen!</td></tr>';
$what = 'ERROR';
$clan = getCLan($clanid);
$content = '';
case 'Homepage':
$content = '<tr><td colspan="2"><input class="input" name="value1" value="'.$clan['homepage'].'"/></td></tr>';
case 'Clanzeichen':
$content = '<tr><td>Prefix: <input class="input" name="value1" value="'.$clan['clanz_pre'].'"/></td><td>Suffix: <input class="input" name="value2" value="'.$clan['clanz_suff'].'"/></td></tr>';
case 'Banner':
$content = '<tr><td colspan="2"><input class="input" name="value1" value="'.$clan['banner'].'"/></td></tr>';
case 'Leadership':
$member_qry = mysql_query('Select id, nickname from user where clan = '.$clanid);
$member[] = '<option value="0" selected>Niemand</option>';
$member2[] = '<option value="0" selected>Niemand</option>';
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($member_qry)){
if($row['id'] == $clan['leader']) {
$member[] = '<option value="'.$row['id'].'" selected="selected">'.$row['nickname'].'</option>';
} else {
$member[] = '<option value="'.$row['id'].'">'.$row['nickname'].'</option>';
if($row['id'] == $clan['co_leader']) {
$member2[] = '<option value="'.$row['id'].'" selected="selected">'.$row['nickname'].'</option>';
} else {
$member2[] = '<option value="'.$row['id'].'">'.$row['nickname'].'</option>';
if($rootlvl == 2){
$content = '<tr><td>Leader:</td><td><select class="input" name="value1" />'.join('',$member).'</select></td></tr>';
$content .= '<tr><td>Co-Leader:</td><td><select class="input" name="value2" />'.join('',$member2).'</select></td></tr>';
case 'Info':
$content = '<tr><td colspan="2"><textarea class="input" name="value1" rows="8" cols="40">'.debbcode($clan['info']).'</textarea></td></tr>';
case 'Member':
$content = '<tr><td colspan="2" width="400px">'.PHP_EOL;
$content .= '<table width="100%">'.PHP_EOL;
$content .= '<tr><th align="center">Member</th><th align="center" width="75px">Kick</th><th align="center" width="75px">CF Rechte</th></tr>'.PHP_EOL;
$content .= '<tr><td align="center" colspan="3"><hr /><input type="hidden" name="edited" value="1"></td></tr>'.PHP_EOL;
$member_qry = mysql_query('Select id from user where clan = '.$clan['id']);
$authorized = getAuthorizedClanfightCoordinatorIDs($clanid);
$leader = NULL;
$coleader = NULL;
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($member_qry)){
$row['nickname'] = generateUserLinkByID($row['id'], false);
if($row['id'] == $clan['leader']){
$leader = $row;
} else if($row['id'] == $clan['co_leader']) {
$coleader = $row;
} else {
$member[] = $row;
$i = 0;
// Kay, first display the chief
if($leader != NULL) {
$content .= '<tr><td align="center">' . $leader['nickname'] . '</td><td align="center"><input name="value1['.$i.']" type="checkbox" disabled="disabled" value="'. $leader['id'] .'" /></td><td align="center"><input name="value2['.$i.']" type="checkbox" disabled="disabled" checked="checked" value="'. $leader['id'] .'" /></td></tr>'.PHP_EOL;
if($coleader != null) {
$content .= '<tr><td align="center">' . $coleader['nickname'] . '</td><td align="center"><input name="value1['.$i.']" type="checkbox" disabled="disabled" value="'. $coleader['id'] .'" /></td><td align="center"><input name="value2['.$i.']" type="checkbox" disabled="disabled" checked="checked" value="'. $coleader['id'] .'" /></td></tr>'.PHP_EOL;
foreach($member as $memb) {
if(in_array($memb['id'], $authorized)) {
$checked = 'checked="checked"';
} else {
$checked = '';
$content .= '<tr><td align="center">' . $memb['nickname'] . '</td><td align="center"><input name="value1['.$i.']" value="'.$memb['id'].'" type="checkbox"/></td><td align="center"><input name="value2['.$i.']" value="'.$memb['id'].'" type="checkbox" '.$checked.'/></td></tr>'.PHP_EOL;
$content .= '<tr><td align="center" colspan="3"><hr /></td></tr>'.PHP_EOL;
$content .= '</table>'.PHP_EOL.'</td></tr>';
case 'ERROR':
$content = '<tr><td colspan="2">Error '.$what.' unknown!</td></tr>';
<form action="index.php" method="GET">
<input type="hidden" name="as" value="clan/clan_info" /> <input
type="hidden" name="action" value="edit" /> <input type="hidden"
name="what" value="<?php echo $what; ?>" />
<th colspan="2"><?php echo $what; ?> Ändern</th>
<?php echo $content; ?>
<td align="center" colspan="2">
<input class="input" type="submit" value="Edit" />
<button name="cancel" value="1" id="input">Hauptmenü</button>
if($action !== NULL) { // this is done to not require to reprogramm the whole stuff!
$rootlvl = 0;
$clan = getClan($user_ida['clan']);
if($clan['leader'] == $user_ida['id'] || ($clan['leader'] === null && ($clan['co_leader'] === null || $clan['co_leader'] = $user_ida['id']))) {
$rootlvl = 2; // leader or putsch!!
} else if($clan['co_leader'] = $user_ida['id']) {
$rootlvl = 1; // co_leader
switch ($action) {
case 'edit':
$errorMsg = NULL;
$row = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query('SELECT leader, co_leader from clan where id = '.$user_ida['clan']));
if($row['leader'] != $user_ida['id'] && $row['co_leader'] != $user_ida['id']){
displayErrorMessage(NULL, 'Du bist weder Leader noch Co-Leader des Clans!', displayHistoryBackLink());
$displayMore = false;
} else if(isset($value1) || isset($value2)){
$errorMsg = setProfile($user_ida, $what, $value1, $value2, $user_ida['clan'], $rootlvl);
} else{
$errorMsg = displayEdit($what, $user_ida['clan'], $rootlvl);
$displayMore = false;
if($errorMsg !== NULL) {
displayErrorMessage(NULL, $errorMsg, displayHistoryBackLink());
$displayMore = false;
} else if($what == 'Member') {
$displayMore = false;
case 'fire':
fireMember($user_ida, $member);
if($user_ida['id'] == $member) {
$displayMore = false;
case 'putsch':
if($clan_id == $user_ida['clan']) {
if(!setMeAsLeader($user_ida)) {
displayErrorMessage(NULL, 'Konnte den Clan nicht übernehmen ...', displayHistoryBackLink());
$displayMore = false;
} else if ($clan_id !== NULL && ($errorMsg = conquerClan($clan_id, $user_ida['id'])) !== NULL) {
displayErrorMessage(NULL, $errorMsg, displayHistoryBackLink());
$displayMore = false;
case 'kill':
if(($errorMsg = deleteClan($user_ida['id'])) != NULL) {
displayErrorMessage(NULL, $errorMsg, displayHistoryBackLink());
} else {
displayErrorMessage(NULL, 'Clan erfolgreich aufgelöst.', '<a href="index.php">weiter</a>');
$displayMore = false;
case 'reject':
$errorMsg = revokeInvitation($user_ida, $member);
if($errorMsg !== NULL) {
echo displayErrorMessage(NULL, $errorMsg, displayHistoryBackLink());
$displayMore = false;
} else {
displayErrorMessage('','Du hast die Einladung erfolgreich zurückgezogen!', '<a href="index.php?as=clan/clan_info">weiter</a>');
$displayMore = false;
case 'newsletter':
sendClanNewsletter($user_ida, $text);
$displayMore = false;
displayClanProfile($clan_id, $user_ida['id']);