331 lines
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331 lines
11 KiB
* @copyright (c) 2011 animegame.eu
* @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html GNU General Public Licence
include_once (ROOT_PATH . '/include/defines.inc.php');
include_once (ROOT_PATH . '/include/clan_fights.inc.php');
defineIfNotDefined('MAX_CHARS_CLANSIGN', 8);
$GLOBALS['clan_buffered_instances'] = array ();
function getClan($clanid, $buffer = TRUE) {
if(!is_numeric($clanid) || $clanid === NULL) { return NULL; }
if($buffer && isset($GLOBALS['clan_buffered_instances'][$clanid])) {
return $GLOBALS['clan_buffered_instances'][$clanid]; // okay, we already buffered the clan :)
$clan = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query('SELECT * FROM clan WHERE id = '. $clanid));
// now calculate the member, max_exp fields :D
if($clan) {
$GLOBALS['clan_buffered_instances'][$clanid] = $clan;
return $clan;
} else {
return NULL;
function getClanMembersCount($clanid) {
if(!is_numeric($clanid)) { return NULL; }
$row = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query('SELECT count(id) as amount FROM user WHERE clan = '. $clanid));
return $row['amount'];
function getClanMemberBonusByLevel($level) {
switch($level) {
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
return 0;
case 4:
case 5:
case 6:
return 1;
case 7:
case 8:
return 2;
case 9:
case 10:
return 3;
case 11:
case 12:
return 4;
case 13:
case 14:
return 5;
case 15:
case 16:
return 6;
case 17:
return 7;
return 8;
function getMaximumMembers($clanid) {
// okay, this is a more tricky calculation as this requires the information (are leader and co_leader the same person??)
// the second parameter is the clan level. Each 2 levels (where the maximum clan level is about 20) one more member can
// be invited :)
$clan = getClan($clanid);
if($clan === NULL){ return 0; }
$base = 12;
$members_by_level = getClanMemberBonusByLevel($clan['level']);
$malus = 0;
if($clan['co_leader'] == NULL || $clan['co_leader'] == $clan['leader']) {
$malus = 1;
return $base + $members_by_level - $malus;
function getRequiredClanExp($level) {
return pow(2, $level) * 10;
function revokeInvitation($user, $userid, $clan = NULL){
if($user['clan'] === NULL) {
return 'Du bist in keinem Clan!';
if($clan === NULL) {
$qry = mysql_query('Select * from clan where id = ' . $user['clan']);
$clan = mysql_fetch_assoc($qry);
if($clan['leader'] != $user['id'] && $clan['co_leader'] != $user['id']){
return 'Nur der Leader, bzw. der Co-Leader kann Einladungen zurückziehen!!';
$sql = 'DELETE FROM user_clan_invitations WHERE clanid = '.$clan['id'].' AND userid = '.$userid;
// echo $sql . '<br>';
if(mysql_affected_rows() > 0){
return NULL;
} else{
return 'Einladung konnte nicht zurückgezogen werden!';
* Enter description here ...
* @param array $user the user that wants to invite
* @param int $userid the id of the user that should be invited
* @param array $clan the optional clan array (if available)
function inviteUser(array $user, $userid, array $clan = NULL){
if($user['clan'] === NULL) {
return 'Du bist in keinem Clan!';
if($clan === NULL) {
$qry = mysql_query('Select * from clan where id = ' . $user['clan']);
$clan = mysql_fetch_assoc($qry);
if($clan['leader'] != $user['id'] && $clan['co_leader'] != $user['id']){
return 'Nur der Leader, bzw. der Co-Leader kann neue Member einladen!';
$row = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query('SELECT * FROM user where id = \''. $userid.'\''));
if(!row) {
return 'Fehler! Nutzer exisitiert nicht!!';
if($row['clan'] == $user['clan']){
return 'Fehler! Nutzer ist schon in deinem Clan!';
$sql = 'INSERT INTO user_clan_invitations(userid, clanid, valid) values('.$userid.','.$user['clan'].',TIMESTAMPADD(DAY, 5, now()))';
// echo $sql.'<br>';
if(mysql_affected_rows() <= 0){ // Fehler?
$sql = 'UPDATE user_clan_invitations SET valid = TIMESTAMPADD(DAY, 5, now()) where userid = '.$userid.' and clanid = '.$user['clan'];
// echo $sql.'<br>';
if(mysql_affected_rows() <= 0){ // Fehler?
return 'Fehler! Konnte Nutzer nicht einladen!';
} else{
sendMessage($user['nickname'], $userid, 'Einladung in Clan', 'Die Einladung des Clans '.$clan['clanname'].' wurde aufgefrischt! Klicke auf "Clan beitreten" um die Einladung anzunehmen!');
return NULL;
} else{
sendMessage($user['nickname'], $userid, 'Einladung in Clan', 'Du wurdest eingeladen dich dem Clan '.$clan['clanname'].' anzuschliessen! Klicke auf "Clan beitreten" um die Einladung anzunehmen!');
return NULL;
function fireMember($user, $member){
$clan = getClan($user['clan']);
if($member != $clan['leader'] && $member != $clan['co_leader'] && ($user['id'] == $clan['leader'] || $user['id'] == $clan['co_leader'] || $member == $user['id'])){
$sql = 'Update user set clan = NULL where id = '.$member.' AND clan = '.$user['clan'];
// echo $sql.'<br>';
if(mysql_affected_rows() > 0){ // Soll nur ausgeführt werden, wenn member wirklich gekickt wurde!!
$sql = 'Update chars set clan_train = NULL where besitzer = '.$member;
if($user['id'] != $member) {
sendMessage($user['nickname'], $member, 'Clan rauswurf!', 'Du wurdest von '.$user['nickname'].' aus deinem Clan geworfen. Du wirst dir wohl einen neuen suchen müssen!');
} else if($clan['exp'] == 0 && $clan['level'] == 1 && getClanMembersCount($user['clan']) == 0) {
mysql_query('DELETE FROM clan WHERE id =' .$user['clan']);
// delete the participation in open clan fights! Thats tricky because the user itself is not stored in the database!!
mysql_query('DELETE FROM clan_challenge_whitelist WHERE clan_id = ' .$clan['id'] . ' AND user_id = ' .$user['id']);
mysql_query('DELETE FROM clan_challenge_participants WHERE clan_challenge_id in (SELECT clan_challenge_id FROM clan_challenge where calculated = FALSE) and char_id IN (Select id FROM chars where besitzer = '.$user['id'].')');
} else{
echo displayErrorMessage(NULL, 'Du kannst den Member nicht feuern!', displayHistoryBackLink());
* Return all Clans with their id and name.
function getAllClans() {
$qry = mysql_query('SELECT id,clanname FROM clan;');
while ($result = mysql_fetch_assoc($qry)) {
$clans[] = $result;
return $clans;
function joinClan($user, $clanid, $check_invitation = true){
// last chance to lock the clan if in the old situation it was having to few members ;)
isClanLocked($clanid); // we only require the calculation not the result!
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM user_clan_invitations WHERE userid = '.$user['id'].' and clanid = '.$clanid.' and valid > now();';
$clan_user = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query($sql));
if($clan_user || !$check_invitation){
$clan = getClan($clanid);
$members = getClanMembersCount($clanid);
$members_max = getMaximumMembers($clan['id']);
if($members >= $members_max){
displayErrorMessage(NULL,'Konnte die Einladung des Clans nicht annehmen (Clan voll)!',displayHistoryBackLink());
} else{
$sql = 'UPDATE user SET clan = '.$clanid.' WHERE id = '.$user['id'];
// echo $sql.'<br>';
// unset the leader if the user is moving from one clan to another
mysql_query('UPDATE clan SET leader = NULL WHERE leader = ' .$user['id'] . ' and id != ' .$clanid);
mysql_query('UPDATE clan SET co_leader = NULL WHERE co_leader = ' .$user['id'] . ' and id != ' .$clanid);
mysql_query('DELETE FROM clan_challenge_whitelist WHERE clan_id = ' .$clanid . ' AND user_id = ' .$user['id']);
if($check_invitation) {
displayErrorMessage('Aufgenommen','Du wurdest erfolgreich in den Clan aufgenommen!','<a href="index.php?as=clan/clan_info">weiter</a>');
} else{
displayErrorMessage(NULL,'Konnte die Einladung des Clans nicht annehmen!',displayHistoryBackLink());
mysql_query('DELETE FROM user_clan_invitations WHERE userid = '.$user['id'].' and clanid = '.$clanid);
function denyClan($user, $clanid){
mysql_query('DELETE FROM user_clan_invitations WHERE userid = '.$user['id'].' and clanid = '.$clanid);
if(mysql_affected_rows() > 0){
displayErrorMessage('Abgelehnt','Du hast die Einladung erfolgreich abgelehnt!','<a href="index.php?as=clan/add">weiter</a>');
} else{
displayErrorMessage(NULL,'Einladung des Clans konnte nicht abgelehnt werden!',displayHistoryBackLink());
function deleteClan($userid) {
$user = getUser($userid);
$clanid = $user['clan'];
$clan = getClan($clanid);
if($userid != $clan['leader']) {
return 'Du kannst den Clan nicht auflösen!';
// Okay notify the members :)
$qry = mysql_query('SELECT id FROM user WHERE clan = '.$user['clan']);
while($member = mysql_fetch_assoc($qry)) {
sendMessage($user['nickname'], $member['id'], 'Clan wurde gelöscht!', 'Dein Clan wurde von '.$user['nickname'].' gelöscht. Du wirst dir wohl einen neuen suchen müssen!');
// Check if this clan is level 0 and has 0 exp ...
if($clan['exp'] == 0 && $clan['level'] == 1) {
// really do delete the clan !!
mysql_query('DELETE FROM clan where id = '.$user['clan']);
} else {
// cleanup the clan!
$sql1 = 'UPDATE user SET clan = NULL WHERE clan = ' . $clanid;
$sql2 = 'UPDATE clan SET leader = NULL, co_leader = NULL WHERE id = ' .$clanid;
$sql3 = 'DELETE FROM clan_challenge_whitelist WHERE clan_id = ' .$clanid; // cleanup the whitelist
// echo $sql1 . '<br>';
// echo $sql2 . '<br>';
return NULL;
function conquerClan($clanid, $userid) {
// It is possible to enter a clan that is empty :)
$user = getUser($userid);
$result = mysql_fetch_row(mysql_query('SELECT count(*) FROM user WHERE clan = ' . $clanid));
if($result[0] != 0) {
return 'Der Clan ('.$clanid.') ist nicht leer!';
$sql = 'UPDATE clan SET leader = ' . $userid . ' WHERE leader is NULL AND id = '. $clanid;
$done = mysql_affected_rows() > 0;
if(!$done) {
return 'Der Clan ist schon übernommen worden!';
// Cool we got em !! Now move to the new clan :)
joinClan($user, $clanid, false);
return NULL;
function setMeAsLeader($user){
mysql_query('UPDATE clan set leader = '.$user['id'].' WHERE id = '.$user['clan'].' and leader IS null AND co_leader IS null');
return mysql_affected_rows() > 0;
function sendClanNewsletter($user, $text){
$qry = mysql_query('SELECT * FROM clan WHERE id = ' . $user['clan']);
$clan = mysql_fetch_assoc($qry);
$errors = FALSE;
$sql = 'SELECT id FROM user WHERE clan='.$user['clan'];
$clans = mysql_query($sql);
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($clans)) {
$errors |= !sendMessage($user['nickname'], $row['id'], $clan['clanname'].' Nachricht', $text);
if($errors) {
displayErrorMessage(NULL,'Beim Versenden sind Fehler aufgetreten', '<a href="index.php?as=clan/clan_info">weiter...</a>');
} else {
displayErrorMessage(NULL,'Nachricht erfolgreich verschickt', '<a href="index.php?as=clan/clan_info">weiter...</a>');