You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

297 lines
9.7 KiB

* @copyright (c) 2017
* @license GNU General Public Licence
8 years ago
define ( TOURNAMENT_GAIN_PL, 1 );
8 years ago
defineIfNotDefined( ATTACK_SET_TOURNAMENT, 1);
function getTournamentTypes() {
$qry = db_query ( 'SELECT * from tournament_types' );
$types = array ();
while ( $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc ( $qry ) ) {
$types [$row ['id']] = $row;
return $types;
* @param int $id the id of the tournament_type
* @return array
function getTournamentType($id) {
$qry = db_query ( 'SELECT * from tournament_types WHERE id = ' . $id );
return mysqli_fetch_assoc ( $qry );
* Calling this method will run all scheduled tournaments for this hour.
function runScheduledTournaments() {
$hour_of_day = date('G');
$day_of_week = date('N');
$day_of_month = date('j');
$sql = 'SELECT id FROM tournament_types WHERE (day_of_week = '.$day_of_week.' OR day_of_week is NULL) AND (day_of_month = '.$day_of_month.' or day_of_month is NULL) AND hour_of_day = '.$hour_of_day.' AND id NOT IN (SELECT type from tournament where ausgewertet = FALSE)';
// echo $sql;
$qry = db_query($sql);
while( $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($qry) ) {
runTournament( $row['id'] );
function getTournamentCharExclusionSQL($tournament_type, $prefix=NULL) {
$exclusions = array();
if ($prefix === NULL) {
$prefix = '';
} else {
$prefix = $prefix.'.';
$name = $tournament_type['name'];
$fusion = !$tournament_type['excl_fusions']; // 1 fuer erlaubt
$special = !$tournament_type['excl_special_chars']; // Spezialchars 1 für erlaubt
$minlevel = $tournament_type['min_level']; // selbsterklärend
$maxlevel = $tournament_type['max_level']; // selbsterklärend
$exclude_winners = $tournament_type['excl_winners']; // gibt an ob gewinner vorheriger turniere des typs ausgeschlossen werden
$exclude_fusi_count = $tournament_type['excl_fusion_particip_count'];
if($fusion != 1){
$exclusions[] = $prefix.'fusion = \'nein\'';
} else if(is_numeric($exclude_fusi_count) && $exclude_fusi_count > 0) {
$subselect = 'SELECT ec.char_id from event_chars ec inner join tournament t on ec.event_id = t.event_id WHERE t.type = '.$tournament_type['id'].' GROUP by ec.char_id HAVING count(*) >= '.$exclude_fusi_count;
$exclusions[] = '( '.$prefix.'fusion = \'nein\' OR '.$prefix.'id NOT IN ( '.$subselect.' ) )';
// Es sollen keine NPC mitmachen :) und nicht die Spezial Wanted NPCs
$exclude_race_ids = array();
$npc_race = getRaceTypeName('NPC');
$races = getRacesByType($npc_race); // remove all NPC
foreach($races as $race) {
$exclude_race_ids[] = '\''.$race['id'].'\'';
if($special != 1){
$races = getSpecialRaceIds();
$npc_race = getRaceTypeName('NPC'); // do not remove npc (there is a separate setting for this)
foreach($races as $race) {
if($race['type'] != $npc_race['id']) {
$exclude_race_ids[] = '\''.$race['id'].'\'';
if(count($exclude_race_ids)) {
$exclusions[] = $prefix.'rasse NOT IN('.implode(',',$exclude_race_ids).') ';
$exclusions[] = $prefix.'level >= '.$minlevel;
$exclusions[] = $prefix.'level <= '.$maxlevel;
if ($exclude_winners == 1) {
$exclusions[] = $prefix.'id NOT IN( SELECT charid FROM highscore WHERE art = "'.$name.'" AND charid IS NOT NULL) ';
if ( count($exclusions ) > 0 ) {
return ' '.join(' AND ', $exclusions).' ';
return '1';
function retrieveParticipants($tournament_type) {
$filter_sql = getTournamentCharExclusionSQL($tournament_type, 'c');
$name = $tournament_type['name'];
$anzahl = $tournament_type['competitors']; // Anzahl (benötigt)
$gain = $tournament_type['gain']; // ('Anmeldung', 'PL', 'Level')
$itemless = !$_GET['without_equip']; // gibt an ob das turnier die items ingorieren soll (standard sind items aktiv)
$sql = 'SELECT count(*) as anzahl from chars c where '.$filter_sql;
// echo $sql.'<br>';
$qry = db_query($sql);
$row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($qry);
if($row['anzahl'] < $anzahl){
echo $name.' konnte nicht mit '.$anzahl.' Chars gestartet werden, da es nur '.$row['anzahl'].' von '.$anzahl.' nötigen Chars gibt!<br>';
$anzahl = pow(2, floor(log($row['anzahl'], 2)));
echo $name.' wird nun mit '.$anzahl.' Chars gestartet!<br>';
// Erstma nur die id auslesen (danach wird eh nochmal gemischt ;))
$cid = array();
$sql = 'SELECT FROM tournament_registration tr inner join chars as c ON tr.charakter = WHERE tr.type='.$tournament_type['id'].' AND '.$filter_sql;
// echo '<p>'.$sql.'</p>';
$qry = db_query($sql);
while (($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($qry)) && count($cid) < $anzahl){
$cid[] = $row['id'];
$sql = 'DELETE FROM tournament_registration WHERE type = '.$tournament_type['id'];
// echo $sql .'<br>';
db_query($sql); // Lösche die Anmeldungsliste
8 years ago
if ( count($cid) == 0 ) {
$sql = 'SELECT id FROM chars c where '.$filter_sql.' ORDER BY RAND()';
} else {
$sql = 'SELECT id FROM chars c where '.$filter_sql.' AND id NOT IN ('.join(',', $cid).') ORDER BY RAND()';
// In case the tournament is not full
} else if($gain == TOURNAMENT_GAIN_PL){
// Die Buffs werden nicht zur PL gezählt ;)
$sql = 'SELECT FROM chars c where '.$filter_sql.' ORDER BY starke+verteidigung+speed+ausdauer+glueck desc';
} else if($gain == TOURNAMENT_GAIN_LEVEL){
$sql = 'SELECT FROM chars c where '.$filter_sql.' ORDER BY level desc';
} else{
echo 'Parameter gain war weder Anmeldung, PL noch Level<br>';
return array();
$qry = db_query($sql);
while( ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($qry)) && count($cid) < $anzahl) {
$cid[] = $row['id'];
// echo $sql.'<br>';
$char_array = array();
foreach ($cid as $char_id) {
// echo $row['id'].'<br>';
8 years ago
$char_data = NULL;
if($itemless == 1) {
8 years ago
$char_data = getChar($char_id); // ohne Equip für Turniere!!
} else {
8 years ago
$char_data = getCharWithBuffs($char_id); // Equip für Turniere!!
8 years ago
$hp = explode(',', $char_data['hp']);
$hp_max = $hp[1];
$mp = explode(',', $char_data['mp']);
$mp_max = $mp[1];
$char_data['hp'] = join(',', array($hp_max, $hp_max));
$char_data['mp'] = join(',', array($mp_max, $mp_max));
$char_array[] = $char_data;
return $char_array;
function canEditTournament($tournament_type) {
$sql = 'SELECT count(id) FROM tournament WHERE ausgewertet = FALSE AND type = '.$tournament_type['id'];
$count = mysqli_fetch_row(db_query($sql))[0];
return $count == 0;
function canStartTournament($tournament_type) {
return canEditTournament($tournament_type);
* Calling this method will run the given tournament
* @param mixed $tournament_type integer => id, string => name, array fetched from getTournamentType(s)
function runTournament($tournament_type) {
if (is_numeric($tournament_type)) {
$tournament_type = getTournamentType($tournament_type);
} else if (is_string($tournament_type)) {
$tournament_type= mysqli_fetch_assoc( db_query( 'SELECT * from tournament_types WHERE name = \'' . $tournament_type.'\'' ));
if (!canStartTournament($tournament_type)) {
echo 'Unable to start Tournament as tournament of the same type is already running!';
$participants = retrieveParticipants($tournament_type);
if ($participants !== NULL) {
$tournament = createTournament($tournament_type);
calculateTournament($tournament, $participants);
function createTournament($tournament_type) {
$event_id= createEvent(EVENT_TURNIER);
db_query('INSERT INTO tournament(type, event_id) values('.$tournament_type['id'].','.$event_id.')');
return mysqli_fetch_assoc(db_query( 'SELECT * FROM tournament WHERE event_id = ' . $event_id));
function calculateTournament($tournament, $participants) {
$event_id = $tournament['event_id'];
foreach ($participants as $participant) {
addParticipant($event_id, $participant);
// Hier Gruppenphase berechnen und die Chars für die Endrunde in $chars speichern
$start_time = time();
$counter = 1;
$round = 1;
$char_array = $participants;
// Beginn der Endrunde
while(count($char_array) > 1){ // Solange bis nur ein Char übrig bleibt
$n_chars = array();
$fight_start_time = $start_time + ($counter-1) * $duration;
$fight_end_time = $fight_start_time + $duration;
$winner = calculateEventFight($event_id, $char_array[$i], $char_array[$i+1], ATTACK_SET_TOURNAMENT, $fight_start_time, $fight_end_time, 1, 0, array('round' => $round));
if ($winner['id'] == $char_array[$i]['id']) {
$n_chars[] = $char_array[$i];
} else {
$n_chars[] = $char_array[$i+1];
// echo 'Berechne fight zwischen '.$char_array[$i].'und '.$char_array[$i+1].'('.$i.'/'.count($char_array).')<br>';
// echo 'nxt round<br>';
if($tournament['randomize'] == 1) {
$char_array = $n_chars;
$end_time = $start_time + $counter * $duration;
$end_time_str = date("Y-m-d H:i:s",$end_time);
db_query('UPDATE event_chars SET block_begin = \''.$end_time_str.'\', block_end = \''.$end_time_str.'\' WHERE event_id = '.$event_id);
// Seems that we have a winner :D
$fruit_item_str = getFruitItem($tournament['fruit_type'], $tournament['fruit_chance']);
if ($fruit_item_str !== NULL) {
// add item in event_char_metadata
db_query('INSERT INTO event_char_metadata(event_id, event_char_id, `key`, `value`) values('.$event_id.','.$char_array[0]['id'].',\''.KEY_ITM_CHAR1.'\',\''.$fruit_item_str.'\')');