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14 years ago
// File: adblock.js
// Version: 1.2
// Update 9/1/04: fixed spelling errors in text
// Update 9/7/04: Added deny feature, allowing no access to users with AdBlock software.
// Distributed by:
// This file is provided AS-IS and without warranty and is distributed under the GPL.
// This code may be freely used as long as it remains intact.
var chip = document.cookie;
var deny = 0; //set this to 1 to deny access with no access.
// A denied user will go to page sorry.html.
// if you enable this feature you must create a page called /sorry.html
function getCookie(name) {
var index = chip.indexOf(name + "=");
if (index == -1) return null;
index = chip.indexOf("=", index) + 1; // first character
var endstr = chip.indexOf(";", index);
if (endstr == -1) endstr = chip.length; // last character
return unescape(chip.substring(index, endstr));
function hidediv() {
if (document.getElementById) {
document.getElementById('warning').style.visibility = 'hidden';
document.cookie = "warned=true; PATH=/";
function clear_cookie(){
document.cookie = "warned=; PATH=/";
if (document.getElementById) {
if (!getCookie("warned")) {
document.write("<div id=\"warning\" style=\"visibility:hidden; position:absolute; background: #000000; width:80%; left: 10%; top:50px; padding: 10px 10px 10px 10px; border: 1px solid black; \">");
document.write("<p>Wichtig: <b>Es scheint, dass du eine Adblock Software nutzt.</b></p>");
document.write("<p>Der Server dieses Spiels wird aus Werbung finanziert. ");
document.write("Wenn du also Werbung blockst, f&uuml;hrt das evtl. dazu, dass die Kosten des Servers nicht gedeckt werden k&ouml;nnen. Die Spielleitung wird keine nervigen Werbungen einf&uuml;gen, wodurch der Einsatz eines Adblockers nicht gerechtfertigt ist.</p>");
document.write("<p>Fuer mehr Informationen, <a href=\"\" style=\"background: #0000FF;\">visit</a>.</p>");
document.write("<p><div align=center><a href=\"javascript:hidediv()\" style=\"background: #0000FF;\">Hier klicken um Info zu verbergen</a>.<br>");
document.write("Du wirst diese Nachricht in dieser Sitzung nicht mehr empfangen (Cookies muessen aktiviert sein.)</p></div></div>");
function checkVisible(variable){
if(variable == 1){
document.getElementById('warning').style.visibility = 'visible';
if (document.images) {
var currImg;
var ImgFound = 0;
var LinkFound = 0;
//alert("checking images..");
for (var d=0; d < document.images.length; ++d) {
currImg = document.images[d];
if (currImg.src.indexOf("banner_ad") > -1) {
ImgFound = 1;
if (!ImgFound || AdBlockTest) {
if(deny) {
location = "/sorry.html";
} else {
document.getElementById('warning').style.visibility = 'visible';