@ -29,68 +29,56 @@
(def reloaded (atom false))
(defn set-timing
"sets the current time at the given key"
[state timingkey]
(assoc-in state
[:timing timingkey]
(.now js/performance)))
(defn set-fps
(defn curr-fps
"calculates the current fps using the elapsed time"
(let [elapsed (-> state :timing :elapsed)
fps (/ 1 elapsed)]
(assoc-in state [:timing :fps] fps)))
(/ 1 elapsed))
(defn elapsed-seconds
"calculates the elapsed seconds since the last frame"
[gamestate now]
(/ (- now (-> gamestate :timing :prev))
(defn set-elapsed-seconds
"calculates and writes the elapsed seconds since the last frame"
(defn curr-scene
"returns the current scene"
(update gamestate
#(let [{:keys [now prev]} %]
(assoc % :elapsed
(/ (- now prev)
(get-in gamestate [:scenes (:scene gamestate)]))
(defn update-scene
(defn run-scene-update
"updates the current scene using its udpate function"
(if-not (:continue? gamestate)
(let [scenekey (:scene gamestate)
{updatefunc :update
:as scene} (get-in gamestate [:scenes scenekey])
newstate (updatefunc gamestate scene)]
(assoc-in gamestate [:scenes scenekey] newstate))))
[gamestate scene]
((:update scene) gamestate scene))
(defn continue-running?
"checks if the gameloop should keep running, based on input"
(fn [continue?]
(and continue?
(and prev-continue?
(input/keydown? :Digit2)
(input/keydown? :ControlLeft)) false
(and (not continue?)
(and (not prev-continue?)
(input/keydown? :Digit3)
(input/keydown? :ControlLeft)) true
:else continue?))))
:else prev-continue?))
(defn update-step
"updates timing information and the current scene"
(-> gamestate
(assoc-in [:input :dir] (input/dir))
(set-timing :now)
(set-timing :prev)))
(let [now (.now js/performance)
secs (elapsed-seconds gamestate now)
scene (curr-scene gamestate)
continue? (continue-running? (:continue? gamestate))]
(as-> gamestate $
(assoc-in $ [:input :dir] (input/dir))
(assoc $ :timing {:now now
:elapsed secs
:fps (curr-fps secs)})
(assoc-in $ [:scenes (:scene gamestate)]
(if continue?
(run-scene-update $ scene)
(assoc-in $ [:timing :prev] (.now js/performance)))))
(defn draw-fps
"draws the current fps"
@ -123,7 +111,6 @@
then, it calls itself again using requestAnimationFrame"
(let [newstate (update-step gamestate)]
(set! (.-imageSmoothingEnabled (:ctx gamestate)) false)
(draw-step newstate)
(when-not @reloaded
(.requestAnimationFrame js/window
@ -136,6 +123,8 @@
(-> gamestate :dimensions :w))
(set! (.-height (:canvas gamestate))
(-> gamestate :dimensions :h))
(set! (.-imageSmoothingEnabled (:ctx gamestate))
(update gamestate