Compare commits
No commits in common. 'master' and 'neo4j-4' have entirely different histories.
@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
if lein test; then
echo "testing successul";
echo "tests failed";
sendmail -s "wanijo build failed" < $ALFRED_LOG_FILE;
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
.devbar {
position: fixed;
bottom: 0;
left: 0;
width: 100%;
font-family: monospace;
background-color: #ccc;
ol {
list-style-type: none;
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
li {
padding: .5rem;
border: 1px solid black;
margin: .5rem;
pre {
margin: 0;
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
.devbar {
position: fixed;
bottom: 0;
left: 0;
width: 100%;
font-family: monospace;
background-color: #ccc;
.devbar ol {
list-style-type: none;
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
.devbar ol li {
padding: .5rem;
border: 1px solid black;
margin: .5rem;
.devbar ol li pre {
margin: 0;
@ -1,168 +0,0 @@
(ns formulare.core
(:require [formulare.theme :as theme]
[clojure.spec.alpha :as spec]
[clojure.spec.test.alpha :as spectest]
[form :as hform]
[core :as hcore]]
[ring.util.anti-forgery :refer [anti-forgery-field]]))
(spec/def ::label string?)
(spec/def ::required boolean?)
(spec/def ::spec
(spec/or :registered-spec keyword?
:predicate ifn?))
(spec/def ::options
(spec/or :empty empty?
:options (spec/coll-of (spec/tuple string? string?))))
(spec/def ::widget
#{:input :select :checkbox :textarea :mselect :hidden :file})
(spec/def ::from-req ifn?)
(spec/def ::to-form ::from-req)
(spec/def ::attrs (spec/map-of keyword? (fn [_] true)))
(spec/def ::field
(spec/keys :opt-un [::label
(spec/def ::fields
(spec/map-of keyword? ::field))
(spec/def ::form-specs
(spec/coll-of ::spec))
(spec/def ::form
(spec/keys :req-un [::fields]
:opt-un [::form-specs]))
(defn form-data [form-def req]
(reduce (fn [coll [id field]]
(let [value (get-in req [:params id])]
(assoc coll
(if-let [from-req (:from-req field)]
(from-req value)
(:fields form-def)))
(spec/fdef form-data
:args (spec/cat :form-def ::form :req map?)
:ret map?)
(spectest/instrument `form-data)
(defn form-specs-valid? [form-def req]
(reduce (fn [valid? form-spec]
(if (spec/valid? form-spec req)
(reduced false)))
(:form-specs form-def)))
(defn field-specs-valid? [form-def req]
(fn [result field field-def]
(if-let [field-spec (:spec field-def)]
(if (spec/valid? field-spec (get-in req [:params field]))
(reduced false))
(:fields form-def)))
(defn valid? [form-def req]
(let [data (form-data form-def req)]
(and (field-specs-valid? form-def req)
(form-specs-valid? form-def req))))
(spec/fdef valid?
:args (spec/cat :form-def ::form :req map?)
:ret map?)
(spectest/instrument `valid?)
(def ^:dynamic *row-theme* theme/row)
(def ^:dynamic *widget-error-theme* theme/widget-error)
(def ^:dynamic *form-error-theme* theme/form-error)
(def ^:dynamic *label-theme* theme/label)
(def ^:dynamic *input-widget-theme* theme/input-widget)
(def ^:dynamic *checkbox-widget-theme* theme/checkbox-widget)
(def ^:dynamic *textarea-widget-theme* theme/textarea-widget)
(def ^:dynamic *select-widget-theme* theme/select-widget)
(def ^:dynamic *mselect-widget-theme* theme/multiselect-widget)
(def ^:dynamic *hidden-widget-theme* theme/hidden-widget)
(def ^:dynamic *file-widget-theme* theme/file-widget)
(defn widget-markup [values req validate? [id def]]
(let [{:keys [spec widget to-form]} def
value ((or to-form identity) (id values))
req-value (get-in req [:params id])
renderer (case widget
:checkbox *checkbox-widget-theme*
:textarea *textarea-widget-theme*
:select *select-widget-theme*
:mselect *mselect-widget-theme*
:hidden *hidden-widget-theme*
:file *file-widget-theme*
(*row-theme* (when (and validate?
(not (spec/valid? spec req-value)))
(*widget-error-theme* id def req-value))
(*label-theme* id def)
(renderer id def (if validate? req-value value)))))
(defn form-hash [form-def values]
(str (hash [form-def values])))
(defn validate? [form-def values req]
(= (form-hash form-def values)
(get-in req [:params :__form-hash])))
(defn render-widgets
([form-def values req]
(render-widgets form-def values req
{:render-anti-forgery-field? true}))
([form-def values req {raff? :render-anti-forgery-field?}]
(let [validate? (validate? form-def values req)
form-errors (when (and validate?
(not (form-specs-valid? form-def
(*form-error-theme* form-def req))
widget-mapper (partial widget-markup values req validate?)
defined-widgets (map widget-mapper (:fields form-def))
hash-field (hform/hidden-field "__form-hash"
(form-hash form-def values))
all-widgets (conj defined-widgets
all-widgets (if raff?
(conj all-widgets (anti-forgery-field))
(if form-errors
(concat (if (sequential? form-errors)
(spec/def ::render-anti-forgery-field?
#(boolean? (boolean %)))
(spec/def ::options-map
(spec/keys :req-un
(spec/fdef render-widgets
:args (spec/or :three-params
(spec/cat :form-def ::form
:values (spec/or :no-values nil?
:values map?)
:req map?)
(spec/cat :form-def ::form
:values (spec/or :no-values nil?
:values map?)
:req map?
:options ::options-map)))
(spectest/instrument `render-widgets)
@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
(ns formulare.theme
(:require [clojure.spec.alpha :as spec]
[form :as hform]
[core :as hcore]]))
(defn row [& content] content)
(defn err-msg [content]
[:h2.flash__heading--error "Warning"]
(defn widget-error [id field-def field-value]
(fn [prob]
"Field "
(hcore/h (:label field-def))]
" must comply to "
(hcore/h (:pred prob))]])
(spec/explain-data (:spec field-def)
(defn form-error [form-def req]
(for [prob (mapcat #(:clojure.spec.alpha/problems
(spec/explain-data % req))
(:form-specs form-def))]
(err-msg [:p "The form must comply to "
(hcore/h (:pred prob))])))
(defn label [field-id field-def]
(when-not (= :hidden (:widget field-def))
(hform/label field-id (:label field-def))))
(defn input-widget [id def value]
(hform/text-field (merge {:required (or (:required def) false)}
(:attrs def))
(defn checkbox-widget [id def value]
(hform/check-box id
(and (some? value)
(not= 0 value))
(defn textarea-widget [id def value]
(hform/text-area (merge {:required (or (:required def) false)}
(:attrs def))
(defn select-widget [id def value]
(hform/drop-down id
(:options def)
(defn multiselect-widget [id def value]
[:select (merge {:multiple "multiple"
:size (:size def 5)
:name (name id)
:id (name id)}
(:attrs def))
(for [option (:options def)]
[:option {:value (second option)
:selected (some? (some (partial = (second option))
(hcore/h (first option))])])
(multiselect-widget :id {:options [["<>" "key"]]} {}))
(defn hidden-widget [id _ value]
(hform/hidden-field id value))
(defn file-widget [id def value]
[:input {:type :file
:name id
:required (or (:required def) false)
:value value}])
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
(ns wanijo.home.view
(ns wanijo.home.view
(:require [wanijo.infra.view :as view]))
(:require [wanijo.infrastructure.view :as view]))
(defn root! [req]
(defn root! [req]
(view/layout :request req))
(view/layout :session (:session req)))
@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
(ns wanijo.infra.gzip
(:require [ :as io])
(:import ( InputStream
( GZIPOutputStream)))
(defn set-response-headers
(if-let [vary (or (get headers "vary") (get headers "Vary"))]
(-> headers
(assoc "Vary" (str vary ", Accept-Encoding"))
(assoc "Content-Encoding" "gzip")
(dissoc "Content-Length" "content-length")
(dissoc "vary"))
(-> headers
(assoc "Vary" "Accept-Encoding")
(assoc "Content-Encoding" "gzip")
(dissoc "Content-Length" "content-length"))))
(defn accepts-gzip?
(if-let [accepts (get-in req [:headers "accept-encoding"])]
;; Be aggressive in supporting clients with mangled headers (due to
;; proxies, av software, buggy browsers, etc...)
(defn supported-response? [resp]
(let [{:keys [status headers body]} resp
min-bytes 859]
;; correct status code
(#{200 201 202 203 204 205 403 404} status)
;; not already encoded
(not (or (headers "Content-Encoding")
(headers "content-encoding")))
;; correct data type in body
(or (string? body)
(seq? body)
(instance? InputStream body)
(and (instance? File body)
(re-seq #"(?i)\.(htm|html|css|js|json|xml)"
(pr-str body))))
;; sensible body sizes
(cond (string? body) (> (count body) min-bytes)
(seq? body) (> (count body) min-bytes)
(instance? File body) (> (.length body) min-bytes)
:else true))))
(defn compress-body [body]
(let [p-in (PipedInputStream.)
p-out (PipedOutputStream. p-in)]
(with-open [out (GZIPOutputStream. p-out)]
(if (seq? body)
(doseq [string body] (io/copy (str string) out))
(io/copy body out)))
(when (instance? Closeable body)
(.close ^Closeable body)))
(defn gzip-response [resp]
(-> resp
(update :headers set-response-headers)
(update :body compress-body)))
(defn wrap-gzip [handler]
(fn [req]
(let [resp (handler req)]
(if (and (accepts-gzip? req)
(supported-response? resp))
(gzip-response resp)
@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
(ns wanijo.infra.sysconfig)
(defn env
(System/getenv name))
([name default]
(or (System/getenv name) default)))
@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
(ns wanijo.infra.auth
(ns wanijo.infrastructure.auth
(:require [compojure.core :refer [POST GET defroutes]]
(:require [compojure.core :refer [POST GET defroutes]]
[ring.util.response :refer [redirect]]
[ring.util.response :refer [redirect]]
[ring.util.anti-forgery :refer [anti-forgery-field]]
[ring.util.anti-forgery :refer [anti-forgery-field]]
[buddy.hashers :as hashers]
[buddy.hashers :as hashers]
[hiccup.form :as hform]
[hiccup.form :as hform]
[wanijo.infra.view :as view]
[wanijo.infrastructure.view :as view]
[wanijo.infra.routing :refer [register! path]]
[wanijo.infrastructure.routing :refer [register! path]]
[wanijo.user.db :as user-domain]))
[wanijo.user.db :as user-domain]))
(defn- login-check! [req]
(defn- login-check! [req]
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
(ns wanijo.infra.common)
(ns wanijo.infrastructure.common)
(defn in? [coll x]
(defn in? [coll x]
(some? (some (partial = x) coll)))
(some? (some (partial = x) coll)))
@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
(ns wanijo.infrastructure.devmode
(:require [hiccup.core :as hcore]
[clojure.string :as cljs]))
(def bar-entries (atom []))
(defn send-to-bar [msg]
(swap! bar-entries #(conj % msg)))
(defn devmode-on? [req]
(let [query-param (get-in req [:query-params "dev"])
cookie (get-in req [:cookies "devmode" :value])]
(or (= query-param "on")
(and (= cookie "1")
(not= query-param "off")))))
(defn devbar [resp]
(for [entry @bar-entries]
[:li [:pre entry]])]]))
(defn append-devbar [resp]
(let [body (:body resp)
new-body (cljs/replace
body "</body>" (str (devbar resp) "</body>"))]
(assoc resp :body new-body)))
(defn wrap-devmode [handler]
(fn [req]
(let [on? (devmode-on? req)
query-param? (get-in req [:query-params "dev"])
new-req (assoc-in req [:session :devmode] on?)
resp (handler new-req)
new-resp (cond
on? (-> resp
(assoc-in [:cookies :devmode] 1))
(some? query-param?) (assoc-in
[:cookies :devmode]
(if on? 1 0))
:else resp)]
(reset! bar-entries [])
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
(ns wanijo.infra.routing
(ns wanijo.infrastructure.routing
(:require [clojure.string :as string]))
(:require [clojure.string :as string]))
(def all-routes
(def all-routes
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
(ns wanijo.infra.time
(ns wanijo.infrastructure.time
(:require [clj-time.format :as format]))
(:require [clj-time.format :as format]))
(defn prettify-dt [date-str]
(defn prettify-dt [date-str]
@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
(ns wanijo.instance.files
(:require [ :as io]
[wanijo.infra.sysconfig :refer [env]]
[wanijo.infra.neo4j :refer [uuid]])
(:import [ File]))
(def files-home (str (env "WANIJO_HOME") "/files"))
(def files-home "/tmp/wanijo"))
(defn persist-files! [instance]
(for [file (->> (:properties instance)
(filter #(= "file" (-> % :attribute :type)))
(map (fn [prop] {:file (:value prop)
:uuid (:uuid prop)})))
:let [uploaded-file (:file file)
size (:size uploaded-file)
uuid (if (empty? (:uuid file)) (uuid) (:uuid file))
path (str files-home "/" uuid)]
:when (> size 0)]
(.mkdirs (io/file files-home))
(io/copy (io/file (:tempfile uploaded-file)) (io/file path))
{:path path
:uuid uuid
:filename (:filename uploaded-file)
:content-type (:content-type uploaded-file)}))))
(let [instance {:name "Frank",
{:name "Dateidings",
:created_at "20210929T154103.152Z",
:type "file",
:uuid "00847b4c-9961-47cd-a64f-18eaea0e362f",
:required 0},
{:filename "2020.pdf",
:content-type "application/pdf",
:tempfile nil,
:size 127785},
:uuid "f7d56f9c-e74a-4b12-95c1-f33961672072"}),
:uuid "def4dacb-979f-4a0d-b1d6-535ac2a3f94b"}]
(->> (:properties instance)
(filter #(= "file" 1 #_(-> % :attribute :type))) #_(map (fn [prop] {:file (:value prop)
:uuid (:uuid prop)}))))
@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
(ns wanijo.instance.revision.db
(:require [wanijo.infra.neo4j :as neo4j]))
(neo4j/defquery save-revision
"MATCH (i:instance)
WHERE i.uuid = $uuid
CREATE (r:revision)-[:of]->(i)
SET r.uuid = $rev_uuid,
r.instance_name = $name,
r.created_at = $now")
(neo4j/defquery save-revision-property
"MATCH (r:revision)
WHERE r.uuid = $rev_uuid
CREATE (rp:rev_property)-[:of]->(r)
SET rp.uuid = $rp_uuid,
rp.value = $value,
rp.type = $type,
rp.created_at = $now")
(defn revision-queries [revision]
(let [rev-uuid (neo4j/uuid)]
(concat [[save-revision
{:uuid (:instance-uuid revision)
:rev_uuid rev-uuid
:name (:instance-name revision)
:now (neo4j/now-str)}]]
(map (fn [{:keys [value type]}]
{:rev_uuid rev-uuid
:rp_uuid (neo4j/uuid)
:value value
:type type
:now (neo4j/now-str)}])
(:properties revision)))))
@ -1,189 +0,0 @@
(ns wanijo.infra.system-test
(:require [clojure.test :refer [deftest testing is]]
[neo4j-clj.core :as drv]
[clojure.string :as string]
[wanijo.infra.neo4j :as neo4j]
[wanijo.infra.repl :as repl]
[wanijo.schema.routes :as schema-routes]
[wanijo.attribute.routes :as attr-routes]
[wanijo.instance.routes :as inst-routes]
[wanijo.instance.forms :as inst-forms]
[wanijo.instance.db :as inst-db]
[clojure.pprint :as pp]))
(defn single-result
(single-result cypher
#(val (first %))))
([cypher extractor]
(drv/create-query cypher) {})))))
(defn multi-results [cypher extractor]
(drv/create-query cypher) {})))
(deftest allround-system-test
(def user
(single-result "MATCH (u:user) RETURN u"
(testing "create schema"
(schema-routes/new! {:params {:name "test-schema"}
:session {:uuid (:uuid user)}})
(def schema
(single-result "MATCH (s:schema) RETURN s LIMIT 1" :s))
(is (= "test-schema" (:name schema)))
(is (not= nil (:created_at schema)))
(is (= (:uuid user)
(single-result "MATCH (s:schema)-[:created_by]->(u:user)
RETURN u.uuid")))
(is (= (:uuid user)
(single-result "MATCH (s:schema)
<-[:permission {type:'write'}]-(u:user)
RETURN u.uuid"))))
(testing "create attribute"
(attr-routes/new! {:params {:schema (:uuid schema)
:name "test-attr"
:type "string"
:required "1"}
:session {:uuid (:uuid user)}})
(def attr
(single-result "MATCH (a:attribute) RETURN a"))
(is (= "string" (:type attr)))
(is (= "test-attr" (:name attr)))
(is (= 1 (:required attr)))
(is (= (:uuid user)
(single-result "MATCH (a:attribute)-[:created_by]->(u:user)
RETURN u.uuid")))
(is (= (:uuid schema)
(single-result "MATCH (a:attribute)-[:of]->(s:schema)
RETURN s.uuid"))))
(testing "assign read"
(schema-routes/assign-users! {:params {:uuid (:uuid schema)
:assigned [(:uuid user)]
:permission "read"}})
(is (= (list ["read" (:uuid user)] ["write" (:uuid user)])
(multi-results "MATCH (s:schema)
RETURN p.type AS type, u.uuid AS uuid"
#(map (juxt :type :uuid) %)))))
(testing "create instance"
{:params {:schema-uuid (:uuid schema)
:name "instance"
(inst-forms/attr->field-id attr) "attr-value"}
:session {:uuid (:uuid user)}})
(def instance
(single-result "MATCH (i:instance) RETURN i"))
(is (= "attr-value"
(single-result "MATCH (p:property) RETURN p.value")))
(is (= (:uuid user)
(single-result "MATCH (i:instance)-[:created_by]->(u:user)
RETURN u.uuid")))
(let [full-inst (inst-db/full-instance-by-uuid! (:uuid instance))]
(is (= "attr-value"
(-> full-inst :properties first :value)))
(is (= (:uuid attr)
(-> full-inst :properties first :attribute :uuid)))
(is (empty? (:tags full-inst)))
(is (empty? (:links-in full-inst)))
(is (empty? (:links-out full-inst)))))
(testing "create second instance and linking"
{:params {:schema-uuid (:uuid schema)
:name "instance2"
(inst-forms/attr->field-id attr) "attr-value2"}
:session {:uuid (:uuid user)}})
(def instance2
(single-result "MATCH (i:instance)
WITH MAX(i.created_at) AS max_created_at
MATCH (i:instance)
WHERE i.created_at = max_created_at
(is (= "instance2" (:name instance2)))
(:uuid instance)
(:uuid schema)
{:params {:name "link-name"
:instances [(:uuid instance2)]}
:session {:uuid (:uuid user)}})
(let [link (single-result "MATCH ()-[l:link]-() RETURN l")]
(is (= "link-name" (:name link)))
(is (= (:uuid user) (:created_by link)))
(is (some? (:created_at link))))
(is (= (:uuid instance)
(single-result "MATCH (i:instance)-[:link]->(:instance)
RETURN i.uuid")))
(is (= (:uuid instance2)
(single-result "MATCH (i:instance)<-[:link]-(:instance)
RETURN i.uuid"))))
(testing "show instances"
(let [resp (inst-routes/route-show!
(:uuid instance)
{:session {:uuid (:uuid user)}})]
(is (true? (string? resp)))
(is (true? (string/includes? resp (:name instance))))
(is (true? (string/includes? resp (:name schema)))))
(let [resp (inst-routes/route-show!
(:uuid instance2)
{:session {:uuid (:uuid user)}})]
(is (true? (string? resp)))
(is (true? (string/includes? resp (:name instance))))
(is (true? (string/includes? resp (:name schema))))))
(testing "modifying first instance"
(let [prop-uuid (single-result
"MATCH (i:instance)<-[:of]-(p:property)
WHERE i.uuid = '" (:uuid instance) "'
RETURN p.uuid"))]
(:uuid instance)
{:params {:name "new-instance-1"
(inst-forms/attr->field-id attr) "new-value"
(inst-forms/attr->uuid-field-id attr) prop-uuid}
:session {:uuid (:uuid user)}})
(is (= "new-value"
"MATCH (p:property)
WHERE p.uuid = '" prop-uuid "'
RETURN p.value"))))
(is (= "new-value"
"MATCH (rp:rev_property)
WHERE i.uuid = '" (:uuid instance) "'
RETURN rp.value"))))
(is (= 1 (single-result "MATCH (r:revision) RETURN COUNT(r)")))))
(testing "delete first instance"
(inst-routes/route-delete! (:uuid instance))
(is (= 1 (single-result "MATCH (i:instance) RETURN COUNT(i)")))
(is (= 1 (single-result "MATCH (p:property) RETURN COUNT(p)")))
(is (= 1 (single-result "MATCH (s:schema) RETURN COUNT(s)")))
(is (= 0 (single-result "MATCH ()-[l:link]-() RETURN COUNT(l)"))))
(testing "delete second instance"
(inst-routes/route-delete! (:uuid instance2))
(is (= 0 (single-result "MATCH (i:instance) RETURN COUNT(i)")))
(is (= 0 (single-result "MATCH (p:property) RETURN COUNT(p)")))
(is (= 1 (single-result "MATCH (s:schema) RETURN COUNT(s)")))))
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
(ns wanijo.infra.routing-test
(ns wanijo.infrastructure.routing-test
(:require [clojure.test :refer :all]
(:require [clojure.test :refer :all]
[wanijo.infra.routing :refer [parse-path]]))
[wanijo.infrastructure.routing :refer [parse-path]]))
(deftest test-parse-path
(deftest test-parse-path
(testing "no params in path"
(testing "no params in path"
Reference in new issue