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(ns wanijo-pipeline.ui-selection
[hiccup.core :as h]
[lambdaui.core :as lambdaui]
[lambdacd.ui.core :as reference-ui]
[compojure.core :refer [routes GET context]])
(defn- ui-selection []
[:title "LambdaCD - UI Selection"]]
[:h1 "LambdaCD - UI Selection"]
[:p "Two different UIs for LambdaCD exist: The reference-ui shipped with the core of LambdaCD and "
[:a {:href ""} "LambdaUI"]
", a community developed, opinionated alternative with a more user friendly interface"]
[:li [:a {:href "./lambdaui/lambdaui/index.html"} "LambdaUI"]]
[:li [:a {:href "./reference/"} "Reference UI"]]]]]))
(defn ui-routes [pipeline]
(let [lambdaui-app (lambdaui/ui-for pipeline :contextPath "/lambdaui")
referenceui-app (reference-ui/ui-for pipeline)]
(GET "/" [] (ui-selection))
(context "/lambdaui" [] lambdaui-app)
(context "/reference" [] referenceui-app))))