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(ns wanijo-pipeline.steps
(:require [ :as lcd-shell]
[lambdacd-git.core :as lcd-git]))
(def repo-uri "")
(def repo-branch "master")
(defn wait-for-repo [args ctx]
(lcd-git/wait-for-git ctx
:ref (str "refs/heads/" repo-branch)))
(defn clone [args ctx]
(let [revision (:revision args)
cwd (:cwd args)
ref (or revision repo-branch)]
(lcd-git/clone ctx repo-uri ref cwd)))
(defn check-ancient [args ctx]
(lcd-shell/bash ctx (:cwd args) "lein ancient"))
(defn compile [args ctx]
(lcd-shell/bash ctx (:cwd args) "lein compile"))
(defn test [args ctx]
(lcd-shell/bash ctx (:cwd args) "lein test"))