Josha von Gizycki 6 years ago
commit c94a3b3de5

@ -1,32 +1,37 @@
(ns wanijo-pipeline.core
[wanijo-pipeline.pipeline :as pipeline]
[wanijo-pipeline.ui-selection :as ui-selection]
[org.httpkit.server :as http-kit]
[lambdacd.runners :as runners]
[lambdacd.core :as lambdacd]
[ :as log])
[wanijo-pipeline.pipeline :as pipeline]
[wanijo-pipeline.ui-selection :as ui-selection]
[org.httpkit.server :as http-kit]
[lambdacd.runners :as runners]
[lambdacd.core :as lambdacd]
[ :as log]
[wanijo-pipeline.formulare-pipeline :as fp])
(:import (java.nio.file.attribute FileAttribute)
(java.nio.file Files LinkOption))
(java.nio.file Files LinkOption))
(defn- create-temp-dir []
(str (Files/createTempDirectory "lambdacd" (into-array FileAttribute []))))
(defn- home-dir [pipeline-name]
(str (System/getProperty "user.home") "/wanijo-pipeline/" pipeline-name))
(defn wanijo-pipeline []
(lambdacd/assemble-pipeline pipeline/pipeline-def
{:home-dir (home-dir "wanijo")
:name "wanijo pipeline"}))
(defn formulare-pipeline []
(lambdacd/assemble-pipeline fp/pipeline-def
{:home-dir (create-temp-dir "formulare")
:name "formulare pipeline"}))
(defn -main [& args]
(let [;; the home dir is where LambdaCD saves all data.
;; point this to a particular directory to keep builds around after restarting
;; home-dir (create-temp-dir)
home-dir (str (System/getProperty "user.home") "/wanijo-pipeline")
config {:home-dir home-dir
:name "wanijo pipeline"}
;; initialize and wire everything together
pipeline (lambdacd/assemble-pipeline pipeline/pipeline-def config)
;; create a Ring handler for the UI
app (ui-selection/ui-routes pipeline)]
(log/info "LambdaCD Home Directory is " home-dir)
(let [wanijo-pipeline (wanijo-pipeline)
formulare-pipeline (formulare-pipeline)
app (ui-selection/ui-routes wanijo-pipeline
;; this starts the pipeline and runs one build after the other.
;; there are other runners and you can define your own as well.
(runners/start-one-run-after-another pipeline)
(runners/start-one-run-after-another wanijo-pipeline)
(runners/start-one-run-after-another formulare-pipeline)
;; start the webserver to serve the UI
(http-kit/run-server app {:port 30500})))

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
(ns wanijo-pipeline.formulare-pipeline
(:use [lambdacd.steps.control-flow])
(:require [lambdacd.steps.manualtrigger :as manualtrigger]
[ :as lcd-shell]
[lambdacd-git.core :as lcd-git]))
(def repo-uri "")
(def repo-branch "master")
(defn wait-for-repo [args ctx]
(lcd-git/wait-for-git ctx
:ref (str "refs/heads/" repo-branch)))
(defn clone [args ctx]
(let [revision (:revision args)
cwd (:cwd args)
ref (or revision repo-branch)]
(lcd-git/clone ctx repo-uri ref cwd)))
(defn lein [target args ctx]
(lcd-shell/bash ctx (:cwd args) (str "lein " target)))
(defn compile [args ctx]
(lein "compile" args ctx))
(defn test [args ctx]
(lein "test" args ctx))
(defn deploy [args ctx]
(lein "deploy clojars" args ctx))
(def pipeline-def

@ -1,30 +1,26 @@
(ns wanijo-pipeline.ui-selection
[hiccup.core :as h]
[lambdaui.core :as lambdaui]
[lambdacd.ui.core :as reference-ui]
[compojure.core :refer [routes GET context]])
[hiccup.core :as h]
[lambdaui.core :as lambdaui]
[lambdacd.ui.core :as reference-ui]
[compojure.core :refer [routes GET context]])
(defn- ui-selection []
[:title "LambdaCD - UI Selection"]]
[:h1 "LambdaCD - UI Selection"]
[:p "Two different UIs for LambdaCD exist: The reference-ui shipped with the core of LambdaCD and "
[:a {:href ""} "LambdaUI"]
", a community developed, opinionated alternative with a more user friendly interface"]
[:li [:a {:href "./lambdaui/lambdaui/index.html"} "LambdaUI"]]
[:li [:a {:href "./reference/"} "Reference UI"]]]]]))
[:title "LambdaCD - UI Selection"]]
[:h1 "LambdaCD - UI Selection"]
[:li [:a {:href "./wanijo/lambdaui/index.html"} "Wanijo"]]
[:li [:a {:href "./formulare/lambdaui/index.html"} "Formulare"]]]]]))
(defn ui-routes [pipeline]
(let [lambdaui-app (lambdaui/ui-for pipeline :contextPath "/lambdaui")
referenceui-app (reference-ui/ui-for pipeline)]
(defn ui-routes [wanijo formulare]
(let [wanijo-app (lambdaui/ui-for wanijo :contextPath "/wanijo")
formulare-app (lambdaui/ui-for formulare :contextPath "/formulare")]
(GET "/" [] (ui-selection))
(context "/lambdaui" [] lambdaui-app)
(context "/reference" [] referenceui-app))))
(GET "/" [] (ui-selection))
(context "/wanijo" [] wanijo-app)
(context "/formulare" [] formulare-app))))
