You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

48 lines
1.4 KiB

(ns wanijo.tag.view
(:require [hiccup.form :as hform]
[hiccup.core :refer [h]]
[ring.util.anti-forgery :refer [anti-forgery-field]]
[formulare.core :as form]
[wanijo.tag.forms :as forms]
[routing :refer [path]]
[view :as view]
[time :refer [prettify-dt]]]))
(defn tag->html [tag]
[:code ":" (h (:name tag))]])
(defn tag-list [tags]
(for [tag tags]
(tag->html tag)])])
(defn new-tag-form [{uuid :uuid}]
(hform/form-to [:post (path :tag-create {:instance-uuid uuid})]
(form/render-widgets forms/new-tag {} {})
(hform/submit-button "Tag!"))
[:small (str "Comma separate each tag. "
"Tag names must not contain whitespace.")]))
(defn tag-table [{tags :tags
instance-uuid :uuid}]
[:th "Name"]
[:th "Created"]
(for [tag tags]
[:td (tag->html tag)]
[:td (prettify-dt (:created_at tag))]
[:td (hform/form-to [:delete (path :tag-remove
{:uuid (:uuid tag)
:instance-uuid instance-uuid})]