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(ns wanijo.schema.view
(:require [hiccup
[form :as hform]
[core :refer [h]]]
[ring.util.anti-forgery :refer [anti-forgery-field]]
[formulare.core :as form]
[wanijo.infra.view :as view]
[wanijo.infra.routing :refer [path]]
[wanijo.infra.time :refer [prettify-dt]]
[wanijo.schema.db :as domain]
[wanijo.schema.forms :as forms]))
(defn overview! [req]
(let [session (:session req)
uuid (:uuid session)
schemas (domain/all-created-by! uuid)]
:request req
[[:h1 "All schemas"]
[:th "Name"]
[:th "Created"]]]
(for [schema schemas]
[:a {:href (path :schema-show schema)}
(h (:name schema))]]
(prettify-dt (:created_at schema))]])]]
[:h1 "New schema"]
(hform/form-to [:post (path :schema-new)]
(form/render-widgets forms/schema {} req)
(hform/submit-button "Create"))])))
(defn show-schema! [schema attrs assign-form conn-form req]
:request req
[[:h1 "Schema "
(h (:name schema))]]
[:h2 "Edit"]
(hform/form-to [:post (path :schema-edit)]
(form/render-widgets forms/schema schema req)
(hform/submit-button "Edit"))
[:h2 "Permissions"]
[:h3 "Read permissions"]
(hform/form-to [:post (path :schema-assign-users)]
(form/render-widgets assign-form
(assoc schema :assigned
(:assigned-read-users schema))
(hform/hidden-field "permission" "read")
(hform/submit-button "Assign"))
[:h3 "Write permissions"]
(hform/form-to [:post (path :schema-assign-users)]
(form/render-widgets assign-form
(assoc schema :assigned
(:assigned-write-users schema))
(hform/hidden-field "permission" "write")
(hform/submit-button "Assign"))
[:h3 "Allowed schema connections"]
(hform/form-to [:post (path :schema-assign-schemas)]
(form/render-widgets conn-form
(assoc schema
(:assigned-schemas schema))
(hform/submit-button "Assign"))
[:h2 "Attributes"]
(for [attr attrs]
(hform/form-to [:post (path :attribute-edit {:schema (:uuid schema)})]
(form/render-widgets forms/attr-form attr req)
(hform/hidden-field "schema" (:uuid schema))
(hform/submit-button "Save"))
(hform/form-to [:delete (path :attribute-delete attr)]
(hform/hidden-field "schema" (:uuid schema))
[:label "Created at "
[:em (prettify-dt (:created_at attr))]])])]
[:h3 "New attribute"]
(hform/form-to [:post (path :attribute-new)]
(form/render-widgets forms/attr-form {} req)
(hform/hidden-field "schema" (:uuid schema))
(hform/submit-button "Create"))
[:h2 "Actions"]
(hform/form-to {:class "inline"}
[:delete (path :schema-delete schema)]