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(ns wanijo.framework.routing-test
(:require [clojure.test :refer :all]
[wanijo.framework.routing :refer [parse-path]]))
(deftest test-parse-path
(testing "no params in path"
(is (= (parse-path "a" {}) "a"))
(is (= (parse-path "/a/b" {}) "/a/b")))
(testing "params are replaced"
(is (= (parse-path "/a/:b" {:b 1}) "/a/1"))
(is (= (parse-path "/a/:b" {:b "1"}) "/a/1"))
(is (= (parse-path ":b" {:b 1}) "1"))
(is (= (parse-path "/a/:b/c" {:b 1}) "/a/1/c")))
(testing "additional params are ignored"
(is (= (parse-path ":a" {:a 1 :b 2}) "1")))
(testing "all params are required"
(is (thrown? RuntimeException (parse-path ":a" {})))))