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(ns wanijo.instance.view.bulk-link-selection
(:require [hiccup.form :as hform]
[hiccup.core :refer [h]]
[wanijo.infrastructure.view :as view]
[wanijo.infrastructure.routing :refer [path]]
[wanijo.infrastructure.time :refer [prettify-dt]]
:refer [req-attrs-headings
[formulare.core :as form]
[ring.util.anti-forgery :refer [anti-forgery-field]]))
(defn bulk-link-selection [instance forms req]
:request req
[:small "Link " (-> instance :schema :name h) " "]
(h (:name instance))
[:small " with..."]]
{:class "no-grid"}
[:post (path :instance-bulk-link-create instance)]
(hform/hidden-field "source-uuid" (:uuid instance))
(for [{:keys [schema instances]} forms]
[:h2 "Schema " (h (:name schema))]
(let [ident (str "name[" (:uuid schema) "]")]
[:label {:for ident}
"Link name"]
[:input {:name ident :id ident}]])
[:th "Selection"]
[:th "Name"]
(req-attrs-headings schema)
[:th "Updated"]
[:th "Created"]]]
(for [inst instances]
[:td {:style "text-align: center;"}
[:input {:type "checkbox"
:name (str "instances[" (:uuid schema) "]")
:value (:uuid inst)}]]
[:td (h (:name inst))
(tags-for-search inst)]
(req-attrs-cells schema inst)
[:td (-> inst :updated_at prettify-dt)]
[:td (-> inst :created_at prettify-dt)]])]]))
[:h2 "Actions"]
(hform/submit-button "Create links!"))]))