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1 year ago
namespace App\Factory;
use App\Entity\Dojo;
use Doctrine\ORM\EntityRepository;
use Zenstruck\Foundry\ModelFactory;
use Zenstruck\Foundry\Proxy;
use Zenstruck\Foundry\RepositoryProxy;
* @extends ModelFactory<Dojo>
* @method Dojo|Proxy create(array|callable $attributes = [])
* @method static Dojo|Proxy createOne(array $attributes = [])
* @method static Dojo|Proxy find(object|array|mixed $criteria)
* @method static Dojo|Proxy findOrCreate(array $attributes)
* @method static Dojo|Proxy first(string $sortedField = 'id')
* @method static Dojo|Proxy last(string $sortedField = 'id')
* @method static Dojo|Proxy random(array $attributes = [])
* @method static Dojo|Proxy randomOrCreate(array $attributes = [])
* @method static EntityRepository|RepositoryProxy repository()
* @method static Dojo[]|Proxy[] all()
* @method static Dojo[]|Proxy[] createMany(int $number, array|callable $attributes = [])
* @method static Dojo[]|Proxy[] createSequence(iterable|callable $sequence)
* @method static Dojo[]|Proxy[] findBy(array $attributes)
* @method static Dojo[]|Proxy[] randomRange(int $min, int $max, array $attributes = [])
* @method static Dojo[]|Proxy[] randomSet(int $number, array $attributes = [])
final class DojoFactory extends ModelFactory
* @see
* @todo inject services if required
public function __construct()
* @see
* @todo add your default values here
protected function getDefaults(): array
return [
'name' => self::faker()->text(),
'owner' => UserFactory::new(),
* @see
protected function initialize(): self
return $this
// ->afterInstantiate(function(Dojo $dojo): void {})
protected static function getClass(): string
return Dojo::class;