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class_name DialogicConditionEvent
extends DialogicEvent
## Event that allows branching a timeline based on a condition.
enum ConditionTypes {IF, ELIF, ELSE}
### Settings
## condition type (see [ConditionTypes]). Defaults to if.
var condition_type := ConditionTypes.IF
## The condition as a string. Will be executed as an Expression.
var condition: String = ""
func _execute() -> void:
if condition_type == ConditionTypes.ELSE:
if condition.is_empty(): condition = "true"
var result :bool= dialogic.Expressions.execute_condition(condition)
if not result:
var idx :int= dialogic.current_event_idx
var ignore := 1
while true:
idx += 1
if not dialogic.current_timeline.get_event(idx) or ignore == 0:
elif dialogic.current_timeline.get_event(idx).can_contain_events:
ignore += 1
elif dialogic.current_timeline.get_event(idx) is DialogicEndBranchEvent:
ignore -= 1
dialogic.current_event_idx = idx-1
## only called if the previous event was an end-branch event
## return true if this event should be executed if the previous event was an end-branch event
func should_execute_this_branch() -> bool:
return condition_type == ConditionTypes.IF
func _init() -> void:
event_name = "Condition"
event_category = "Flow"
event_sorting_index = 1
can_contain_events = true
# return a control node that should show on the END BRANCH node
func get_end_branch_control() -> Control:
return load(get_script().resource_path.get_base_dir().path_join('ui_condition_end.tscn')).instantiate()
func to_text() -> String:
var result_string := ""
match condition_type:
result_string = 'if '+condition+':'
result_string = 'elif '+condition+':'
result_string = 'else:'
return result_string
func from_text(string:String) -> void:
if string.strip_edges().begins_with('if'):
condition = string.strip_edges().trim_prefix('if ').trim_suffix(':').strip_edges()
condition_type = ConditionTypes.IF
elif string.strip_edges().begins_with('elif'):
condition = string.strip_edges().trim_prefix('elif ').trim_suffix(':').strip_edges()
condition_type = ConditionTypes.ELIF
elif string.strip_edges().begins_with('else'):
condition = ""
condition_type = ConditionTypes.ELSE
func is_valid_event(string:String) -> bool:
if string.strip_edges() in ['if', 'elif', 'else'] or (string.strip_edges().begins_with('if ') or string.strip_edges().begins_with('elif ') or string.strip_edges().begins_with('else')):
return true
return false
func build_event_editor():
add_header_edit('condition_type', ValueType.FIXED_OPTIONS, {
'options': [
'label': 'IF',
'value': ConditionTypes.IF,
'label': 'ELIF',
'value': ConditionTypes.ELIF,
'label': 'ELSE',
'value': ConditionTypes.ELSE,
], 'disabled':true})
add_header_edit('condition', ValueType.CONDITION, {}, 'condition_type != %s'%ConditionTypes.ELSE)
####################### CODE COMPLETION ########################################
func _get_code_completion(CodeCompletionHelper:Node, TextNode:TextEdit, line:String, word:String, symbol:String) -> void:
if (line.begins_with('if') or line.begins_with('elif')) and symbol == '{':
func _get_start_code_completion(CodeCompletionHelper:Node, TextNode:TextEdit) -> void:
TextNode.add_code_completion_option(CodeEdit.KIND_PLAIN_TEXT, 'if', 'if ', TextNode.syntax_highlighter.code_flow_color)
TextNode.add_code_completion_option(CodeEdit.KIND_PLAIN_TEXT, 'elif', 'elif ', TextNode.syntax_highlighter.code_flow_color)
TextNode.add_code_completion_option(CodeEdit.KIND_PLAIN_TEXT, 'else', 'else:\n ', TextNode.syntax_highlighter.code_flow_color)
#################### SYNTAX HIGHLIGHTING #######################################
func _get_syntax_highlighting(Highlighter:SyntaxHighlighter, dict:Dictionary, line:String) -> Dictionary:
var word := line.get_slice(' ', 0)
dict[line.find(word)] = {"color":Highlighter.code_flow_color}
dict[line.find(word)+len(word)] = {"color":Highlighter.normal_color}
dict = Highlighter.color_condition(dict, line)
return dict