You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

198 lines
6.5 KiB

class_name DialogicChoiceEvent
extends DialogicEvent
## Event that allows adding choices. Needs to go after a text event (or another choices EndBranch).
enum ElseActions {HIDE=0, DISABLE=1, DEFAULT=2}
### Settings
## The text that is displayed on the choice button.
var text :String = ""
## If not empty this condition will determine if this choice is active.
var condition: String = ""
## Determines what happens if [condition] is false. Default will use the action set in the settings.
var else_action: = ElseActions.DEFAULT
## The text that is displayed if [condition] is false and [else_action] is Disable.
## If empty [text] will be used for disabled button as well.
var disabled_text: String = ""
func _execute() -> void:
if dialogic.Choices.is_question(dialogic.current_event_idx):
dialogic.current_state = dialogic.States.AWAITING_CHOICE
func _init() -> void:
event_name = "Choice"
event_category = "Flow"
event_sorting_index = 0
can_contain_events = true
wants_to_group = true
# return a control node that should show on the END BRANCH node
func get_end_branch_control() -> Control:
return load(get_script().resource_path.get_base_dir().path_join('ui_choice_end.tscn')).instantiate()
func to_text() -> String:
var result_string := ""
result_string = "- "+text.strip_edges()
if condition:
result_string += " [if "+condition+"]"
var shortcode = '['
if else_action == ElseActions.HIDE:
shortcode += 'else="hide"'
elif else_action == ElseActions.DISABLE:
shortcode += 'else="disable"'
if disabled_text:
shortcode += " alt_text="+'"'+disabled_text+'"'
if len(shortcode) > 1:
result_string += shortcode + "]"
return result_string
func from_text(string:String) -> void:
var regex =
regex.compile('- (?<text>(?(?=\\[if)|.)*)(\\[if (?<condition>[^\\]]+)])?\\s?(\\s*\\[(?<shortcode>.*)\\])?')
var result =
if result == null:
text = result.get_string('text')
condition = result.get_string('condition')
if result.get_string('shortcode'):
var shortcode_params = parse_shortcode_parameters(result.get_string('shortcode'))
else_action = {
'disable':ElseActions.DISABLE}.get(shortcode_params.get('else', ''), ElseActions.DEFAULT)
disabled_text = shortcode_params.get('alt_text', '')
func is_valid_event(string:String) -> bool:
if string.strip_edges().begins_with("-"):
return true
return false
func _get_translatable_properties() -> Array:
return ['text', 'disabled_text']
func _get_property_original_translation(property:String) -> String:
match property:
return text
return disabled_text
return ''
func build_event_editor() -> void:
add_header_edit("text", ValueType.SINGLELINE_TEXT, {'autofocus':true})
add_body_edit("condition", ValueType.CONDITION, {'left_text':'if '})
add_body_edit("else_action", ValueType.FIXED_OPTIONS, {'left_text':'else ',
'options': [
'label': 'Default',
'value': ElseActions.DEFAULT,
'label': 'Hide',
'value': ElseActions.HIDE,
'label': 'Disable',
'value': ElseActions.DISABLE,
]}, '!condition.is_empty()')
add_body_edit("disabled_text", ValueType.SINGLELINE_TEXT, {
'left_text':'Disabled text:',
'placeholder':'(Empty for same)'}, 'allow_alt_text()')
func allow_alt_text() -> bool:
return condition and (
else_action == ElseActions.DISABLE or
(else_action == ElseActions.DEFAULT and
ProjectSettings.get_setting("dialogic/choices/def_false_behaviour", 0) == 1))
func _get_code_completion(CodeCompletionHelper:Node, TextNode:TextEdit, line:String, word:String, symbol:String) -> void:
line = CodeCompletionHelper.get_line_untill_caret(line)
if !'[if' in line:
if symbol == '{':
if symbol == '[':
if !'[if' in line and line.count('[') - line.count(']') == 1:
TextNode.add_code_completion_option(CodeEdit.KIND_MEMBER, 'if', 'if ', TextNode.syntax_highlighter.code_flow_color)
elif '[if' in line:
TextNode.add_code_completion_option(CodeEdit.KIND_MEMBER, 'else', 'else="', TextNode.syntax_highlighter.code_flow_color)
if symbol == ' ' and '[else' in line:
TextNode.add_code_completion_option(CodeEdit.KIND_MEMBER, 'alt_text', 'alt_text="', event_color.lerp(TextNode.syntax_highlighter.normal_color, 0.5))
elif symbol == '{':
if (symbol == '=' or symbol == '"') and line.count('[') > 1 and !'" ' in line:
TextNode.add_code_completion_option(CodeEdit.KIND_MEMBER, 'default', "default", event_color.lerp(TextNode.syntax_highlighter.normal_color, 0.5), null, '"')
TextNode.add_code_completion_option(CodeEdit.KIND_MEMBER, 'hide', "hide", event_color.lerp(TextNode.syntax_highlighter.normal_color, 0.5), null, '"')
TextNode.add_code_completion_option(CodeEdit.KIND_MEMBER, 'disable', "disable", event_color.lerp(TextNode.syntax_highlighter.normal_color, 0.5), null, '"')
func _get_syntax_highlighting(Highlighter:SyntaxHighlighter, dict:Dictionary, line:String) -> Dictionary:
dict[0] = {'color':event_color}
dict = Highlighter.color_region(dict, event_color.lerp(Highlighter.variable_color, 0.5), line, '{','}', 0, line.find('[if'), event_color)
if '[if' in line:
var from := line.find('[if')
dict[from] = {"color":Highlighter.normal_color}
dict = Highlighter.color_word(dict, Highlighter.code_flow_color, line, 'if', from, line.find(']', from))
dict = Highlighter.color_condition(dict, line, from, line.find(']', from))
dict = Highlighter.color_shortcode_content(dict, line, line.find(']', from), 0,event_color)
return dict