You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

453 lines
26 KiB

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[node name="CharacterEditor" type="Control"]
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[node name="NameTooltip" parent="VBoxContainer/TopSection/NameContainer" instance=ExtResource("2_uhhqs")]
layout_mode = 2
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Use this name in timelines to reference this character."
texture = SubResource("ImageTexture_hx3oq")
hint_text = "This unique identifier is based on the file name. You can change it in the Reference Manager.
Use this name in timelines to reference this character."
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[node name="PortraitsTitle" type="Label" parent="VBoxContainer/MainHSplit/Split/HBoxContainer/MarginContainer/PortraitListSection/Portraits"]
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[node name="PortraitListTools" type="HBoxContainer" parent="VBoxContainer/MainHSplit/Split/HBoxContainer/MarginContainer/PortraitListSection/Portraits"]
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[node name="AddPortraitButton" type="Button" parent="VBoxContainer/MainHSplit/Split/HBoxContainer/MarginContainer/PortraitListSection/Portraits/PortraitListTools"]
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[node name="AddPortraitGroupButton" type="Button" parent="VBoxContainer/MainHSplit/Split/HBoxContainer/MarginContainer/PortraitListSection/Portraits/PortraitListTools"]
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[node name="ImportPortraitsButton" type="Button" parent="VBoxContainer/MainHSplit/Split/HBoxContainer/MarginContainer/PortraitListSection/Portraits/PortraitListTools"]
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[node name="PortraitSearch" type="LineEdit" parent="VBoxContainer/MainHSplit/Split/HBoxContainer/MarginContainer/PortraitListSection/Portraits/PortraitListTools"]
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layout_mode = 2
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[node name="PortraitTreePanel" type="PanelContainer" parent="VBoxContainer/MainHSplit/Split/HBoxContainer/MarginContainer/PortraitListSection/Portraits"]
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[node name="PortraitTree" type="Tree" parent="VBoxContainer/MainHSplit/Split/HBoxContainer/MarginContainer/PortraitListSection/Portraits/PortraitTreePanel"]
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item_0/id = 2
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item_1/id = 0
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[node name="PortraitChangeInfo" type="HBoxContainer" parent="VBoxContainer/MainHSplit/Split/HBoxContainer/MarginContainer/PortraitListSection/Portraits"]
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[node name="PortraitChangeWarning" type="Label" parent="VBoxContainer/MainHSplit/Split/HBoxContainer/MarginContainer/PortraitListSection/Portraits/PortraitChangeInfo"]
unique_name_in_owner = true
layout_mode = 2
size_flags_horizontal = 3
theme_override_colors/font_color = Color(0, 0, 0, 1)
text = "Some portraits were renamed. Make sure no references broke!"
autowrap_mode = 3
[node name="ReferenceMangerButton" type="Button" parent="VBoxContainer/MainHSplit/Split/HBoxContainer/MarginContainer/PortraitListSection/Portraits/PortraitChangeInfo"]
unique_name_in_owner = true
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text = "Reference
[node name="RightSection2" type="VBoxContainer" parent="VBoxContainer/MainHSplit/Split"]
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[node name="ScenePreviewWarning" type="Label" parent="VBoxContainer/MainHSplit/Split/RightSection2/RightSection/PortraitPreviewSection"]
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text = "Custom scenes can only be viewed in \"Full mode\" if they are in @tool mode and override _get_covered_rect"
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[node name="PreviewReal" type="CenterContainer" parent="VBoxContainer/MainHSplit/Split/RightSection2/RightSection/PortraitPreviewSection"]
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update_rotation = false
update_scale = false
[node name="FullPreviewAvailableRect" type="Control" parent="VBoxContainer/MainHSplit/Split/RightSection2/RightSection/PortraitPreviewSection"]
unique_name_in_owner = true
layout_mode = 1
anchors_preset = 15
anchor_right = 1.0
anchor_bottom = 1.0
offset_left = 10.0
offset_top = 28.0
offset_right = -10.0
offset_bottom = -16.0
grow_horizontal = 2
grow_vertical = 2
mouse_filter = 2
metadata/_edit_layout_mode = 1
[node name="HBoxContainer" type="HBoxContainer" parent="VBoxContainer/MainHSplit/Split/RightSection2/RightSection/PortraitPreviewSection"]
layout_mode = 1
anchors_preset = 10
anchor_right = 1.0
offset_left = 6.0
offset_top = 7.0
offset_right = -6.0
offset_bottom = 43.0
grow_horizontal = 2
mouse_filter = 2
[node name="PreviewLabel" type="Label" parent="VBoxContainer/MainHSplit/Split/RightSection2/RightSection/PortraitPreviewSection/HBoxContainer"]
unique_name_in_owner = true
show_behind_parent = true
layout_mode = 2
size_flags_horizontal = 3
size_flags_vertical = 0
theme_override_colors/font_color = Color(0, 0, 0, 1)
text = "No portrait to preview."
text_overrun_behavior = 1
[node name="FitPreview_Toggle" type="Button" parent="VBoxContainer/MainHSplit/Split/RightSection2/RightSection/PortraitPreviewSection/HBoxContainer"]
unique_name_in_owner = true
layout_mode = 2
size_flags_vertical = 0
tooltip_text = "Real scale"
focus_mode = 0
toggle_mode = true
button_pressed = true
icon = SubResource("ImageTexture_u1a6g")
flat = true
metadata/_edit_layout_mode = 1
[node name="VBox" type="VBoxContainer" parent="VBoxContainer/MainHSplit/Split/RightSection2/RightSection"]
layout_mode = 2
size_flags_horizontal = 3
size_flags_vertical = 3
size_flags_stretch_ratio = 0.75
[node name="Hbox" type="HBoxContainer" parent="VBoxContainer/MainHSplit/Split/RightSection2/RightSection/VBox"]
layout_mode = 2
[node name="PortraitSettingsTitle" type="Label" parent="VBoxContainer/MainHSplit/Split/RightSection2/RightSection/VBox/Hbox"]
unique_name_in_owner = true
layout_mode = 2
theme_type_variation = &"DialogicSubTitle"
text = "Portrait Settings"
[node name="SwitchPortraitSettingsPosition" type="Button" parent="VBoxContainer/MainHSplit/Split/RightSection2/RightSection/VBox/Hbox"]
unique_name_in_owner = true
modulate = Color(1, 1, 1, 0.647059)
layout_mode = 2
tooltip_text = "Switch position"
focus_mode = 0
icon = SubResource("ImageTexture_u1a6g")
flat = true
[node name="Scroll" type="ScrollContainer" parent="VBoxContainer/MainHSplit/Split/RightSection2/RightSection/VBox"]
layout_mode = 2
size_flags_vertical = 3
size_flags_stretch_ratio = 0.4
[node name="PortraitSettingsSection" type="VBoxContainer" parent="VBoxContainer/MainHSplit/Split/RightSection2/RightSection/VBox/Scroll"]
unique_name_in_owner = true
layout_mode = 2
size_flags_horizontal = 3
size_flags_vertical = 3
size_flags_stretch_ratio = 0.3
[node name="Spacer2" type="Control" parent="VBoxContainer/MainHSplit/Split/RightSection2"]
custom_minimum_size = Vector2(0, 20)
layout_mode = 2
[node name="NoCharacterScreen" type="ColorRect" parent="."]
visible = false
layout_mode = 1
anchors_preset = 15
anchor_right = 1.0
anchor_bottom = 1.0
grow_horizontal = 2
grow_vertical = 2
size_flags_horizontal = 3
color = Color(0, 0, 0, 1)
[node name="CenterContainer" type="CenterContainer" parent="NoCharacterScreen"]
layout_mode = 1
anchors_preset = 15
anchor_right = 1.0
anchor_bottom = 1.0
grow_horizontal = 2
grow_vertical = 2
[node name="VBoxContainer" type="VBoxContainer" parent="NoCharacterScreen/CenterContainer"]
custom_minimum_size = Vector2(250, 0)
layout_mode = 2
[node name="Label" type="Label" parent="NoCharacterScreen/CenterContainer/VBoxContainer"]
layout_mode = 2
text = "No character opened.
Create a character or double-click one in the file system dock."
horizontal_alignment = 1
autowrap_mode = 3
[node name="CreateCharacterButton" type="Button" parent="NoCharacterScreen/CenterContainer/VBoxContainer"]
layout_mode = 2
text = "Create New Character"
[connection signal="toggled" from="VBoxContainer/TopSection/MainSettingsCollapse" to="." method="_on_main_settings_collapse_toggled"]
[connection signal="item_mouse_selected" from="VBoxContainer/MainHSplit/Split/HBoxContainer/MarginContainer/PortraitListSection/Portraits/PortraitTreePanel/PortraitTree" to="VBoxContainer/MainHSplit/Split/HBoxContainer/MarginContainer/PortraitListSection/Portraits/PortraitTreePanel/PortraitTree" method="_on_item_mouse_selected"]
[connection signal="index_pressed" from="VBoxContainer/MainHSplit/Split/HBoxContainer/MarginContainer/PortraitListSection/Portraits/PortraitTreePanel/PortraitTree/PortraitRightClickMenu" to="." method="_on_portrait_right_click_menu_index_pressed"]
[connection signal="pressed" from="VBoxContainer/MainHSplit/Split/HBoxContainer/MarginContainer/PortraitListSection/Portraits/PortraitChangeInfo/ReferenceMangerButton" to="." method="_on_reference_manger_button_pressed"]
[connection signal="resized" from="VBoxContainer/MainHSplit/Split/RightSection2/RightSection/PortraitPreviewSection/FullPreviewAvailableRect" to="." method="_on_full_preview_available_rect_resized"]
[connection signal="toggled" from="VBoxContainer/MainHSplit/Split/RightSection2/RightSection/PortraitPreviewSection/HBoxContainer/FitPreview_Toggle" to="." method="_on_fit_preview_toggle_toggled"]
[connection signal="pressed" from="VBoxContainer/MainHSplit/Split/RightSection2/RightSection/VBox/Hbox/SwitchPortraitSettingsPosition" to="." method="_on_switch_portrait_settings_position_pressed"]
[connection signal="pressed" from="NoCharacterScreen/CenterContainer/VBoxContainer/CreateCharacterButton" to="." method="_on_create_character_button_pressed"]