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class_name DialogicIndexer
extends RefCounted
## Script that indexes events, subsystems, settings pages and more. [br]
## Place a script of this type in every folder in "addons/Events". [br]
## Overwrite the methods to return the contents of that folder.
var this_folder : String = get_script().resource_path.get_base_dir()
## Overwrite if this module contains any events. [br]
## Return an array with all the paths to the event scripts.[br]
## You can use the [property this_folder].path_join('')
func _get_events() -> Array:
if ResourceLoader.exists(this_folder.path_join('')):
return [this_folder.path_join('')]
return []
## Overwrite if this module contains any subsystems.
## Should return an array of dictionaries each with the following keys: [br]
## "name" -> name for this subsystem[br]
## "script" -> array of preview images[br]
func _get_subsystems() -> Array[Dictionary]:
return []
func _get_editors() -> Array[String]:
return []
func _get_settings_pages() -> Array:
return []
func _get_character_editor_sections() -> Array:
return []
## Should return array of dictionaries with the following keys:[br]
## "command" -> the text e.g. "speed"[br]
## "node_path" or "subsystem" -> whichever contains your effect method[br]
## "method" -> name of the effect method[br]
func _get_text_effects() -> Array[Dictionary]:
return []
## Should return array of dictionaries with the same arguments as _get_text_effects()
func _get_text_modifiers() -> Array[Dictionary]:
return []
## Return a list of resources, scripts, etc.
## These can later be retrieved with DialogicResourceUtil.
## Each dictionary should contain (at least "type" and "path").
## E.g. {"type":"Animation", "path": "res://..."}
func _get_special_resources() -> Array[Dictionary]:
return []
#region HELPERS
func list_dir(subdir:='') -> Array:
return Array(DirAccess.get_files_at(this_folder.path_join(subdir))).map(func(file):return this_folder.path_join(subdir).path_join(file))
func list_special_resources(subdir:='', type:='', extension:="") -> Array[Dictionary]:
var array := []
for i in list_dir(subdir):
if extension.is_empty() or i.ends_with(extension):
array.append({'type':type, 'path':i})
return Array(array, TYPE_DICTIONARY, "", null)
func _get_style_presets() -> Array[Dictionary]:
return []
## Should return an array of dictionaries with the following keys:[br]
## "path" -> the path to the scene[br]
## "name" -> name for this layout[br]
## "description"-> description of this layout. list what features/events are supported[br]
## "preview_image"-> array of preview images[br]
func _get_layout_parts() -> Array[Dictionary]:
return []
## Helper that allows scanning sub directories that might be layout parts or styles
func scan_for_layout_parts() -> Array[Dictionary]:
var dir :=
var style_list :Array[Dictionary] = []
if !dir:
return style_list
var dir_name := dir.get_next()
while dir_name != "":
if !dir.current_is_dir() or !dir.file_exists(dir_name.path_join('part_config.cfg')):
dir_name = dir.get_next()
var config :=
var default_image_path: String = this_folder.path_join(dir_name).path_join('preview.png')
'type': config.get_value('style', 'type', 'Unknown type'),
'name': config.get_value('style', 'name', 'Unnamed Layout'),
'path': this_folder.path_join(dir_name).path_join(config.get_value('style', 'scene', '')),
'author': config.get_value('style', 'author', 'Anonymous'),
'description': config.get_value('style', 'description', 'No description'),
'preview_image': [config.get_value('style', 'image', default_image_path)],
'style_path':config.get_value('style', 'style_path', ''),
'icon':this_folder.path_join(dir_name).path_join(config.get_value('style', 'icon', '')),
if not style_list[-1].style_path.begins_with('res://'):
style_list[-1].style_path = this_folder.path_join(dir_name).path_join(style_list[-1].style_path)
dir_name = dir.get_next()
return style_list