You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

142 lines
4.4 KiB

extends Node2D
@onready var _http_request = $HTTPRequest
const Response = preload("res://scenes/util/")
var user_name : String = "FooBar"
var _user_ulid : String = ""
var _dojo_ulid : String = ""
var _dojos: Dictionary = {}
var _users: Dictionary = {}
var _own_characters: Dictionary = {}
var _own_characters_array : Array = []
var _all_characters: Dictionary = {}
var _techniques: Dictionary = {}
var _techniques_array : Array = []
# Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time.
func _ready():
_http_request.base_address = "http://localhost:8000/api"
_http_request.auth_token = "_sGFrChRV6ML0eWZC2qSUZzEGNLPbAhP4dwmnWhQ5bQ9xIi2pwHWQ1CzybFPDLeK8dTNx6GgWdR-Jcz-Z9_aC0hlY2h0fDIwMjQtMDYtMTNUMTk6MTU6MzkrMDA6MDA="
for argument in OS.get_cmdline_user_args():
print_debug("argument: %s" % argument)
var key_value = argument.split("=", true, 1)
if "--token" == key_value[0]:
_http_request.auth_token = key_value[1]
elif "--env" == key_value[0]:
if key_value[1] == "dev":
_http_request.base_address = "http://localhost:8000/api"
_http_request.base_address = ""
var tmp = _http_request.auth_token.replace("-", "/").replace("_", "+")
# replace \-_ with /\+
var chunks = Marshalls.base64_to_raw(tmp)
user_name = chunks.slice(64).get_string_from_utf8().split('|')[0]
# Called every frame. 'delta' is the elapsed time since the previous frame.
func _process(_delta):
func get_uri(type: String, entity: Variant) -> String:
return "api/%s/%s" % [type, entity if entity is String else entity["id"]]
func create_dojo(dojo_name : String) -> Response:
var body = JSON.stringify({"name": dojo_name})
return await _http_request.post_http_request("dojos", body)
func create_character(name: String, strength: int, constitution: int, agility: int, chi: int, techniques: Array) -> bool:
var technique_uris : Array[String] = []
for technique in techniques:
technique_uris.append(get_uri("techniques", technique))
var body = JSON.stringify({
"dojo": "/api/dojos/%s" % _dojo_ulid, # meh!
"name": name,
"strength": strength,
"constitution": constitution,
"agility": agility,
"chi": chi,
"techniques": technique_uris
var response: Response = await _http_request.post_http_request("characters", body)
return response.status == OK
func update_user_preferences(values: Dictionary) -> Response:
var body = JSON.stringify({"properties": values})
var user = await get_user()
return await _http_request.patch_http_request("users/%s" % user["id"], body)
func get_dojo() -> Dictionary:
if _dojo_ulid == "":
var result: Response = await _http_request.get_http_request_sync("dojo")
if result.status == OK:
_dojo_ulid =["id"]
_dojos[_dojo_ulid] =
return {}
return _dojos[_dojo_ulid]
func get_dojo_by_id(id: String) -> Dictionary:
return await __get_entity_by_id(_dojos, "dojos", id)
func get_user() -> Dictionary:
if _user_ulid == "":
var result = await _http_request.get_http_request_sync("users/authName/%s" % user_name)
if result.status == OK:
_user_ulid =["id"]
_users[_user_ulid] =
return {}
return _users[_user_ulid]
func get_user_by_id(id: String) -> Dictionary:
return await __get_entity_by_id(_users, "users", id)
func get_own_characters() -> Array:
return await __get_entity_list(_own_characters, _own_characters_array, "dojo/characters")
func get_techniques() -> Array:
return await __get_entity_list(_techniques, _techniques_array, "techniques")
func get_tournaments() -> Array:
return await _http_request.get_http_request_sync("tournaments")
func get_character_by_id(id: String) -> Dictionary:
if _own_characters.has(id):
return _own_characters[id]
return await __get_entity_by_id(_all_characters, "characters", id)
func __get_entity_by_id(entities: Dictionary, type: String, id: String) -> Dictionary:
if not entities.has(id):
var result: Response = await _http_request.get_http_request_sync("%s/%s" % [type, id])
if result.status == OK:
entities[id] =
return {}
return entities[id];
func __get_entity_list(entities: Dictionary, _entities_array: Array, type: String) -> Array:
if entities.is_empty():
var result: Response = await _http_request.get_http_request_sync(type)
if result.status == OK:
for entity in
entities[entity["id"]] = entity
return []
return _entities_array