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9 months ago
class_name DialogicBackgroundTransition
extends Node
## Helper
var this_folder : String = get_script().resource_path.get_base_dir()
## Set before _fade() is called, will be the root node of the previous bg scene.
var prev_scene: Node
## Set before _fade() is called, will be the viewport texture of the previous bg scene.
var prev_texture: ViewportTexture
## Set before _fade() is called, will be the root node of the upcoming bg scene.
var next_scene: Node
## Set before _fade() is called, will be the viewport texture of the upcoming bg scene.
var next_texture: ViewportTexture
## Set before _fade() is called, will be the requested time for the fade
var time: float
## Set before _fade() is called, will be the background holder (TextureRect)
var bg_holder: DialogicNode_BackgroundHolder
signal transition_finished
## To be overridden by transitions
func _fade() -> void:
func set_shader(path_to_shader:String=DialogicUtil.get_module_path('Background').path_join("Transitions/default_transition_shader.gdshader")) -> ShaderMaterial:
if bg_holder:
if path_to_shader.is_empty():
bg_holder.material = null
bg_holder.color = Color.TRANSPARENT
return null
bg_holder.material =
bg_holder.material.shader = load(path_to_shader)
return bg_holder.material
return null
func tween_shader_progress(progress_parameter:="progress") -> PropertyTweener:
if !bg_holder:
if !bg_holder.material is ShaderMaterial:
bg_holder.material.set_shader_parameter("progress", 0.0)
var tween := create_tween()
var tweener := tween.tween_property(bg_holder, "material:shader_parameter/progress", 1.0, time).from(0.0)
return tweener