You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

203 lines
6.7 KiB

9 months ago
extends Control
@onready var tail: Line2D = ($Group/Tail as Line2D)
@onready var bubble: Control = ($Group/Background as Control)
@onready var text: DialogicNode_DialogText = (%DialogText as DialogicNode_DialogText)
# The choice container is added by the TextBubble layer
@onready var choice_container: Container = null
@onready var name_label: Label = (%NameLabel as Label)
@onready var name_label_box: PanelContainer = (%NameLabelPanel as PanelContainer)
@onready var name_label_holder: HBoxContainer = $DialogText/NameLabelPositioner
var node_to_point_at: Node = null
var current_character: DialogicCharacter = null
var max_width := 300
var bubble_rect: Rect2 = Rect2(0.0, 0.0, 2.0, 2.0)
var base_position := Vector2.ZERO
var base_direction := Vector2(1.0, -1.0).normalized()
var safe_zone := 50.0
var padding := Vector2()
var name_label_alignment := HBoxContainer.ALIGNMENT_BEGIN
var name_label_offset := Vector2()
var force_choices_on_separate_lines := false
# Sets the padding shader paramter.
# It's the amount of spacing around the background to allow some wobbeling.
var bg_padding := 30
func _ready() -> void:
func reset() -> void:
scale = Vector2.ZERO
modulate.a = 0.0
tail.points = []
bubble_rect = Rect2(0,0,2,2)
base_position = get_speaker_canvas_position()
position = base_position
func _process(delta:float) -> void:
base_position = get_speaker_canvas_position()
var center := get_viewport_rect().size / 2.0
var dist_x := abs(base_position.x - center.x)
var dist_y := abs(base_position.y - center.y)
var x_e := center.x - bubble_rect.size.x
var y_e := center.y - bubble_rect.size.y
var influence_x := remap(clamp(dist_x, x_e, center.x), x_e, center.x * 0.8, 0.0, 1.0)
var influence_y := remap(clamp(dist_y, y_e, center.y), y_e, center.y * 0.8, 0.0, 1.0)
if base_position.x > center.x: influence_x = -influence_x
if base_position.y > center.y: influence_y = -influence_y
var edge_influence := Vector2(influence_x, influence_y)
var direction := (base_direction + edge_influence).normalized()
var p: Vector2 = base_position + direction * (
safe_zone + lerp(bubble_rect.size.y, bubble_rect.size.x, abs(direction.x)) * 0.4
p = p.clamp(bubble_rect.size / 2.0, get_viewport_rect().size - bubble_rect.size / 2.0)
position = position.lerp(p, 5 * delta)
var point_a: Vector2 = Vector2.ZERO
var point_b: Vector2 = (base_position - position) * 0.75
var offset: Vector2 = Vector2.from_angle(point_a.angle_to_point(point_b)) * bubble_rect.size * abs(direction.x) * 0.4
point_a += offset
point_b += offset * 0.5
var curve :=
var direction_point := Vector2(0, (point_b.y - point_a.y))
curve.add_point(point_a, Vector2.ZERO, direction_point * 0.5)
tail.points = curve.tessellate(5)
tail.width = bubble_rect.size.x * 0.15
func open() -> void:
text.enabled = true
var open_tween := create_tween().set_parallel(true)
open_tween.tween_property(self, "scale", Vector2.ONE, 0.1).from(Vector2.ZERO)
open_tween.tween_property(self, "modulate:a", 1.0, 0.1).from(0.0)
func close() -> void:
text.enabled = false
var close_tween := create_tween().set_parallel(true)
close_tween.tween_property(self, "scale", Vector2.ONE * 0.8, 0.2)
close_tween.tween_property(self, "modulate:a", 0.0, 0.2)
await close_tween.finished
func _on_dialog_text_started_revealing_text():
_resize_bubble(get_base_content_size(), true)
func _resize_bubble(content_size:Vector2, popup:=false) -> void:
var bubble_size: Vector2 = content_size+(padding*2)+Vector2.ONE*bg_padding
var half_size: Vector2= (bubble_size / 2.0)
bubble.pivot_offset = half_size
bubble_rect = Rect2(position, bubble_size * Vector2(1.1, 1.1))
bubble.position = -half_size
bubble.size = bubble_size
text.size = content_size
text.position = -(content_size/2.0)
if popup:
var t := create_tween().set_ease(Tween.EASE_OUT).set_trans(Tween.TRANS_BACK)
t.tween_property(bubble, "scale", Vector2.ONE, 0.2).from(Vector2.ZERO)
bubble.scale = Vector2.ONE
bubble.material.set(&"shader_parameter/box_size", bubble_size)
name_label_holder.position = Vector2(0, bubble.position.y - text.position.y - name_label_holder.size.y/2.0)
name_label_holder.position += name_label_offset
name_label_holder.alignment = name_label_alignment
name_label_holder.size.x = text.size.x
func _on_choices_shown(info:Dictionary) -> void:
if !is_visible_in_tree():
await get_tree().process_frame
var content_size := get_base_content_size()
content_size.y += choice_container.size.y
content_size.x = max(content_size.x, choice_container.size.x)
func get_base_content_size() -> Vector2:
var font: Font = text.get_theme_font(&"normal_font")
return font.get_multiline_string_size(
func add_choice_container(node:Container, alignment:=FlowContainer.ALIGNMENT_BEGIN) -> void:
if choice_container:
choice_container.queue_free() = "ChoiceContainer"
choice_container = node
node.grow_vertical = Control.GROW_DIRECTION_BEGIN
if node is HFlowContainer:
(node as HFlowContainer).alignment = alignment
for i:int in range(5):
if node is HFlowContainer:
match alignment:
(choice_container.get_child(-1) as Control).size_flags_horizontal = SIZE_SHRINK_BEGIN
(choice_container.get_child(-1) as Control).size_flags_horizontal = SIZE_SHRINK_CENTER
(choice_container.get_child(-1) as Control).size_flags_horizontal = SIZE_SHRINK_END
for child:Button in choice_container.get_children():
var prev := child.get_parent().get_child(wrap(child.get_index()-1, 0, choice_container.get_child_count()-1)).get_path()
var next := child.get_parent().get_child(wrap(child.get_index()+1, 0, choice_container.get_child_count()-1)).get_path()
child.focus_next = next
child.focus_previous = prev
child.focus_neighbor_left = prev
child.focus_neighbor_top = prev
child.focus_neighbor_right = next
child.focus_neighbor_bottom = next
func get_speaker_canvas_position() -> Vector2:
if node_to_point_at:
if node_to_point_at is Node3D:
base_position = get_viewport().get_camera_3d().unproject_position(
(node_to_point_at as Node3D).global_position)
if node_to_point_at is CanvasItem:
base_position = (node_to_point_at as CanvasItem).get_global_transform_with_canvas().origin
return base_position