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6 months ago
class_name DialogicEvent
extends Resource
## Base event class for all dialogic events.
## Implements basic properties, translation, shortcode saving and usefull methods for creating
## the editor UI.
## Emmited when the event starts.
## The signal is emmited with the event resource [code]event_resource[/code]
signal event_started(event_resource:DialogicEvent)
## Emmited when the event finish.
## The signal is emmited with the event resource [code]event_resource[/code]
signal event_finished(event_resource:DialogicEvent)
### Main Event Properties ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
## The event name that'll be displayed in the editor.
var event_name: String = "Event"
## Unique identifier used for translatable events.
var _translation_id: String = ""
## A reference to dialogic during execution, can be used the same as Dialogic (reference to the autoload)
var dialogic: DialogicGameHandler = null
### Special Event Properties ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
### (these properties store how this event affects indentation/flow of timeline)
## If true this event can not be toplevel (e.g. Choice)
var needs_indentation: bool = false
## If true this event will spawn with an END BRANCH event and higher the indentation
var can_contain_events: bool = false
## If [can_contain_events] is true this is a reference to the end branch event
var end_branch_event: DialogicEndBranchEvent = null
## If this is true this event will group with other similar events (like choices do).
var wants_to_group: bool = false
### Saving/Loading Properties ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
## Stores the event in a text format. Does NOT automatically update.
var event_node_as_text: String = ""
## Flags if the event has been processed or is only stored as text
var event_node_ready: bool = false
## How many empty lines are before this event
var empty_lines_above:int = 0
### Editor UI Properties ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
## The event color that event node will take in the editor
var event_color: Color = Color("FBB13C")
## If you are using the default color palette
var dialogic_color_name: String = ''
## To sort the buttons shown in the editor. Lower index is placed at the top of a category
var event_sorting_index: int = 0
## If true the event will not have a button in the visual editor sidebar
var disable_editor_button: bool = false
## If false the event will hide it's body by default. Recommended for most events
var expand_by_default: bool = false
## The URL to open when right_click>Documentation is selected
var help_page_path: String = ""
## Is the event block created by a button?
var created_by_button: bool = false
## Reference to the node, that represents this event. Only works while in visual editor mode.
## Use with care.
var _editor_node: Control = null
## The categories and which one to put it in (in the visual editor sidebar)
var event_category: String = "Other"
### Editor UI creation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
## To differentiate fields that should go to the header and to the body
enum Location {HEADER, BODY}
## To differentiate the different types of fields for event properties in the visual editor
enum ValueType {
# Strings
# Booleans
# Options
# Containers,
# Numbers
# Other
## List that stores the fields for the editor
var editor_list: Array = []
## Singal that notifies the visual editor block to update
signal ui_update_needed
signal ui_update_warning(text:String)
## Makes this resource printable.
func _to_string() -> String:
return "[{name}:{id}]".format({"name":event_name, "id":get_instance_id()})
## Executes the event behaviour. In subclasses [_execute] (not this one) should be overriden!
func execute(_dialogic_game_handler) -> void:
dialogic = _dialogic_game_handler
## Ends the event behaviour.
func finish() -> void:
## To be overridden by subclasses.
func _execute() -> void:
## to be overridden by sub-classes
## only called if can_contain_events is true.
## return a control node that should show on the END BRANCH node
func get_end_branch_control() -> Control:
return null
## to be overridden by sub-classes
## only called if can_contain_events is true and the previous event was an end-branch event
## return true if this event should be executed if the previous event was an end-branch event
## basically only important for the Condition event but who knows. Some day someone might need this.
func should_execute_this_branch() -> bool:
return false
## Overwrite if this events needs translation.
func _get_translatable_properties() -> Array:
return []
## Overwrite if this events needs translation.
func _get_property_original_translation(property_name:String) -> String:
return ''
## Returns true if there is any translatable properties on this event.
## Overwrite [_get_translatable_properties()] to change this.
func can_be_translated() -> bool:
return !_get_translatable_properties().is_empty()
## This is automatically called, no need to use this.
func add_translation_id() -> String:
_translation_id = DialogicUtil.get_next_translation_id()
return _translation_id
func remove_translation_id() -> void:
_translation_id = ""
func get_property_translation_key(property_name:String) -> String:
return event_name.path_join(_translation_id).path_join(property_name)
## Call this whenever you are using a translatable property
func get_property_translated(property_name:String) -> String:
if !_translation_id.is_empty() and ProjectSettings.get_setting('dialogic/translation/enabled', false):
var translation := tr(get_property_translation_key(property_name))
# if no translation is found tr() returns the id, but we want to fallback to the original
return translation if translation != get_property_translation_key(property_name) else _get_property_original_translation(property_name)
return _get_property_original_translation(property_name)
#region SAVE / LOAD (internal, don't override)
### These functions are used by the timeline loader/saver
### They mainly use the overridable behaviour below, but enforce the unique_id saving
## Used by the Timeline saver.
func _store_as_string() -> String:
if !_translation_id.is_empty() and can_be_translated():
return to_text() + ' #id:'+str(_translation_id)
return to_text()
## Call this if you updated an event and want the changes to be saved.
func update_text_version() -> void:
event_node_as_text = _store_as_string()
## Used by timeline processor.
func _load_from_string(string:String) -> void:
if '#id:' in string and can_be_translated():
_translation_id = string.get_slice('#id:', 1).strip_edges()
from_text(string.get_slice('#id:', 0))
event_node_ready = true
## Assigns the custom defaults
func _load_custom_defaults():
for default_prop in DialogicUtil.get_custom_event_defaults(event_name):
if default_prop in self:
set(default_prop, DialogicUtil.get_custom_event_defaults(event_name)[default_prop])
## Used by the timeline processor.
func _test_event_string(string:String) -> bool:
if '#id:' in string and can_be_translated():
return is_valid_event(string.get_slice('#id:', 0))
return is_valid_event(string.strip_edges())
#region SAVE / LOAD
### All of these functions can/should be overridden by the sub classes
## if this uses the short-code format, return the shortcode
func get_shortcode() -> String:
return 'default_shortcode'
## if this uses the short-code format, return the parameters and corresponding property names
func get_shortcode_parameters() -> Dictionary:
return {}
## returns a readable presentation of the event (This is how it's stored)
## by default it uses a shortcode format, but can be overridden
func to_text() -> String:
var result_string: String = "["+self.get_shortcode()
var params: Dictionary = get_shortcode_parameters()
var custom_defaults: Dictionary = DialogicUtil.get_custom_event_defaults(event_name)
for parameter in params.keys():
if (typeof(get(params[parameter].property)) != typeof(custom_defaults.get(params[parameter].property, params[parameter].default))) or \
(get(params[parameter].property) != custom_defaults.get(params[parameter].property, params[parameter].default)):
if typeof(get(params[parameter].property)) == TYPE_OBJECT:
result_string += " "+parameter+'="'+str(get(params[parameter].property).resource_path)+'"'
elif typeof(get(params[parameter].property)) == TYPE_STRING:
result_string += " "+parameter+'="'+get(params[parameter].property).replace('=', "\\=")+'"'
# if this is an enum with values provided, try to use a text alternative
elif typeof(get(params[parameter].property)) == TYPE_INT and params[parameter].has('suggestions'):
for option in params[parameter]
if option.value == get(params[parameter].property):
if option.has('text_alt'):
result_string += " "+parameter+'="'+option.text_alt[0]+'"'
result_string += " "+parameter+'="'+var_to_str(option.value).replace('=', "\\=")+'"'
elif typeof(get(params[parameter].property)) == TYPE_DICTIONARY:
result_string += " "+parameter+'="'+ JSON.stringify(get(params[parameter].property)).replace('=', "\\=")+'"'
result_string += " "+parameter+'="'+var_to_str(get(params[parameter].property)).replace('=', "\\=")+'"'
result_string += "]"
return result_string
## loads the variables from the string stored above
## by default it uses the shortcode format, but can be overridden
func from_text(string:String) -> void:
var data: Dictionary = parse_shortcode_parameters(string)
var params: Dictionary = get_shortcode_parameters()
for parameter in params.keys():
if not parameter in data:
var value: Variant
match typeof(get(params[parameter].property)):
value = data[parameter].replace('\\=', '=')
if params[parameter].has('suggestions'):
for option in params[parameter]
if option.has('text_alt') and data[parameter] in option.text_alt:
value = option.value
if !value:
value = float(data[parameter].replace('\\=', '='))
value = str_to_var(data[parameter].replace('\\=', '='))
set(params[parameter].property, value)
## has to return true, if the given string can be interpreted as this event
## by default it uses the shortcode formta, but can be overridden
func is_valid_event(string:String) -> bool:
if string.strip_edges().begins_with('['+get_shortcode()+' ') or string.strip_edges().begins_with('['+get_shortcode()+']'):
return true
return false
## has to return true if this string seems to be a full event of this kind
## (only tested if is_valid_event() returned true)
## if a shortcode it used it will default to true if the string ends with ']'
func is_string_full_event(string:String) -> bool:
if get_shortcode() != 'default_shortcode': return string.strip_edges().ends_with(']')
return true
## used to get all the shortcode parameters in a string as a dictionary
func parse_shortcode_parameters(shortcode : String) -> Dictionary:
var regex: RegEx =
var dict: Dictionary = {}
for result in regex.search_all(shortcode):
dict[result.get_string('parameter')] = result.get_string('value')
return dict
func _get_icon() -> Resource:
var _icon_file_name := "res://addons/dialogic/Editor/Images/Pieces/closed-icon.svg" # Default
# Check for both svg and png, but prefer svg if available
if ResourceLoader.exists(self.get_script().get_path().get_base_dir() + "/icon.svg"):
_icon_file_name = self.get_script().get_path().get_base_dir() + "/icon.svg"
elif ResourceLoader.exists(self.get_script().get_path().get_base_dir() + "/icon.png"):
_icon_file_name = self.get_script().get_path().get_base_dir() + "/icon.png"
return load(_icon_file_name)
func set_default_color(value:Variant) -> void:
dialogic_color_name = value
event_color = DialogicUtil.get_color(value)
## Called when the resource is assigned to a event block in the visual editor
func _enter_visual_editor(timeline_editor:DialogicEditor) -> void:
## This method can be overwritten to implement code completion for custom syntaxes
func _get_code_completion(CodeCompletionHelper:Node, TextNode:TextEdit, line:String, word:String, symbol:String) -> void:
## This method can be overwritten to add starting suggestions for this event
func _get_start_code_completion(CodeCompletionHelper:Node, TextNode:TextEdit) -> void:
func _get_syntax_highlighting(Highlighter:SyntaxHighlighter, dict:Dictionary, line:String) -> Dictionary:
return dict
func get_event_editor_info() -> Array:
if Engine.is_editor_hint():
if editor_list != null:
editor_list = []
return editor_list
return []
## to be overwritten by the sub_classes
func build_event_editor() -> void:
## For the methods below the arguments are mostly similar:
## @variable: String name of the property this field is for
## @condition: String that will be executed as an expression. If it false
## @editor_type: One of the ValueTypes (see ValueType enum). Defines type of field.
## @left_text: Text that will be shown to the left of the field
## @right_text: Text that will be shown to the right of the field
## @extra_info: Allows passing a lot more info to the field.
## What info can be passed is differnet for every field
func add_header_label(text:String, condition:= "") -> void:
"name" : "something",
"type" :+ TYPE_STRING,
"location" : Location.HEADER,
"field_type" : ValueType.LABEL,
"display_info" : {"text":text},
"condition" : condition
func add_header_edit(variable:String, editor_type := ValueType.LABEL, extra_info:= {}, condition:= "") -> void:
"name" : variable,
"type" : typeof(get(variable)),
"location" : Location.HEADER,
"field_type" : editor_type,
"display_info" : extra_info,
"left_text" : extra_info.get('left_text', ''),
"right_text" : extra_info.get('right_text', ''),
"condition" : condition,
func add_header_button(text:String, callable:Callable, tooltip:String, icon: Variant = null, condition:= "") -> void:
"name" : "Button",
"type" : TYPE_STRING,
"location" : Location.HEADER,
"field_type" : ValueType.BUTTON,
"display_info" : {'text':text, 'tooltip':tooltip, 'callable':callable, 'icon':icon},
"condition" : condition,
func add_body_edit(variable:String, editor_type := ValueType.LABEL, extra_info:= {}, condition:= "") -> void:
"name" : variable,
"type" : typeof(get(variable)),
"location" : Location.BODY,
"field_type" : editor_type,
"display_info" : extra_info,
"left_text" : extra_info.get('left_text', ''),
"right_text" : extra_info.get('right_text', ''),
"condition" : condition,
func add_body_line_break(condition:= "") -> void:
"name" : "linebreak",
"type" : TYPE_BOOL,
"location" : Location.BODY,
"condition" : condition,