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418 lines
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9 months ago
class_name DialogicGameHandler
extends Node
## Class that is used as the Dialogic autoload.
## Autoload script that allows you to interact with all of Dialogic's systems:[br]
## - Holds all important information about the current state of Dialogic.[br]
## - Provides access to all the subsystems.[br]
## - Has methods to start/end timelines.[br]
## States indicating different phases of dialog.
enum States {
IDLE, ## Dialogic is awaiting input to advance.
REVEALING_TEXT, ## Dialogic is currently revealing text.
ANIMATING, ## Some animation is happening.
AWAITING_CHOICE, ## Dialogic awaits the selection of a choice
WAITING ## Dialogic is currently awaiting something.
## Flags indicating what to clear when calling [method clear].
enum ClearFlags {
FULL_CLEAR = 0, ## Clears all subsystems
KEEP_VARIABLES = 1, ## Clears all subsystems and info except for variables
TIMELINE_INFO_ONLY = 2 ## Doesn't clear subsystems but current timeline and index
## Reference to the currently executed timeline.
var current_timeline: DialogicTimeline = null
## Copy of the [member current_timeline]'s events.
var current_timeline_events: Array = []
## Index of the event the timeline handling is currently at.
var current_event_idx: int = 0
## Contains all information that subsystems consider relevant for
## the current situation
var current_state_info: Dictionary = {}
## Current state (see [member States] enum).
var current_state := States.IDLE:
return current_state
current_state = new_state
## Emitted when [member current_state] change.
signal state_changed(new_state:States)
## When `true`, many dialogic processes won't continue until it's `false` again.
var paused := false:
paused = value
if paused:
for subsystem in get_children():
if subsystem is DialogicSubsystem:
(subsystem as DialogicSubsystem).pause()
for subsystem in get_children():
if subsystem is DialogicSubsystem:
(subsystem as DialogicSubsystem).resume()
## Emitted when [member paused] changes to `true`.
signal dialogic_paused
## Emitted when [member paused] changes to `false`.
signal dialogic_resumed
## Emitted when the timeline ends.
## This can be a timeline ending or [method end_timeline] being called.
signal timeline_ended
## Emitted when a timeline starts by calling either [method start]
## or [method start_timeline].
signal timeline_started
## Emitted when an event starts being executed.
## The event may not have finished executing yet.
signal event_handled(resource: DialogicEvent)
## Emitted when a [class SignalEvent] event was reached.
signal signal_event(argument: Variant)
## Emitted when a signal event gets fired from a [class TextEvent] event.
signal text_signal(argument: String)
# Careful, this section is repopulated automatically at certain moments.
var Audio := preload("res://addons/dialogic/Modules/Audio/").new():
get: return get_subsystem("Audio")
var Backgrounds := preload("res://addons/dialogic/Modules/Background/").new():
get: return get_subsystem("Backgrounds")
var Portraits := preload("res://addons/dialogic/Modules/Character/").new():
get: return get_subsystem("Portraits")
var Choices := preload("res://addons/dialogic/Modules/Choice/").new():
get: return get_subsystem("Choices")
var Expressions := preload("res://addons/dialogic/Modules/Core/").new():
get: return get_subsystem("Expressions")
var Animations := preload("res://addons/dialogic/Modules/Core/").new():
get: return get_subsystem("Animations")
var Inputs := preload("res://addons/dialogic/Modules/Core/").new():
get: return get_subsystem("Inputs")
var Glossary := preload("res://addons/dialogic/Modules/Glossary/").new():
get: return get_subsystem("Glossary")
var History := preload("res://addons/dialogic/Modules/History/").new():
get: return get_subsystem("History")
var Jump := preload("res://addons/dialogic/Modules/Jump/").new():
get: return get_subsystem("Jump")
var Save := preload("res://addons/dialogic/Modules/Save/").new():
get: return get_subsystem("Save")
var Settings := preload("res://addons/dialogic/Modules/Settings/").new():
get: return get_subsystem("Settings")
var Styles := preload("res://addons/dialogic/Modules/Style/").new():
get: return get_subsystem("Styles")
var Text := preload("res://addons/dialogic/Modules/Text/").new():
get: return get_subsystem("Text")
var TextInput := preload("res://addons/dialogic/Modules/TextInput/").new():
get: return get_subsystem("TextInput")
var VAR := preload("res://addons/dialogic/Modules/Variable/").new():
get: return get_subsystem("VAR")
var Voice := preload("res://addons/dialogic/Modules/Voice/").new():
get: return get_subsystem("Voice")
## Autoloads are added first, so this happens REALLY early on game startup.
func _ready() -> void:
## Method to start a timeline AND ensure that a layout scene is present.
## For argument info, checkout [method start_timeline].
## -> returns the layout node
func start(timeline:Variant, label:Variant="") -> Node:
# If we don't have a style subsystem, default to just start_timeline()
if !has_subsystem('Styles'):
printerr("[Dialogic] You called Dialogic.start() but the Styles subsystem is missing!")
start_timeline(timeline, label)
return null
# Otherwise make sure there is a style active.
var scene: Node = null
if !self.Styles.has_active_layout_node():
scene = self.Styles.load_style()
scene = self.Styles.get_layout_node()
if not scene.is_node_ready():
scene.ready.connect(start_timeline.bind(timeline, label))
start_timeline(timeline, label)
return scene
## Method to start a timeline without adding a layout scene.
## @timeline can be either a loaded timeline resource or a path to a timeline file.
## @label_or_idx can be a label (string) or index (int) to skip to immediatly.
func start_timeline(timeline:Variant, label_or_idx:Variant = "") -> void:
# load the resource if only the path is given
if typeof(timeline) == TYPE_STRING:
#check the lookup table if it's not a full file name
if (timeline as String).contains("res://"):
timeline = load((timeline as String))
timeline = DialogicResourceUtil.get_timeline_resource((timeline as String))
if timeline == null:
printerr("[Dialogic] There was an error loading this timeline. Check the filename, and the timeline for errors")
await (timeline as DialogicTimeline).process()
current_timeline = timeline
current_timeline_events =
current_event_idx = -1
if typeof(label_or_idx) == TYPE_STRING:
if label_or_idx:
if has_subsystem('Jump'):
Jump.jump_to_label((label_or_idx as String))
elif typeof(label_or_idx) == TYPE_INT:
if label_or_idx >-1:
current_event_idx = label_or_idx -1
## Preloader function, prepares a timeline and returns an object to hold for later
## [param timeline_resource] can be either a path (string) or a loaded timeline (resource)
func preload_timeline(timeline_resource:Variant) -> Variant:
# I think ideally this should be on a new thread, will test
if typeof(timeline_resource) == TYPE_STRING:
timeline_resource = load((timeline_resource as String))
if timeline_resource == null:
printerr("[Dialogic] There was an error preloading this timeline. Check the filename, and the timeline for errors")
return null
await (timeline_resource as DialogicTimeline).process()
return timeline_resource
## Clears and stops the current timeline.
func end_timeline() -> void:
await clear(ClearFlags.TIMELINE_INFO_ONLY)
## Handles the next event.
func handle_next_event(_ignore_argument: Variant = "") -> void:
## Handles the event at the given index [param event_index].
## You can call this manually, but if another event is still executing, it might have unexpected results.
func handle_event(event_index:int) -> void:
if not current_timeline:
if has_meta('previous_event') and get_meta('previous_event') is DialogicEvent and (get_meta('previous_event') as DialogicEvent).event_finished.is_connected(handle_next_event):
(get_meta('previous_event') as DialogicEvent).event_finished.disconnect(handle_next_event)
if paused:
await dialogic_resumed
if event_index >= len(current_timeline_events):
#actually process the event now, since we didnt earlier at runtime
#this needs to happen before we create the copy DialogicEvent variable, so it doesn't throw an error if not ready
if current_timeline_events[event_index].event_node_ready == false:
current_event_idx = event_index
if not current_timeline_events[event_index].event_finished.is_connected(handle_next_event):
set_meta('previous_event', current_timeline_events[event_index])
## Resets Dialogic's state fully or partially.
## By using the clear flags from the [member ClearFlags] enum you can specify
## what info should be kept.
## For example, at timeline end usually it doesn't clear node or subsystem info.
func clear(clear_flags := ClearFlags.FULL_CLEAR) -> void:
if !clear_flags & ClearFlags.TIMELINE_INFO_ONLY:
for subsystem in get_children():
if subsystem is DialogicSubsystem:
(subsystem as DialogicSubsystem).clear_game_state(clear_flags)
var timeline := current_timeline
current_timeline = null
current_event_idx = -1
current_timeline_events = []
current_state = States.IDLE
# Resetting variables
if timeline:
await timeline.clean()
## Returns a dictionary containing all necessary information to later recreate the same state with load_full_state.
## The [subsystem Save] subsystem might be more useful for you.
## However, this can be used to integrate the info into your own save system.
func get_full_state() -> Dictionary:
if current_timeline:
current_state_info['current_event_idx'] = current_event_idx
current_state_info['current_timeline'] = current_timeline.resource_path
current_state_info['current_event_idx'] = -1
current_state_info['current_timeline'] = null
return current_state_info.duplicate(true)
## This method tries to load the state from the given [param state_info].
## Will automatically start a timeline and add a layout if a timeline was running when
## the dictionary was retrieved with [method get_full_state].
func load_full_state(state_info:Dictionary) -> void:
current_state_info = state_info
## The Style subsystem needs to run first for others to load correctly.
var scene: Node = null
if has_subsystem('Styles'):
scene = self.Styles.get_layout_node()
var load_subsystems := func() -> void:
for subsystem in get_children():
if == 'Styles':
(subsystem as DialogicSubsystem).load_game_state()
if null != scene and not scene.is_node_ready():
await get_tree().process_frame
if current_state_info.get('current_timeline', null):
start_timeline(current_state_info.current_timeline, current_state_info.get('current_event_idx', 0))
func _collect_subsystems() -> void:
var subsystem_nodes := [] as Array[DialogicSubsystem]
for indexer in DialogicUtil.get_indexers():
for subsystem in indexer._get_subsystems():
var subsystem_node := add_subsystem(str(, str(subsystem.script))
for subsystem in subsystem_nodes:
## Returns `true` if a subystem with the given [param subsystem_name] exists.
func has_subsystem(subsystem_name:String) -> bool:
return has_node(subsystem_name)
## Returns the subsystem node of the given [param subsystem_name] or null if it doesn't exist.
func get_subsystem(subsystem_name:String) -> DialogicSubsystem:
return get_node(subsystem_name)
## Adds a subsystem node with the given [param subsystem_name] and [param script_path].
func add_subsystem(subsystem_name:String, script_path:String) -> DialogicSubsystem:
var node: Node =
| = subsystem_name
node = node as DialogicSubsystem
node.dialogic = self
return node
#region HELPERS
## This handles the `Layout End Behaviour` setting that can be changed in the Dialogic settings.
func _on_timeline_ended() -> void:
if self.Styles.has_active_layout_node() and self.Styles.get_layout_node().is_inside_tree():
match ProjectSettings.get_setting('dialogic/layout/end_behaviour', 0):
func print_debug_moment() -> void:
if not current_timeline:
printerr("\tAt event ", current_event_idx+1, " (",current_timeline_events[current_event_idx].event_name, ' Event) in timeline "', DialogicResourceUtil.get_unique_identifier(current_timeline.resource_path), '" (',current_timeline.resource_path,').')