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167 lines
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167 lines
4.6 KiB
6 months ago
extends Resource
class_name DialogicTimeline
## Resource that defines a list of events.
## It can store them as text and load them from text too.
var events: Array = []
var events_processed: bool = false
## Method used for printing timeline resources identifiably
func _to_string() -> String:
return "[DialogicTimeline:{file}]".format({"file":resource_path})
## Helper method
func get_event(index:int) -> Variant:
if index >= len(events):
return null
return events[index]
## Parses the lines as seperate events and insert them in an array,
## so they can be converted to DialogicEvent's when processed later
func from_text(text:String) -> void:
events = text.split('\n', true)
events_processed = false
## Stores all events in their text format and returns them as a string
func as_text() -> String:
var result: String = ""
if events_processed:
var indent := 0
for idx in range(0, len(events)):
var event: DialogicEvent = events[idx]
if event.event_name == 'End Branch':
indent -= 1
if event != null:
for i in event.empty_lines_above:
result += "\t".repeat(indent)+"\n"
result += "\t".repeat(indent)+event.event_node_as_text.replace('\n', "\n"+"\t".repeat(indent)) + "\n"
if event.can_contain_events:
indent += 1
if indent < 0:
indent = 0
for event in events:
result += str(event)+"\n"
return result.strip_edges()
## Method that loads all the event resources from the strings, if it wasn't done before
func process() -> void:
if typeof(events[0]) == TYPE_STRING:
events_processed = false
# if the timeline is already processed
if events_processed:
for event in events:
event.event_node_ready = true
var event_cache := DialogicResourceUtil.get_event_cache()
var end_event :=
var prev_indent := ""
var processed_events := []
# this is needed to add an end branch event even to empty conditions/choices
var prev_was_opener := false
var lines := events
var idx := -1
var empty_lines := 0
while idx < len(lines)-1:
idx += 1
# make sure we are using the string version, in case this was already converted
var line := ""
if typeof(lines[idx]) == TYPE_STRING:
line = lines[idx]
line = lines[idx].event_node_as_text
## Ignore empty lines, but record them in @empty_lines
var line_stripped: String = line.strip_edges(true, false)
if line_stripped.is_empty():
empty_lines += 1
## Add an end event if the indent is smaller then previously
var indent: String = line.substr(0,len(line)-len(line_stripped))
if len(indent) < len(prev_indent):
for i in range(len(prev_indent)-len(indent)):
## Add an end event if the indent is the same but the previous was an opener
## (so for example choice that is empty)
if prev_was_opener and len(indent) <= len(prev_indent):
prev_indent = indent
## Now we process the event into a resource
## by checking on each event if it recognizes this string
var event_content: String = line_stripped
var event: DialogicEvent
for i in event_cache:
if i._test_event_string(event_content):
event = i.duplicate()
event.empty_lines_above = empty_lines
# add the following lines until the event says it's full or there is an empty line
while !event.is_string_full_event(event_content):
idx += 1
if idx == len(lines):
var following_line_stripped: String = lines[idx].strip_edges(true, false)
if following_line_stripped.is_empty():
event_content += "\n"+following_line_stripped
event.event_node_as_text = event_content
prev_was_opener = event.can_contain_events
empty_lines = 0
if !prev_indent.is_empty():
for i in range(len(prev_indent)):
events = processed_events
events_processed = true
## This method makes sure that all events in a timeline are correctly reset
func clean() -> void:
if not events_processed:
# This is necessary because otherwise INTERNAL GODOT ONESHOT CONNECTIONS
# are disconnected before they can disconnect themselves.
await Engine.get_main_loop().process_frame
for event:DialogicEvent in events:
for con_in in event.get_incoming_connections():
for sig in event.get_signal_list():
for con_out in event.get_signal_connection_list(