diff --git a/project.clj b/project.clj
index 5a6199a..7d4f885 100644
--- a/project.clj
+++ b/project.clj
@@ -5,6 +5,6 @@
:url "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html"}
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.10.0"]
[me.raynes/fs "1.4.6"]
- [com.velisco/clj-ftp "0.3.12"]
- [markdown-clj "1.0.5"]]
+ [markdown-clj "1.0.5"]
+ [commons-net "3.6"]]
:eval-in-leiningen true)
diff --git a/resources/page/index.html b/resources/page/index.html
index 2c23037..fa6af5f 100644
--- a/resources/page/index.html
+++ b/resources/page/index.html
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
&:title - joshavg
diff --git a/src/equilibrium/miner/ftp.clj b/src/equilibrium/miner/ftp.clj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..28095e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/equilibrium/miner/ftp.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
+;; Apache Commons Net API:
+;; http://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-net/javadocs/api-3.3/index.html
+;; Uses Apache Commons Net 3.3. Does not support SFTP, but does support FTPS.
+;; FTP is considered insecure. Data and passwords are sent in the
+;; clear so someone could sniff packets on your network and discover
+;; your password. Nevertheless, FTP access is useful for dealing with anonymous
+;; FTP servers and situations where security is not an issue.
+(ns equilibrium.miner.ftp
+ (:import [org.apache.commons.net.ftp FTP FTPClient FTPSClient FTPFile FTPReply]
+ [java.net URI URL]
+ [java.io File IOException FileOutputStream OutputStream FileInputStream InputStream])
+ (:require [me.raynes.fs :as fs]
+ [clojure.string :as str]
+ [clojure.java.io :as io]))
+(defn as-uri ^URI [url]
+ (cond (instance? URL url) (.toURI ^URL url)
+ (instance? URI url) url
+ :else (URI. url)))
+(defn open
+ ([url] (open url "UTF-8" {}))
+ ([url control-encoding] (open url control-encoding {}))
+ ([url control-encoding
+ {:keys [security-mode
+ data-timeout-ms
+ connect-timeout-ms
+ default-timeout-ms
+ control-keep-alive-timeout-sec
+ control-keep-alive-reply-timeout-ms]
+ :or {security-mode :explicit
+ data-timeout-ms -1
+ connect-timeout-ms 30000
+ control-keep-alive-timeout-sec 300
+ control-keep-alive-reply-timeout-ms 1000}}]
+ (let [implicit? (not= :explicit security-mode)
+ ^URI uri (as-uri url)
+ ^FTPClient client (case (.getScheme uri)
+ "ftp" (FTPClient.)
+ "ftps" (FTPSClient. implicit?)
+ (throw (Exception. (str "unexpected protocol " (.getScheme uri) " in FTP url, need \"ftp\" or \"ftps\""))))]
+ ;; (.setAutodetectUTF8 client true)
+ (when default-timeout-ms (.setDefaultTimeout client default-timeout-ms))
+ (.setControlEncoding client control-encoding)
+ (.setConnectTimeout client connect-timeout-ms)
+ (.setDataTimeout client data-timeout-ms)
+ (.setControlKeepAliveTimeout client control-keep-alive-timeout-sec)
+ (.setControlKeepAliveReplyTimeout client control-keep-alive-reply-timeout-ms)
+ (.connect client
+ (.getHost uri)
+ (if (= -1 (.getPort uri)) (int 21) (.getPort uri)))
+ (let [reply (.getReplyCode client)]
+ (when-not (FTPReply/isPositiveCompletion reply)
+ (.disconnect client)
+ (throw (ex-info "Connection failed" {:reply-code reply
+ :reply-string (.getReplyString client)}))))
+ client)))
+(defn guess-file-type [file-name]
+ "Best guess about the file type to use when transferring a given file based on the extension.
+ Returns either :binary or :ascii (the default). If you don't know what you're dealing with,
+ this might help, but don't bet the server farm on it. See also `client-set-file-type`."
+ (case (str/lower-case (fs/extension file-name))
+ (".jpg" ".jpeg" ".zip" ".mov" ".bin" ".exe" ".pdf" ".gz" ".tar" ".dmg" ".jar" ".tgz" ".war"
+ ".lz" ".mp3" ".mp4" ".sit" ".z" ".dat" ".o" ".app" ".png" ".gif" ".class" ".avi" ".m4v"
+ ".mpg" ".mpeg" ".swf" ".wmv" ".ogg") :binary
+ :ascii))
+(defn client-set-file-type [^FTPClient client filetype]
+ "Set the file type for transfers to either :binary or :ascii (the default)"
+ (if (= filetype :binary)
+ (.setFileType client FTP/BINARY_FILE_TYPE)
+ (.setFileType client FTP/ASCII_FILE_TYPE))
+ filetype)
+(defmacro with-ftp
+ "Establish an FTP connection, bound to client, for the FTP url, and execute the body with
+ access to that client connection. Closes connection at end of body. Keyword
+ options can follow the url in the binding vector. By default, uses a passive local data
+ connection mode and ASCII file type.
+ Use [client url :local-data-connection-mode :active
+ :file-type :binary
+ :security-mode :explicit] to override.
+ Allows to override the following timeouts:
+ - `connect-timeout-ms` - The timeout used when opening a socket. Default 30000
+ - `data-timeout-ms` - the underlying socket timeout. Default - infinite (< 1).
+ - `control-keep-alive-timeout-sec` - control channel keep alive message
+ timeout. Default 300 seconds.
+ - `control-keep-alive-reply-timeout-ms` - how long to wait for the control
+ channel keep alive replies. Default 1000 ms.
+ - `control-encoding` - The new character encoding for the control connection. Default - UTF-8"
+ [[client url & {:keys [local-data-connection-mode file-type
+ control-encoding
+ ftp-user ftp-pass]
+ :as params
+ :or {control-encoding "UTF-8"}}] & body]
+ `(let [local-mode# ~local-data-connection-mode
+ u# (as-uri ~url)
+ ~client ^FTPClient (open u# ~control-encoding ~params)
+ file-type# ~file-type]
+ (try
+ (when-not (.login ~client ~ftp-user ~ftp-pass)
+ (throw (ex-info (format "Unable to login")
+ {:url u#
+ :user ~ftp-user})))
+ (let [path# (.getPath u#)]
+ (when-not (or (str/blank? path#) (= path# "/"))
+ (.changeWorkingDirectory ~client (subs path# 1))))
+ (client-set-file-type ~client file-type#)
+ ;; by default (when nil) use passive mode
+ (if (= local-mode# :active)
+ (.enterLocalActiveMode ~client)
+ (.enterLocalPassiveMode ~client))
+ ~@body
+ (catch IOException e# (println (.getMessage e#)) (throw e#))
+ (finally (when (.isConnected ~client)
+ (try
+ (.disconnect ~client)
+ (catch IOException e2# nil)))))))
+(defn client-FTPFiles-all [^FTPClient client]
+ (vec (.listFiles client)))
+(defn client-FTPFiles [^FTPClient client]
+ (filterv (fn [f] (and f (.isFile ^FTPFile f))) (.listFiles client)))
+(defn client-FTPFile-directories [^FTPClient client]
+ (vec (.listDirectories client)))
+(defn client-all-names [^FTPClient client]
+ (vec (.listNames client)))
+(defn client-file-names [^FTPClient client]
+ (mapv #(.getName ^FTPFile %) (client-FTPFiles client)))
+(defn client-directory-names [^FTPClient client]
+ (mapv #(.getName ^FTPFile %) (client-FTPFile-directories client)))
+(defn client-complete-pending-command
+ "Complete the previous command and check the reply code. Throw an exception if
+ reply code is not a positive completion"
+ [^FTPClient client]
+ (.completePendingCommand client)
+ (let [reply-code (.getReplyCode client)]
+ (when-not (FTPReply/isPositiveCompletion reply-code)
+ (throw (ex-info "Not a Positive completion of last command" {:reply-code reply-code
+ :reply-string (.getReplyString client)})))))
+(defn client-get
+ "Get a file and write to local file-system (must be within a with-ftp)"
+ ([client fname] (client-get client fname (fs/base-name fname)))
+ ([client fname local-name]
+ (with-open [outstream (FileOutputStream. (io/as-file local-name))]
+ (.retrieveFile ^FTPClient client ^String fname ^OutputStream outstream))))
+(defn client-get-stream
+ "Get a file and return InputStream (must be within a with-ftp). Note that it's necessary to complete
+ this command with a call to `client-complete-pending-command` after using the stream."
+ ^InputStream [client fname]
+ (.retrieveFileStream ^FTPClient client ^String fname))
+(defn client-put
+ "Put a file (must be within a with-ftp)"
+ ([client fname] (client-put client fname (fs/base-name fname)))
+ ([client fname remote] (with-open [instream (FileInputStream. (io/as-file fname))]
+ (.storeFile ^FTPClient client ^String remote ^InputStream instream))))
+(defn client-put-stream
+ "Put an InputStream (must be within a with-ftp)"
+ [client instream remote]
+ (.storeFile ^FTPClient client ^String remote ^InputStream instream))
+(defn client-cd [client dir]
+ (.changeWorkingDirectory ^FTPClient client ^String dir))
+(defn- strip-double-quotes [^String s]
+ (let [len (count s)]
+ (cond (<= len 2) s
+ (and (= (.charAt s 0) \")
+ (= (.charAt s (dec len)) \")) (subs s 1 (dec len))
+ :else s)))
+(defn client-pwd [client]
+ (strip-double-quotes (.printWorkingDirectory ^FTPClient client)))
+(defn client-mkdir [client subdir]
+ (.makeDirectory ^FTPClient client ^String subdir))
+;; Regular mkdir can only make one level at a time; mkdirs makes nested paths in the correct order
+(defn client-mkdirs [client subpath]
+ (doseq [d (reductions (fn [path item] (str path File/separator item)) (fs/split subpath))]
+ (client-mkdir client d)))
+(defn client-delete [client fname]
+ "Delete a file (must be within a with-ftp)"
+ (.deleteFile ^FTPClient client ^String fname))
+(defn client-rename [client from to]
+ "Rename a remote file (must be within a with-ftp"
+ (.rename ^FTPClient client ^String from ^String to))
+(defn client-send-site-command [client sitecmd ]
+ "Send Site Command must be within with-ftp"
+ (.sendSiteCommand ^FTPClient client ^String sitecmd))
+;; convenience methods for one-shot results
+(defn rename-file [url from to]
+ (with-ftp [client url]
+ (client-rename client from to)))
+(defn retrieve-file
+ ([url fname] (retrieve-file url fname (fs/base-name fname)))
+ ([url fname local-file]
+ (with-ftp [client url]
+ (client-get client fname (io/as-file local-file)))))
+(defn list-all [url]
+ (with-ftp [client url]
+ (seq (client-all-names client))))
+(defn list-files [url]
+ (with-ftp [client url]
+ (seq (client-file-names client))))
+(defn list-directories [url]
+ (with-ftp [client url]
+ (seq (client-directory-names client))))
+;; this method encrypts the channel when you are using ftps.
+;; to avoid error :
+;; 425-Server requires protected data connection.
+;; 425 Can't open data connection.
+;; you must call this before doing a transfer
+(defn encrypt-channel [client ]
+ (do (.execPBSZ ^FTPSClient client 0)
+ (.execPROT ^FTPSClient client "P")))
diff --git a/src/equilibrium/render.clj b/src/equilibrium/render.clj
index 488d682..0092458 100644
--- a/src/equilibrium/render.clj
+++ b/src/equilibrium/render.clj
@@ -108,6 +108,9 @@
(defn last-blog-sites-in-content [content]
(re-seq #"&:last-blog-sites:([^\s<]+)" content))
+(defn envs-in-content [content]
+ (re-seq #"&:env:([a-zA-Z_-]+)" content))
(particles-in-content "asd &particle:hullu"))
@@ -161,6 +164,7 @@
(string/replace #"&:generated-at" (now-str)))
particles (particles-in-content simple)
last-blog-sites (last-blog-sites-in-content simple)
+ envs (envs-in-content simple)
particle-fn (fn [result particle]
@@ -170,10 +174,15 @@
- (blog-sites-preview blog-name)))]
+ (blog-sites-preview blog-name)))
+ envs-fn (fn [result [match-str env-name]]
+ (string/replace result
+ match-str
+ (System/getenv env-name)))]
(as-> simple $
(reduce particle-fn $ particles)
- (reduce blog-sites-fn $ last-blog-sites))))
+ (reduce blog-sites-fn $ last-blog-sites)
+ (reduce envs-fn $ envs))))
(fill-in-placeholders {:navcode "hhh"}
@@ -181,8 +190,7 @@
{:content "dinge"})
(fill-in-placeholders {:navcode "hhh"}
"&:nav &:content &:particle:aside\n &:generated-at"
- {:content "dinge"})
- )
+ {:content "dinge"}))
(defn write-sites [template sites]
(doseq [site sites
diff --git a/src/leiningen/equilibrium.clj b/src/leiningen/equilibrium.clj
index 6f53fdf..a50b9ee 100644
--- a/src/leiningen/equilibrium.clj
+++ b/src/leiningen/equilibrium.clj
@@ -1,10 +1,28 @@
(ns leiningen.equilibrium
(:require [equilibrium.render :as render]
- [leiningen.core.main :refer [info warn]]))
+ [equilibrium.miner.ftp :as ftp]
+ [leiningen.core.main :refer [info warn]]
+ [clojure.java.io :as io]))
(defn deploy
"Deploys the rendered page under target/page to the configured ftp target"
- [project])
+ [project]
+ (ftp/with-ftp [client (System/getenv "EQUILIBRIUM_URL")
+ :ftp-user (System/getenv "EQUILIBRIUM_USER")
+ :ftp-pass (System/getenv "EQUILIBRIUM_PASS")]
+ (doseq [file (file-seq (io/file "target/page"))
+ :let [fname (.toString file)
+ relpath (subs fname (count "target/page"))
+ dir? (.isDirectory file)]
+ :when (> (count relpath) 0)]
+ (let [dest (subs relpath 1)]
+ (if dir?
+ (do
+ (println "creating dir" dest)
+ (ftp/client-mkdir client dest))
+ (do
+ (println fname "to" dest)
+ (ftp/client-put client fname dest)))))))
(defn invalid-input [project]
(warn "refer to 'lein help equilibrium' for available tasks"))