'.$char_nick1[$z].' vs. '.$char_nick2[$z].' -> Runde: '.$round[$z].'';
$turnier_date = $turnier_daten['datum'];
$eventChars = array();
$char_nick1 = array();
$char_nick2 = array();
$char_nic1 = array();
$char_nic2 = array();
$char1 = array();
$char2 = array();
$win = array();
$round = array();
$dauer = array();
foreach ($event_fight_ids as $event_fight_id) {
$event_fight = getEventFight($event_id, $event_fight_id);
$host_id = $event_fight['host'];
$qry = db_query('SELECT event_char_id FROM event_fight_rounds where event_id = '.$event_id.' and event_fight_id = '.$event_fight_id.' and round = 0');
$char_info1 = NULL;
$char_info2 = NULL;
while( $row = mysqli_fetch_row($qry) ) {
$char_data = $eventChars[$row[0]];
if ($char_data === NULL) {
$char_data = getEventChar($event_id, $row[0]);
$eventChars[$row[0]] = $char_data;
if ($row[0] == $host_id) {
$char_info1 = $char_data;
} else {
$char_info2 = $char_data;
$dauer[] = $event_fight['passed'];
if ($event_fight['passed'] == 1) {
} else {
$round[]=getEventFightMetaData($event_id, $event_fight_id)['round'];
$maxs = $max_turnier-1;
$win_char = $eventChars[$win[$maxs]];
Das Turnier am |
$new_max_turnier = $max_turnier-1;
displaySomething($event_id, $event_fight_ids, $new_max_turnier, $char_nic1, $char_nic2, 4);
echo '';
$new_max_turnier = $max_turnier-3;
displaySomething($event_id, $event_fight_ids, $new_max_turnier, $char_nic1, $char_nic2, 2);
$new_max_turnier = $max_turnier-2;
displaySomething($event_id, $event_fight_ids, $new_max_turnier, $char_nic1, $char_nic2, 2);
echo '
$new_max_turnier = $max_turnier-7;
displaySomething($event_id, $event_fight_ids, $new_max_turnier, $char_nic1, $char_nic2);
$new_max_turnier = $max_turnier-6;
displaySomething($event_id, $event_fight_ids, $new_max_turnier, $char_nic1, $char_nic2);
$new_max_turnier = $max_turnier-5;
displaySomething($event_id, $event_fight_ids, $new_max_turnier, $char_nic1, $char_nic2);
$new_max_turnier = $max_turnier-4;
displaySomething($event_id, $event_fight_ids, $new_max_turnier, $char_nic1, $char_nic2);
echo '