<?php /* * * @copyright (c) 2010 animegame.eu * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html GNU General Public Licence * */ include "db.php"; include_once('path.inc.php'); // get the path ;) include_once ('inclu/messagefunctions.inc.php'); include_once ('inclu/halloffame.inc.php'); include_once ('inclu/fruitdistribution.inc.php'); include_once ('inclu/exp.inc.php'); include_once (ROOT_PATH.'/include/usergroup.inc.php'); include_once ('inclu/turnier.inc.php'); include_once ('inclu/char.inc.php'); $turnier_kurz = 'grossst'; $turnier_name = 'Weltturnier Non-Fusion'; // calculate the avg level of the chars participating $sql = '(Select distinct(char1) as x from turnier_kampf where art = \''.$turnier_kurz.'\' ) union (Select distinct(char2) as x from turnier_kampf where art = \''.$turnier_kurz.'\' )'; $charids = array(); $qry1 = mysql_query($sql); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qry1)){ $charids[] = $row['x']; } $sql2 = 'Select avg(level) as dlevel from chars where id in ('.join(',', $charids).')'; $row = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query($sql2)); $dlevel = ceil($row['dlevel']); // do the stuff for the whole exp and money distribution there ;) //$results = generateTournamentResults($turnier_kurz, 250000, 2000000); // Franky && Sinnes request no more money for rounds $results = generateTournamentResults($turnier_kurz, 250000, 0); $rang1 = getChar($results[0][0]); insertIntoHallOfFame($turnier_name, $rang1['id'], $rang1['besitzer']); //$natur_frucht = mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("SELECT id FROM wochen_markt WHERE art='natur'")); ///wieviel TF gibt es?. ////////////////FRUCHT ARRAY //include "array.php"; distributeParamecia($rang1['besitzer']); //Schutz vor automatischem löschen hinzufügen für den sieger :) $usergroups = getUserGroups($rang1['besitzer']); if(!isUserInGroup($usergroups, INAKTIV_LOESCHSCHUTZ) && !isUserInGroup($usergroups, AKTIV_LOESCHSCHUTZ)) { addUserToGroup($rang1['besitzer'], INAKTIV_LOESCHSCHUTZ); } // Durchschnittslevel $summe = 20000000/(1+exp(5-$dlevel/14)); // Now distribute the shop points ;) $prices[] = 4000000; // 1. $prices[] = 3000000; // 2. $prices[] = 2000000; // 3. + 4. $cprices[] = ceil($summe/2); $cprices[] = ceil($summe/4); $cprices[] = ceil($summe/8); distributeUserPrices($prices, $results, $turnier_name); #distributeShopPoints($prices, $results, $turnier_name); // clan prices are not distributed anymore!! //distributeClanPrices($cprices, $results, $turnier_name); ?>