'; // Excel-Formel = RUNDEN(1/WURZEL(PI()*2) * EXP(-1/(($D141-$C141)*2,5) *POTENZ((H$1 -ABRUNDEN(($C141 +MIN($D141; $E141))/2));2))*250) // SQL-Formel ROUND( 1/SQRT( PI()*2) * EXP(-1/(($top-$bottom)*2.5)*POW ((level- floor(($bottom+MIN($top ,levl+20))/2)),2) *250) $rechnung = 'ROUND(1/SQRT(PI()*2) * EXP(-1/(('.$top.'-'.$bottom.')*2.5)*POW((level-floor(('.$bottom.'+'.$min_l.')/2)),2))*250) as guete'; $sql = 'select *, '.$rechnung.' from quest_monster as qm inner join quest_monster_orte as qmo on qm.id = qmo.monsterid where ortid = '.$city_id.' and level <= 20 + '.$char_level.' order by rand()'; // echo $sql.'
'; $qry = mysql_query($sql); // Lade alle Monster // while($monster[] = mysql_fetch_assoc($qry)); // Lade alle monster in einen Array $gesamtguete = 0; while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qry)){ if($row['guete'] == 0){ $row['guete'] += 1; } $gesamtguete+=$row['guete']; $monster[] = $row; } $count_monster = 0; for($i=0;$monster[$i];$i++){ $count_monster+= $monster[$i]['anzahl']; } $max = min($count_monster,$max); if($max == 0){ return NULL; } $sight = mt_rand($min,$max); $all_monster = array(); for($i=0;$i<$sight;$i++){ $index = mt_rand(0, $gesamtguete-1); for($t=0;$t'; $char1_buffs = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query('SELECT sum(i.hp) as hp, sum(i.mp) as mp, sum(i.starke) as starke, sum(i.verteidigung) as verteidigung, sum(i.speed) as speed FROM ware w LEFT JOIN item i ON(i.id=w.item_id) WHERE w.id IN (' . $chara_1['kampf_item'] . ')')); } $in_hp_max = explode(',', $chara_1['hp']); $in_mp_max = explode(',', $chara_1['mp']); $k_hp2[1] = $in_hp_max[1]; $k_hp[0] = $in_hp_max[0]; $k_mp[0] = $in_mp_max[0]; $in_hp_max = $in_hp_max[1] + $char1_buffs['hp']; $in_mp_max = $in_mp_max[1] + $char1_buffs['mp']; $in_starke = $chara_1['starke'] + $char1_buffs['starke']; $in_speed = $chara_1['speed'] + $char1_buffs['speed']; $in_ver = $chara_1['verteidigung'] + $char1_buffs['verteidigung']; $in_glueck = $chara_1['glueck']; $k_attacke1 = explode(',', $chara_1['attacken']); $k_aufgabe_a_1 = $in_hp_max / 100; $k_aufgabe[0] = $k_aufgabe_a_1 * $chara_1['aufgeben']; // Ausdauer wird im Laufe des Kampfes nicht aufgefrischt! $k_ausdauer[0] = $chara_1['ausdauer']; $k_hp1[1] = $in_hp_max; // Fuer Heal wichtig!! $k_mp1[1] = $in_mp_max; // Fuer Heal wichtig!! // Hinzufuegen Quest $sql = 'Insert into quests(charid, dauer, ortid, st, sp, ver, gl, aus, hp, mp)' . ' values('.$chara_1['id'].', ' . 'TIMESTAMPADD(HOUR, '.$std.', now()), ' . $ort.', '. $in_starke.', '. $in_speed.', '. $in_ver.', '. $in_glueck.', '. $chara_1['ausdauer'].', '. $in_hp_max.', '. $in_mp_max.')'; // echo 'Debug-Message: '.$sql.'
'; mysql_query($sql); $Dead1 = 0; // while ($chara_2 = mysql_fetch_assoc($fight_monster)) { // Schleife in monsterfight.inc.php rein!!! for($i=0;$i'; mysql_query($sql); // Werte uebernehmen $k_starke[0] = $in_starke; $k_speed[0] = $in_speed; $k_ver[0] = $in_ver; $k_glueck[0] = $in_glueck; if($i != 0){ // Die erste Runde keine Heilung!! $k_hp[0] = min($in_hp_max*0.2+$k_hp[0],$in_hp_max); $k_mp[0] = min($in_mp_max*0.4+$k_mp[0],$in_mp_max); } $chara_2 = $fight_monster[$i]; if ($Dead1 != 1) { ################## Kaempfer 2 $k_starke[1] = $chara_2['starke']; $k_speed[1] = $chara_2['speed']; $k_ver[1] = $chara_2['verteidigung']; $k_hp[1] = $chara_2['hp']; $k_mp[1] = $chara_2['mp']; $k_ausdauer[1] = $chara_2['ausdauer']; $k_glueck[1] = $chara_2['glueck']; $uzze = 0; while ($uzze < 10) { $aktion_AV1[$uzze] = ''; $aktion_AV2[$uzze] = ''; $uzze++; } $ssj_tech_1 = ''; $ssj_tech_2 = ''; $play1_ausweich = ''; $play2_ausweich = ''; $k_exp[0] = ''; $X23 = ''; $X13 = ''; $schaden_1 = ''; $schaden_2 = ''; $x = 0; $sql = 'Insert into quest_rounds(charid, fightnr, roundnr, c_st, c_sp, c_ver, c_hp, c_mp, c_aus, c_gl, m_st, m_sp, m_ver, m_hp, m_mp, m_aus, m_gl) values(' . $chara_1['id'].', '.$i . ','.$x.','. $k_starke[0].','.$k_speed[0].','.$k_ver[0].','.$k_hp[0].','.$k_mp[0].','.$k_ausdauer[0].','.$k_glueck[0].','. $k_starke[1].','.$k_speed[1].','.$k_ver[1].','.$k_hp[1].','.$k_mp[1].','.$k_ausdauer[1].','.$k_glueck[1]. ')'; // echo 'Debug Message: '.$sql.'
'; mysql_query($sql); while ($k_hp[0] > $k_aufgabe[0] AND $k_hp[1] > 0 AND $x < 10) { $technick1 = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("SELECT at_id, aktiv FROM lernen WHERE id='$k_attacke1[$x]' LIMIT 10")); $prozent_technik1 = (20 * $technick1['aktiv']) - 20; $technick1 = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM attacken WHERE id='$technick1[at_id]' LIMIT 10")); include (ROOT_PATH . '/include/kampf/andere_technik.php'); $technick1['speed'] = $technick1['speed'] + (($technick1['speed'] / 100) * $prozent_technik1); $technick1['verteidigung'] = $technick1['verteidigung'] + (($technick1['verteidigung'] / 100) * $prozent_technik1); $technick1['starke'] = $technick1['starke'] + (($technick1['starke'] / 100) * $prozent_technik1); $speeds_char1 = $k_speed[0] + $technick1['speed']; $speeds_char2 = $k_speed[1]; $aussetzten_runde = ""; ////// MUSS SO BLEIBEN WICHTIG $tmp_hp[0] = 0; $tmp_hp[1] = 0; ##################################MP, SSJ Verwandlungen, HP, Koerper Tausch Technicken include (ROOT_PATH . '/include/kampf/majin.php'); if (!$aussetzten_runde) { /////DAS FueR MAJIN ATTACKEN include (ROOT_PATH . '/include/kampf/atk_wert.php'); include (ROOT_PATH . '/include/kampf/tausch2.php'); //////////////////Muss ganz oben sein wegen technik Tauschen include (ROOT_PATH . '/include/kampf/gift.php'); include (ROOT_PATH . '/include/kampf/frucht.php'); include (ROOT_PATH . '/include/kampf/runde.php'); include (ROOT_PATH . '/include/kampf/mp.php'); include (ROOT_PATH . '/include/kampf/hp.php'); include (ROOT_PATH . '/include/kampf/hp2.php'); include (ROOT_PATH . '/include/kampf/SSJ.php'); include (ROOT_PATH . '/include/kampf/kaioken.php'); include (ROOT_PATH . '/include/kampf/kaioken2.php'); include (ROOT_PATH . '/include/kampf/copy.php'); include (ROOT_PATH . '/include/kampf/lose.php'); include (ROOT_PATH . '/include/kampf/lose2.php'); include (ROOT_PATH . '/include/kampf/ausdauer.php'); include (ROOT_PATH . '/include/kampf/mpv.php'); include (ROOT_PATH . '/include/kampf/hpmp.php'); //Als letztes um alle HP-Attacken zu kontern (in $tmp_hp gespeichert) include (ROOT_PATH . '/include/kampf/konter_heal.php'); //Nach Konterheal, damit überstehende HP bleibt include (ROOT_PATH . '/include/kampf/tausch.php'); } include (ROOT_PATH . '/include/kampf/atk_wert.php'); if (!$aussetzten_runde) { /////DAS FueR MAJIN ATTACKEN include (ROOT_PATH . '/include/kampf/schatten.php'); } #####################################KAMPF SYSTEM include (ROOT_PATH . '/include/kampf/kampf_rechnung.php'); // schaden1='$db_query[schaden1],$schaden_1', schaden2='$db_query[schaden2],$schaden_2', attacke1='$db_query[attacke1],$technick1[name]', attacke2='$db_query[attacke2],$technick2[name]' $x++; $sql = 'Insert into quest_rounds(charid, fightnr, roundnr, c_attack, c_dmg, m_attack, m_dmg, c_st, c_sp, c_ver, c_hp, c_mp, c_aus, c_gl, m_st, m_sp, m_ver, m_hp, m_mp, m_aus, m_gl) values(' . $chara_1['id'].', '.$i . ','.$x.',\''.$technick1['name'].'\',\''.$schaden_1.'\',\''.$technick2['name'].'\',\''.$schaden_2.'\','. $k_starke[0].','.$k_speed[0].','.$k_ver[0].','.$k_hp[0].','.$k_mp[0].','.$k_ausdauer[0].','.$k_glueck[0].','. $k_starke[1].','.$k_speed[1].','.$k_ver[1].','.$k_hp[1].','.$k_mp[1].','.$k_ausdauer[1].','.$k_glueck[1]. ')'; // echo $sql.'
'; mysql_query($sql); } ###########################EXP VERTEILUNG if ($k_hp[0] > $k_hp[1] && $k_hp[0] > $k_aufgabe[0]) { $sieger = $chara_1['id']; $verlierer = $chara_2['id']; // Hier ist die neue Expberechnung!! // Berechnen der MonsterPL (Alle Stats summiert)+HP/10 //$exp = ($chara_2['starke']+$chara_2['speed']+$chara_2['verteidigung']+$chara_2['glueck']+$chara_2['ausdauer'])+$chara_2['hp']/10; //$exp = getPowerLevel($chara_1['id']) + ($chara_2['starke']+$chara_2['speed']+$chara_2['verteidigung']+$chara_2['glueck']+$chara_2['ausdauer']) + ($chara_2['hp']/10); $exp = getPowerLevelWithBuffs($chara_1['id']) + getMonsterPowerLevel($chara_2); $exp *= 9; // Mal Faktor //$exp *= 30; // Mal Faktor // Hier ist sie auch schon zu Ende // $geld = ($exp / 15) * 2; $geld = 0; } else { // echo 'Debug Message: Verloren Hp war '.$k_hp[0].'. Aufgabe war '.$k_aufgabe[0].'. HP des Gegners '.$k_hp[1].'
'; $Dead1 = 1; $sieger = $chara_2['id']; $verlierer = $chara_1['id']; $exp = 0; $geld = 0; } // With money on SS // mysql_query('Update quest_fights set exp = '.$exp.', geld = '.$geld.', sieger = '.$sieger.' where charid = '.$chara_1['id'].' and fightnr = '.$i); // No money mysql_query('Update quest_fights set exp = '.$exp.', geld = 0, sieger = '.$sieger.' where charid = '.$chara_1['id'].' and fightnr = '.$i); } } // Just wait (so users can not determinate the success of the SS by calculation time) for(;$i'; $qry = mysql_query($sql); while($items[] = mysql_fetch_assoc($qry)); return $items; } function submitCharChanges($charid, $items, $exp, $geld, $ort, $hp, $mp, $attacken){ if($ort == null){ echo 'Dein Char sieht ein blaues Portal und ist Neugierig. Er geht hindurch und findet sich aufeinmal in Gyasta wieder! Was für ein seltsames Ereignis!'; $ort = 13; } $char = getChar($charid); $tmp = preg_split('#,#',$char['hp']); $hp[1] = $tmp[1]; $tmp = preg_split('#,#',$char['mp']); $mp[1] = $tmp[1]; $hp[0] = max($hp[0], 0); $mp[0] = max($mp[0], 0); //aktuelle HP/MP sollten die max. HP/MP nicht überschreiten if($hp[0] > $hp[1]) { $hp[0] = $hp[1]; } if($mp[0] > $mp[1]) { $mp[0] = $mp[1]; } // Erstmal aufräumen mysql_query('Delete from quests where charid = '.$charid); mysql_query('Delete from quest_fights where charid = '.$charid); mysql_query('Delete from quest_rounds where charid = '.$charid); // Das leveln :) // Erfahrung addExpToChar($charid, $exp); // Attacken addAttackUsageToChar($charid, $attacken); // Schaden und den neuen Ort eintragen (und den Status nicht vergessen :) $sql = 'Update chars set hp=\''.$hp[0].','.$hp[1].'\', mp=\''.$mp[0].','.$mp[1].'\', ort = '.$ort.', status = \'Frei\' where id = '.$charid; // echo $sql.'
'; mysql_query($sql); // // Kohle gibts ja nichmehr :) // $sql = 'Update user set geld = geld + '.$geld.' where id = '.$char['besitzer']; //// echo $sql.'
'; // mysql_query($sql); // Nun gehts zum auffinden der Items :) for($i=0;$items[$i];$i++){ // Ermittle ob es eine Teufelsfrucht ist! $sql = 'Select name, type from sp_item where id = '.$items[$i]['id']; $row = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query($sql)); if($row['type'] == 'Teufels Frucht'){ $sql = 'Select id from wochen_markt where item = \''.$row['name'].'\''; $row2 = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query($sql)); $sql = 'INSERT INTO wochen_ware(item, user) values('.$row2['id'].','.$char['besitzer'].')'; mysql_query($sql); } else{ $sql = 'Insert into sp_ware(item, user) values('.$items[$i]['id'].','.$char['besitzer'].')'; // echo $sql.'
'; mysql_query($sql); } } } function getMonsterPowerLevel($monster, $buffer_enabled = true){ if($monster == null){ return null; } return $monster['starke']+$monster['verteidigung']+$monster['speed']+$monster['ausdauer']+$monster['glueck']+($monster['hp']/10); } ?>