now()'; $row = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query($sql)); if ($row['anzahl'] > 0) { $GLOBALS['char_buffered_statuses'][$charid] = 'Turnier'; return 'Turnier'; } $sql = 'SELECT count(*) as anzahl from quests where charid = ' . $charid; $row = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query($sql)); if ($row['anzahl'] > 0) { $GLOBALS['char_buffered_statuses'][$charid] = 'Schatz Suche'; return 'Schatz Suche'; } $sql = 'SELECT count(*) as anzahl from kampf where db_satz = ' . $charid; $row = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query($sql)); if ($row['anzahl'] > 0) { $GLOBALS['char_buffered_statuses'][$charid] = 'Kampf'; return 'Kampf'; } $sql = 'SELECT count(*) as anzahl FROM kampf_list where charakter = ' . $charid; $row = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query($sql)); if ($row['anzahl'] > 0) { $GLOBALS['char_buffered_statuses'][$charid] = 'Kampf erstellt'; return 'Kampf erstellt'; } $sql = 'SELECT count(*) as anzahl FROM turnier1 where charakter = ' . $charid; $row = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query($sql)); if ($row['anzahl'] > 0) { $GLOBALS['char_buffered_statuses'][$charid] = 'Angemeldet'; return 'Angemeldet'; } if(isCharBusyWithClanfighting($charid)) { $GLOBALS['char_buffered_statuses'][$charid] = 'Clanfight'; return 'Clanfight'; } $GLOBALS['char_buffered_statuses'][$charid] = 'Frei'; return 'Frei'; } /* * Char generell! */ // Initialisierung des Puffers $GLOBALS['char_buffered_instances'] = array (); $GLOBALS['chars_read_out_user'] = array (); // Uebergabe der Charid, und optional ob gepuffert werden darf // returns: Char als Array function getChar($charid, $buffer_enabled = true) { // Fehlerkontrolle if(!is_numeric($charid)){ return null; } // Wenn Char nicht im Puffer ist, oder nicht gepuffert werden soll if ($GLOBALS['char_buffered_instances'][$charid] == null || !$buffer_enabled) { // Lese das Charfeld aus der Datenbank aus $char = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query('Select * from chars where id = '.$charid)); if(!$char){return null;} // Speichere in $char['stauts'] den aktuellen Status des Chars (buffer-Strategie ist hierbei die selbe) $char['status'] = getStatus($char['id'],$buffer_enabled); $char['bild'] = getPicture($char); $GLOBALS['char_buffered_instances'][$charid] = &$char; // Speichern des Chars in den Puffer } // Gebe Char zurueck return $GLOBALS['char_buffered_instances'][$charid]; } function getChar2($charid) { // Fehlerkontrolle if(!is_numeric($charid)){ return null; } else { $char = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query('Select * from chars where id = '.$charid)); if(!$char){return null;} // Speichere in $char['stauts'] den aktuellen Status des Chars (buffer-Strategie ist hierbei die selbe) $char['status'] = getStatus($char['id'],$buffer_enabled); $char['bild'] = getPicture($char); } return $char; } function getCharWithBuffs($charid, $buffer_enabled = true){ $char = getChar($charid, $buffer_enabled); if($char['kampf_item'] != NULL && $char['kampf_item'] != ',,,,'){ $char_buffs = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query('SELECT sum(i.hp) as hp, sum( as mp, sum(i.starke) as starke, sum(i.verteidigung) as verteidigung, sum(i.speed) as speed FROM ware w LEFT JOIN item i ON( WHERE IN (' . $char['kampf_item'] . ')')); } $char['starke'] += $char_buffs['starke']; $char['verteidigung'] += $char_buffs['verteidigung']; $char['speed'] += $char_buffs['speed']; $char['ausdauer'] += $char_buffs['ausdauer']; $char['glueck'] += $char_buffs['glueck']; return $char; } // Uebergabe der Userid (Nachteil ist, dass Puffer von getChar mit $charid nicht moeglich ist, weil information fehlt, ob alle Chars im Buffer sind /* * Liefert die Url zum Avatarbild (Falls Char keinen Avatar hat gibt es die * noavatar.gif zurueck!) * returns Url of Avatar-Picture * */ function getPicture($char){ // Sichergehen, dass Char geladen wurde if($char['bild'] == null || $char['bild'] == ''){ return 'design/bilder/avatare/noavart.gif'; } return $char['bild']; } // returns Array von Char-Arrays function getCharsOfUser($userid, $buffer_enabled = true) { // Fehlerkontrolle if(!is_numeric($userid)){ return null; } if ($GLOBALS['chars_read_out_user'][$userid] == null || !$buffer_enabled) { $GLOBALS['chars_read_out_user'][$userid] = array(); $qry = mysql_query('Select * from chars where besitzer = '.$userid.' order by id'); while($char = mysql_fetch_assoc($qry)){ // Speichere in $char['stauts'] den aktuellen Status des Chars (buffer-Strategie ist hierbei die selbe) $char['status'] = getStatus($char['id'],$buffer_enabled); $char['bild'] = getPicture($char); // Speichere den Char in das Globale-Pufferfeld $GLOBALS['char_buffered_instances'][$char['id']] = $char; // Gebe dem User eine Referenz auf die globale chars-Variable $GLOBALS['chars_read_out_user'][$userid][] = &$GLOBALS['char_buffered_instances'][$char['id']]; } } return $GLOBALS['chars_read_out_user'][$userid]; // Gebe das globale Userfeld zurück. } function deleteChar($userid, $charid){ $char = getChar($charid); if($char['besitzer'] != $userid){ return 'Char gehoert nicht dir!'; } else if($char['status'] != 'Frei'){ return 'Char ist nicht Frei!'; } mysql_query('Delete from lernen where besitzer = '.$charid); mysql_query('Delete from chars where id = '.$charid); return true; } /* * Funktionen die durch Puffern profitieren würden oder um einfach Code einzusparen und um flexibel zu bleiben * */ // Ermittelt den Besitzer // Returns true = Ja, False = Nein, NULL = Error function isUserOwnerOf($userid, $charid, $buffer_enabled = true){ // Fehlerkontrolle if(!is_numeric($userid) || !is_numeric($charid)){ return null; } $char = getChar($charid, $buffer_enabled); if($char == null){ return null; } return $char['besitzer'] == $userid; } // Funktion um das Powerlevel zu Berechnen (Kann ja durchaus sein, dass sich mal was dran ändert!) // Returns Powerlevel als Integer, NULL = Error function getPowerLevel($charid, $buffer_enabled = true){ $char = getChar($charid, $buffer_enabled); if($char == null){ return null; } // Uncomment for hp/mp in PL // $hp = explode(",", $char[hp]); // $mp = explode(",", $char[mp]); // return $char['starke']+$char['verteidigung']+$char['speed']+$char['ausdauer']+$char['glueck']+ $hp[1]/10 + $mp[1]/5; return $char['starke']+$char['verteidigung']+$char['speed']+$char['ausdauer']+$char['glueck']; } function getPowerLevelWithBuffs($charid, $buffer_enabled = true){ $char = getChar($charid, $buffer_enabled); if($char == null){ return null; } if($char['kampf_item'] != NULL && $char['kampf_item'] != ',,,,'){ $char_buffs = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query('SELECT sum(i.hp) as hp, sum( as mp, sum(i.starke) as starke, sum(i.verteidigung) as verteidigung, sum(i.speed) as speed FROM ware w LEFT JOIN item i ON( WHERE IN (' . $char['kampf_item'] . ')')); } // Uncomment for hp/mp in PL // $hp = explode(",", $char[hp]); // $mp = explode(",", $char[mp]); // return $char_buffs['starke']+$char_buffs['verteidigung']+$char_buffs['speed']+$char_buffs['ausdauer']+$char_buffs['glueck'] + $char_buffs['hp']/10 + $char_buffs['mp']/5 +$char['starke']+$char['verteidigung']+$char['speed']+$char['ausdauer']+$char['glueck'] + $hp[1]/10 + $mp[1]/5; return $char_buffs['starke']+$char_buffs['verteidigung']+$char_buffs['speed']+$char_buffs['ausdauer']+$char_buffs['glueck']+$char['starke']+$char['verteidigung']+$char['speed']+$char['ausdauer']+$char['glueck']; } /* * Auslesen der Attacken, die der Char beherrscht */ function getCharAttacks($charid){ } // Auslesen der Kampfeinstellungen function getChoosenAttacks($charid){ } function getCharRaceId($charid){ $char = getChar($charid); $rassen_werte = array( 'Mensch' => 1, ///0 'Saiyajin' => 2, ///1 'Dämon' => 3, ///2 'Mutant' => 4, ///3 'Cyborg' => 5, ///4 'Namekianer' => 6, ///5 'Pirat' => 7, ///6 'Shichibukai' => 8, ///7 'Kaioshin' => 9, ///8 'Schwertkämpfer' => 10,///9 'Grandline Maschine'=> 11,///10 '01' => 12,///11 'Leaf Dorf' => 13,///12 'Sand Dorf' => 14,///13 'Sound Dorf' => 15///14 ); return $rassen_werte[$char['rasse']]; } function getFusionRaceId($charid){ $char = getChar($charid); $rassen_werte = array( 'Mensch' => 1, ///0 'Saiyajin' => 2, ///1 'Dämon' => 3, ///2 'Mutant' => 4, ///3 'Cyborg' => 5, ///4 'Namekianer' => 6, ///5 'Pirat' => 7, ///6 'Shichibukai' => 8, ///7 'Kaioshin' => 9, ///8 'Schwertkämpfer' => 10,///9 'Grandline Maschine'=> 11,///10 '01' => 12,///11 'Leaf Dorf' => 13,///12 'Sand Dorf' => 14,///13 'Sound Dorf' => 15///14 ); return $rassen_werte[$char['fusion_rasse']]; } /** * This function returns an overview about the * @param $charid the id of the character * @param $mode 0 = show all available attacks, 1 = show all unavailable attacks, 2 = show both! */ function getAttacksforChar($charid, $mode = 0) { $char = getChar($charid); $char_race = getCharRaceId($charid); // first read out basic information about our attacks // $sql = 'select,, a.level, if(find_in_set(\'0\', req_atk) = 0, a.req_atk, substr(a.req_atk, 1, locate(\',0\', a.req_atk) - 1)) as req_atk , geld, ifnull((select l.benutzt from lernen l where l.besitzer = '.$char['id'].' and at_id =,0) as benutzt, not in (select l.at_id from lernen l where l.besitzer = '.$char['id'].') as unknown from attacken a where find_in_set('.$char_race.', a.rassen) order by level'; $sql_append = ''; if($char['frucht'] !== NULL) { $sql_append1 = ' OR (frucht = (Select id from wochen_markt where item = \''.$char['frucht'].'\')) '; $sql_append2 = ' AND (frucht <> (Select id from wochen_markt where item = \''.$char['frucht'].'\')) '; } // First sql to include all currently learnable attacks $sql = 'SELECT,, a.level, a.geld, if(find_in_set(\'0\', req_atk) = 0, a.req_atk, substr(a.req_atk, 1, locate(\',0\', a.req_atk) - 1)) as req_atk, ifnull(l.benutzt, 0) as benutzt, if(l.benutzt is null,1,0) as unknown from attacken a left join lernen l on = l.at_id AND l.besitzer = '.$char['id']. ' where find_in_set('.$char_race.', a.rassen) <> 0 '.$sql_append1; // Second sql to include all currently not learnable attacks (due to an other fruit or fusion race) $sql2 = 'SELECT,, a.level, a.geld, if(find_in_set(\'0\', req_atk) = 0, a.req_atk, substr(a.req_atk, 1, locate(\',0\', a.req_atk) - 1)) as req_atk, ifnull(l.benutzt, 0) as benutzt, if(l.benutzt is null,1,0) as unknown from lernen l inner join attacken a on l.at_id = where besitzer = '.$char['id'].' and find_in_set('.$char_race.', a.rassen) = 0 '.$sql_append2; // make a union out of both (TODO: maybe an outer join would result into the same result) $sql = '('.$sql.') union distinct ('.$sql2.') order by level'; $qry = mysql_query($sql); if($qry === FALSE) // print sql on error echo '
'; // The first index is the id of the attack! // then there is the basic information like // // entries {id, name, levelups, benutzt, unknown} // ==> id, name, required level, times that it has been used , if its still unkown (bool) // entry {req} -> array {id, name, reggs} // ==> [0] => first requirenment -> id, name, amount level ups required, times to be used // ==> [n] => nth requirenment -> ... $overview = array(); $attacke = array(); $requires = array(); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qry)) { $attacke[$row['id']] = $row; if($row['unknown'] == 0 && $mode == 1) { continue; } else if($row['unknown'] == 1 && $mode == 0) { continue; } $overview[$row['id']] = array('id' => $row['id'], 'name' => $row['name'], 'levelups' => ($row['level'] - $char['level']), 'benutzt' => $row['benutzt'], 'unknown' => $row['unknown'] == 1); // as it is straight forward (on level) we already can calculate the dependencies if($overview[$row['id']]['levelups'] < 0) { $overview[$row['id']]['levelups'] = 0; } // echo $attacke[$row['id']]['name'] . ' = ' . $attacke[$row['id']]['req_atk'] . '
'; if($attacke[$row['id']]['req_atk'] == 0) { // nothing :D $attacke[$row['id']]['req'] = array(0); } else if(strpos($attacke[$row['id']]['req_atk'], ',') === FALSE) { // echo 'One thing to do
'; // only one attack required :) => use reference $other_attack = &$attacke[$attacke[$row['id']]['req_atk']]; // => this is the id of the required attack, so easy going :) $reggs = ($attacke[$row['id']]['geld'] - $other_attack['benutzt']); if($reggs < 0) { $reggs = 0; } $overview[$row['id']]['req'][] = array('id' => $other_attack['id'], 'name' => $other_attack['name'], 'reggs' => $reggs); } else { // echo 'More things to do
'; // multiple attacks required :( $attack_ids = explode(',',$attacke[$row['id']]['req_atk']); for($i=0;$i this is the id of the required attack, so easy going :) $reggs = ($attacke[$row['id']]['geld'] - $other_attack['benutzt']); if($reggs < 0) { $reggs = 0; } $overview[$row['id']]['req'][] = array('id' => $other_attack['id'], 'name' => $other_attack['name'], 'reggs' => $reggs); } } } return $overview; } /** * This function reads out the attack set of the char * @param string $name * @param int $char_id */ function getAttackenSet($name, $char_id) { // TODO: Further implementation return NULL; } ?>