<?php /* * * @copyright (c) 2009 animegame.eu * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html GNU General Public Licence * */ defineIfNotDefined('MAJIN_DIVIDENT', 10); ####################Majin SPIELER 1 if($technick1['type'] == "majin") { $k_mp[0] = $k_mp[0] - $technick1['mp']; if($k_mp[0] < 0) { $schaden_1 = "Majin Verwandlung fehlgeschlagen"; $aktion_AV1[$x] = "nein"; $k_mp[0] = 0; } else { $options = json_decode($technick1['options'], true); // options is now an array with following input possible ... // 'attribute' => array('strength', 'defense', 'speed') // Place handling here depending on the options $k_starke[1] = $k_starke[1] * ($technick1['starke'] / MAJIN_DIVIDENT); $k_speed[1] = $k_speed[1] * ($technick1['speed'] / MAJIN_DIVIDENT); $k_ver[1] = $k_ver[1] * ($technick1['verteidigung'] / MAJIN_DIVIDENT); $alt_hp = $k_hp[1]; $my_dmg = 0; foreach( $options['attribute'] as $attr ) { if($attr == 'strength') { $my_dmg += $k_starke[1] / 2; } else if($attr == 'defense') { $my_dmg += $k_ver[1] / 2; } else if($attr == 'speed') { $my_dmg += $k_speed[1] / 2; } } $k_hp[1] = round($k_hp[1] - $my_dmg); $schaden_1 = "$technick1[name]"; $schaden_2 = $alt_hp - $k_hp[1]; if($alt_hp < $k_hp[1]) { $k_hp[1] = $alt_hp; $schaden_2 = 0; } $aktion_AV1[$x] = "nein"; $aktion_AV2[$x] = "nein"; $aussetzten_runde = 1; }} ####################Majin SPIELER 2 if($technick2['type'] == "majin") { $k_mp[1] = $k_mp[1] - $technick2['mp']; if($k_mp[1] < 0) { $schaden_2 = "Majin Verwandlung fehlgeschlagen"; $aktion_AV2[$x] = "nein"; $k_mp[1] = 0; } else { $options = json_decode($technick2['options'], true); // options is now an array with following input possible ... // 'attribute' => array('strength', 'defense', 'speed') // Place handling here depending on the options $k_starke[0] = $k_starke[0] * ($technick2['starke'] / MAJIN_DIVIDENT); $k_speed[0] = $k_speed[0] * ($technick2['speed'] / MAJIN_DIVIDENT); $k_ver[0] = $k_ver[0] * ($technick2['verteidigung'] / MAJIN_DIVIDENT); $alt_hp = $k_hp[0]; $my_dmg = 0; foreach( $options['attribute'] as $attr ) { if($attr == 'strength') { $my_dmg += $k_starke[0] / 2; } else if($attr == 'defense') { $my_dmg += $k_ver[0] / 2; } else if($attr == 'speed') { $my_dmg += $k_speed[0] / 2; } } $k_hp[0] = round($k_hp[0] - $my_dmg); $schaden_2 = "$technick2[name]"; $schaden_1 = $alt_hp - $k_hp[0]; if($alt_hp < $k_hp[0]) { $k_hp[0] = $alt_hp; $schaden_1 = 0; } $aktion_AV1[$x] = "nein"; $aktion_AV2[$x] = "nein"; $aussetzten_runde = 1; }}