// File: adblock.js // Version: 1.2 // Update 9/1/04: fixed spelling errors in text // Update 9/7/04: Added deny feature, allowing no access to users with AdBlock software. // Distributed by: AdBlock.org // This file is provided AS-IS and without warranty and is distributed under the GPL. // This code may be freely used as long as it remains intact. var chip = document.cookie; var deny = 0; //set this to 1 to deny access with no access. // A denied user will go to page sorry.html. // if you enable this feature you must create a page called /sorry.html function getCookie(name) { var index = chip.indexOf(name + "="); if (index == -1) return null; index = chip.indexOf("=", index) + 1; // first character var endstr = chip.indexOf(";", index); if (endstr == -1) endstr = chip.length; // last character return unescape(chip.substring(index, endstr)); } function hidediv() { if (document.getElementById) { document.getElementById('warning').style.visibility = 'hidden'; document.cookie = "warned=true; PATH=/"; } } function clear_cookie(){ document.cookie = "warned=; PATH=/"; } if (document.getElementById) { if (!getCookie("warned")) { document.write("
"); document.write("

Wichtig: Es scheint, dass du eine Adblock Software nutzt.

"); document.write("

Der Server dieses Spiels wird aus Werbung finanziert. "); document.write("Wenn du also Werbung blockst, führt das evtl. dazu, dass die Kosten des Servers nicht gedeckt werden können. Die Spielleitung wird keine nervigen Werbungen einfügen, wodurch der Einsatz eines Adblockers nicht gerechtfertigt ist.

"); document.write("

Fuer mehr Informationen, visit AdBlock.org.

"); document.write("

Hier klicken um Info zu verbergen.
"); document.write("Du wirst diese Nachricht in dieser Sitzung nicht mehr empfangen (Cookies muessen aktiviert sein.)

"); } } function checkVisible(variable){ if(variable == 1){ document.getElementById('warning').style.visibility = 'visible'; } } /* if (document.images) { var currImg; var ImgFound = 0; var LinkFound = 0; //alert("checking images.."); for (var d=0; d < document.images.length; ++d) { currImg = document.images[d]; if (currImg.src.indexOf("banner_ad") > -1) { ImgFound = 1; } } if (!ImgFound || AdBlockTest) { if(deny) { location = "/sorry.html"; window.location(location); } else { document.getElementById('warning').style.visibility = 'visible'; } } }*/