0; $id = $row[0]; } return $id; } /** * Adds a participant to a given event * @param int event_id * @param array $char * @return int the id of the participant (usually the charid), NULL on failure! */ function addParticipant($event_id, array $char) { // Okay now add the char ;) $user = getUser($char['besitzer']); $hp = explode(',', $char['hp']); $mp = explode(',', $char['mp']); $sql = 'INSERT INTO event_chars(event_id, event_char_id, char_id, char_name, char_bild, user_id, user_name, hp, mp, strength, speed, defense, luck, stamina, block_begin, block_end, abgeholt)'; $sql .= ' value('. $event_id . ', '.$char['id'] .', '.$char['id'] .', \''.$char['name'].'\', \''.$char['bild'].'\', '.$char['besitzer'].', \''.$user['nickname'].'\', '.$hp[1].', '.$mp[1].', '.$char['starke'].', '.$char['speed'].', '.$char['verteidigung'].', '.$char['glueck'].', '.$char['ausdauer'].', now(), TIMESTAMPADD(Minute, 1, now()), FALSE)'; // echo $sql . '
'; db_query($sql); if(db_affected_rows() == 0) return NULL; return $char['id']; } function calculateEventFight($event_id, array $char1, array $char2, $attack_set, $startTimestamp, $endTimestamp, $expFactor, $arenaFactor, array $metaData = array()) { $char1['attacken'] = implode(',', getAttackSet($char1['id'], $attack_set)); $char2['attacken'] = implode(',', getAttackSet($char2['id'], $attack_set)); $combinedArray = calculateFight($char1, $char2); $exp = calculateExperience($char1, $char2, $combinedArray['winner'], $expFactor); $combinedArray['data'][KEY_EXP_CHAR1] = $exp[$char1['id']]; $combinedArray['data'][KEY_EXP_CHAR2] = $exp[$char2['id']]; $arena = calculateArenaData(null, $char1, $char2, $arenaFactor); $combinedArray['data'][KEY_LOGE] = $arena['loge']; $combinedArray['data'][KEY_SITZ] = $arena['sitz']; $combinedArray['data'][KEY_STEH] = $arena['steh']; if($combinedArray['winner'] == $char1['id']) { $combinedArray['data'][KEY_GELD_CHAR1] = $arena['geld'] * 0.7; $combinedArray['data'][KEY_GELD_CHAR2] = $arena['geld'] * 0.3; } else { $combinedArray['data'][KEY_GELD_CHAR2] = $arena['geld'] * 0.7; $combinedArray['data'][KEY_GELD_CHAR1] = $arena['geld'] * 0.3; } foreach ($metaData as $key => $value) { $combinedArray['data'][$key] = $value; } // first persist the fight and then check who was the winner and adjust the char array for him ;) persistFight($event_id, $combinedArray, $startTimestamp, $endTimestamp); // now get the winners array $rounds = $combinedArray['rounds']; $lastRound = $rounds[count($rounds) - 1]; $newChar = null; if($lastRound['char1_array']['id'] == $combinedArray['winner']){ $newChar = $lastRound['char1_array']; } else { $newChar = $lastRound['char2_array']; } $newChar['mp'] = $newChar['mp']. ','.$newChar['mp_max']; $newChar['hp'] = $newChar['hp']. ','.$newChar['hp_max']; return $newChar; } /** * Persists a fight of one event. * @param int $event_id * @param array combined array that is calculated in the kampf_wrapper * @param int $startTimestamp unix timestamp for the start of the battle * @param int $endTimestamp unix timestamp for the end of the battle * @return int the id of the fight */ function persistFight($event_id, array $combinedArray, $startTimestamp, $endTimestamp) { // persist a fight of two chars (calculated by the wrapper) ^^" //echo 'The fight was about ' . count($combinedArray) . ' rounds
'; $roundsArray = $combinedArray['rounds']; $winnerId = $combinedArray['winner']; $hostId = $combinedArray['host']; $data = $combinedArray['data']; // first get a fight id ;). $finished = FALSE; while(!$finished) { $sql = 'SELECT IFNULL(max(event_fight_id),0) + 1 FROM event_fights WHERE event_id = ' .$event_id; $row = mysqli_fetch_row(db_query($sql)); $sql = 'INSERT INTO event_fights(event_id, event_fight_id, host, winner, `starting`, visible) values('.$event_id.', \''.$row[0].'\', '. $hostId . ', ' . $winnerId .', \''.date("Y-m-d H:i:s",$startTimestamp).'\', \''.date("Y-m-d H:i:s",$endTimestamp).'\')'; if(db_query($sql) === FALSE) { echo $sql . '
'; break; } $finished = db_affected_rows() > 0; $event_fight_id = $row[0]; } // now we have a $event_fight_id ;) lets insert the other stuff ;) for($round = 0; $round < count($roundsArray) ; $round++) { // persist this round ^^" // first persist char1 $chara_1 = $roundsArray[$round]['char1_array']; $visible_ts_value = $startTimestamp + (($endTimestamp - $startTimestamp) / 10) * $round; $visible_ts = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $visible_ts_value); $sql = 'INSERT INTO event_fight_rounds(event_id, event_fight_id, round, event_char_id, hp, mp, strength, speed, defense, luck, stamina, attack, damage, visible)'; $sql .= ' values('.$event_id.','.$event_fight_id.','.$round.',' .$chara_1['id'].',\''. $chara_1['hp'].'\', \''. $chara_1['mp'].'\', '. $chara_1['starke'].', '. $chara_1['speed'].', '. $chara_1['verteidigung'].', '. $chara_1['glueck'].', '. $chara_1['ausdauer'].', '. ($roundsArray[$round]['atk_char1']===NULL?'NULL': '\''.$roundsArray[$round]['atk_char1'].'\'' ).', '. ($roundsArray[$round]['dmg_char1']===NULL?'NULL': '\''.$roundsArray[$round]['dmg_char1'].'\'' ).', \''.$visible_ts.'\')'; $res = db_query($sql); if(!$res) echo $sql .'
'; // now persist char2 $chara_2 = $roundsArray[$round]['char2_array']; $sql = 'INSERT INTO event_fight_rounds(event_id, event_fight_id, round, event_char_id, hp, mp, strength, speed, defense, luck, stamina, attack, damage, visible)'; $sql .= ' values('.$event_id.','.$event_fight_id.','.$round.',' .$chara_2['id'].',\''. $chara_2['hp'].'\', \''. $chara_2['mp'].'\', '. $chara_2['starke'].', '. $chara_2['speed'].', '. $chara_2['verteidigung'].', '. $chara_2['glueck'].', '. $chara_2['ausdauer'].', '. ($roundsArray[$round]['atk_char2']===NULL?'NULL': '\''.$roundsArray[$round]['atk_char2'].'\'' ).', '. ($roundsArray[$round]['dmg_char2']===NULL?'NULL': '\''.$roundsArray[$round]['dmg_char2'].'\'' ).', \''.$visible_ts.'\')'; $res = db_query($sql); if(!$res) echo $sql .'
'; } // Okay now do we have any additional data left? foreach ($data as $key => $value) { $sql = 'INSERT INTO event_fight_metadata(event_id, event_fight_id, `key`, `value`) values('.$event_id.','.$event_fight_id.',\''.$key.'\',\''.$value.'\')'; // echo $sql . '
'; db_query($sql); } } function getEventIdsToFetch($char_id, $type = NULL) { $sql_appendix = ($type === NULL) ? '' : ' inner join events e on ec.event_id = e.event_id AND event_type = '.$type; $sql = 'SELECT ec.event_id FROM event_chars ec '.$sql_appendix.' WHERE block_begin <= now() AND (block_end < now() AND abgeholt = FALSE) AND char_id = ' .$char_id . ' ORDER BY ec.event_id ASC'; $qry = db_query($sql); $result = array(); while ($row = mysqli_fetch_row($qry)) { $result[] = $row[0]; } return $result; } function getEventStatus($charid) { $event_ids = getEventIdsToFetch($charid); if (count($event_ids) > 0) { $event = getEvent($event_ids[0]); switch ($event['event_type']) { case EVENT_TEST: return 'Test'; case EVENT_SCHATZ_SUCHE: return 'Schatz Suche'; case EVENT_TURNIER: return 'Turnier'; case EVENT_KAMPF: return 'Kampf'; case EVENT_LIGA: return 'Liga'; case EVENT_WANTED: return 'Wanted'; case EVENT_CLAN_FIGHT: return 'Clanfight'; } } return NULL; } function string2EventType($text) { switch($text) { case 'Schatz Suche': return EVENT_SCHATZ_SUCHE; case 'Turnier': return EVENT_TURNIER; case 'Kampf': return EVENT_KAMPF; case 'Liga': return EVENT_LIGA; case 'Wanted': return EVENT_WANTED; case 'Clanfight': return EVENT_CLAN_FIGHT; default: return NULL; } } function getOngoingEventCount($charid, $type = NULL) { $event_ids = getEventIdsToFetch($charid, $type); return count($event_ids); } function isEventToFetchAwaiting($charid) { return getOngoingEventCount($charid) > 0; } function getEventStatusBlocked($charid) { $event_ids = getEventIdsToFetch($charid); if (count($event_ids) > 0) { $sql = 'SELECT Timestampdiff(Second,now(),MAX(block_end)) FROM event_chars WHERE event_id = ' . $event_ids[0]; $row = mysqli_fetch_row(db_query($sql)); return $row[0]; } return 0; } function abholenChar(array $user, $event_id, $char_id) { // okay, first checking the basic things $char = getChar($char_id); if($char['besitzer'] != $user['id']) { return 'Du kannst den Char nicht abholen weil er dir nicht gehört!!'; } $ressource = 'User:'.$user['id']; if(!semaphoreUP($ressource)){ // TRUE, diese Anfrage darf bearbeitet werden return 'Verarbeitung gerade in Gange, bitte warten...'; } $event_char = getEventChar($event_id, $char_id); if($event_char === NULL) { semaphoreDown($ressource); // free the previously reserved semaphore! return 'Der Char hat an diesem Event garnicht teil genommen!'; } if($event_char['abgeholt'] == TRUE) { semaphoreDown($ressource); // free the previously reserved semaphore! return 'Der Char wurde schon abgeholt!'; } // now get the ids of fights that the char has at the event! $fight_ids = getEventFightIdsByChar($event_id, $char_id); if(count($fight_ids) <= 0) { semaphoreDown($ressource); // free the previously reserved semaphore! return 'Der Char hat in diesem Event keinen Fight bestritten!'; } $char_meta = getEventCharMetaData($event_id, $event_char['event_char_id']); $char_exp = 0; $char_aexp = 0; $char_geld = 0; if (isset($char_meta[KEY_EXP_CHAR1])) { $char_exp += $char_meta[KEY_EXP_CHAR1]; } if (isset($char_meta[KEY_AXP_CHAR1])) { $char_aexp += $char_meta[KEY_AXP_CHAR1]; } if (isset($char_meta[KEY_GELD_CHAR1])) { $char_geld += $char_meta[KEY_GELD_CHAR1]; } if (isset($char_meta[KEY_ITM_CHAR1])) { $items = getItemsMap(); $item = lookupItem($items, $char_meta[KEY_ITM_CHAR1]); createItemForUser($item, $event_char['user_id']); echo ''; } // Okay and now calculate those fights? // Get the "chars" data :) foreach ($fight_ids as $fight_id) { $fight = getEventFight($event_id, $fight_id); $fight_meta = getEventFightMetaData($event_id, $fight_id); if($fight['host'] == $char_id) { $char_exp += $fight_meta[KEY_EXP_CHAR1]; $char_aexp += $fight_meta[KEY_AXP_CHAR1]; $char_geld += $fight_meta[KEY_GELD_CHAR1]; } else { $char_exp += $fight_meta[KEY_EXP_CHAR2]; $char_aexp += $fight_meta[KEY_AXP_CHAR2]; $char_geld += $fight_meta[KEY_GELD_CHAR2]; } } // add the experience to the char addExpToChar($char_id, $char_exp); // add the experience to the arena if($char_aexp > 0) { addExpToArena($char['besitzer'], $char_aexp); } addMoneyToUser($char['besitzer'], $char_geld); // Okay and now we want to learn the attacks :) $sql = 'SELECT attack, count(attack) as anzahl FROM event_fight_rounds e where event_id = ' . $event_id . ' AND event_char_id = ' . $char_id . ' group by attack'; $qry = db_query($sql); $attacken_usage = array(); while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($qry)) { $attacken_usage[] = array('id' => $row['attack'], 'anzahl' => $row['anzahl']); } addAttackUsageToChar($char_id, $attacken_usage); $sql = 'UPDATE event_chars SET abgeholt = TRUE WHERE char_id = ' . $char_id . ' AND event_id = ' . $event_id; $qry = db_query($sql); semaphoreDown($ressource); // free the previously reserved semaphore! return $fight_ids; // Return the fight ids that the char has participated in! } function getEvent($event_id) { $result = mysqli_fetch_assoc(db_query('SELECT * FROM events WHERE event_id = ' . $event_id)); if($result) return $result; return NULL; } function getEventChar($event_id, $event_char_id) { $result = mysqli_fetch_assoc(db_query('SELECT * FROM event_chars WHERE event_id = ' . $event_id . ' AND event_char_id = ' . $event_char_id)); if($result) return $result; return NULL; } /** * @return array with fight value (+ a passed column to indicate the fight is over) */ function getEventFight($event_id, $event_fight_id) { $result = mysqli_fetch_assoc(db_query('SELECT *, visible <= now() as passed FROM event_fights WHERE event_id = ' . $event_id. ' AND event_fight_id = ' .$event_fight_id )); if($result) return $result; return NULL; } function getEventFightMetaData($event_id, $event_fight_id) { $qry = db_query('SELECT * FROM event_fight_metadata WHERE event_id = ' . $event_id. ' AND event_fight_id = ' .$event_fight_id); $result = array(); while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($qry)) { $result[$row['key']]= $row['value']; } return $result; } function getEventCharMetaData($event_id, $event_char_id) { $qry = db_query('SELECT * FROM event_char_metadata WHERE event_id = ' . $event_id. ' AND event_char_id = ' .$event_char_id); $result = array(); while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($qry)) { $result[$row['key']]= $row['value']; } return $result; } function getEventFightIds($event_id) { $qry = db_query('SELECT event_fight_id FROM event_fights WHERE event_id = ' . $event_id . ' ORDER by event_fight_id ASC'); $result = array(); while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($qry)) { $result[]= $row['event_fight_id']; } return $result; } // this is more tricky XD function getEventFightIdsByChar($event_id, $event_char_id) { $sql = 'SELECT event_fight_id FROM event_fight_rounds where event_id = ' . $event_id . ' AND event_char_id = ' . $event_char_id . ' AND `round` = 0 ORDER BY event_fight_id ASC'; $qry = db_query($sql); while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($qry)) { $result[]= $row['event_fight_id']; } return $result; } function getEventFightRoundData($event_id, $event_fight_id, $round) { $sql = 'SELECT * FROM event_fight_rounds WHERE event_id = ' . $event_id . ' AND event_fight_id = ' . $event_fight_id . ' AND `round` = ' .$round; $qry = db_query($sql); while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($qry)) { $result[$row['event_char_id']] = $row; } return $result; } ?>