extends Node2D signal deal_damage(amount:int) signal health_changed(old_value, new_value) signal stamina_changed(old_value, new_value) signal actions_done @onready var _animation_player = $AnimationPlayer @onready var _animation_sprite = $Sprite2D @onready var _animation_damage_label = $DamageLabel @export var orientation:int = 1 @export var health:int = 100 @export var stamina:int = 100 @export var descriptor:String = "Foo" var _actions = [] var _action_queue = [] var _health = 0 var _stamina = 0 # Public methods func init(actions): _actions = actions.duplicate(true) _health = health _stamina = stamina health_changed.emit(_health, _health) stamina_changed.emit(_stamina, _stamina) func is_animation_idle() -> bool: return !_animation_player.is_playing() && _action_queue.is_empty() func is_animation_done() -> bool: return is_animation_idle() && _actions.is_empty() # Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time. func _ready(): _animation_sprite.flip_h = orientation _animation_player.play("RESET") # Called every frame. 'delta' is the elapsed time since the previous frame. func _process(_delta): pass func _take_damage(amount : int): var old_health = _health _health -= amount if _animation_player.is_playing(): print_debug("%s -> %s: _take_damage -> skip current animation %s!" % [Time.get_ticks_msec(), descriptor,_animation_player.current_animation]) _animation_player.stop() print_debug("%s -> %s: _take_damage -> play HIT animation!" % [Time.get_ticks_msec(), descriptor]) _animation_player.play("Hit") _animation_damage_label.show_damage(amount) health_changed.emit(old_health, _health) func _alter_stamina(amount : int): if _stamina <= stamina: var old_stamina = _stamina _stamina = min(stamina, _stamina + amount) stamina_changed.emit(old_stamina, _stamina) func _on_next_round(): print_debug("%s -> %s: _on_next_round" % [Time.get_ticks_msec(), descriptor]) if !_actions.is_empty(): _alter_stamina(5) _action_queue = _actions.pop_front() _schedule_next_action() func _schedule_next_action(): if _animation_player.is_playing(): return if _action_queue.is_empty(): _animation_sprite.frame = 0 actions_done.emit() return var action : String = _action_queue.pop_front() _animation_player.play(action) print_debug("%s -> %s: _schedule_next_action -> plays %s!" % [Time.get_ticks_msec(), descriptor, action]) if action.begins_with("Attack1"): deal_damage.emit(5) _alter_stamina(-10) elif action.begins_with("Attack2"): deal_damage.emit(15) _alter_stamina(-20) func _on_animation_finished(anim_name): print_debug("%s -> %s: _on_animation_finished -> %s!" % [Time.get_ticks_msec(), descriptor, anim_name]) _schedule_next_action() func _on_animation_started(anim_name): print_debug("%s -> %s: _on_animation_started -> %s!" % [Time.get_ticks_msec(), descriptor, anim_name])