extends Control @onready var _global_scn = get_node("/root/Global") const Response = preload("../util/Response.gd") # Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time. func _ready(): if _global_scn.user_name: Dialogic.VAR.user = _global_scn.user_name var dojo : Dictionary = await _global_scn.get_dojo() if not dojo.is_empty(): Dialogic.VAR.dojo = dojo['name'] var user : Dictionary = await _global_scn.get_user() if user.has("properties") and user["properties"] is Dictionary: var properties: Dictionary = user["properties"] Dialogic.VAR.bg.clan = properties.get("bg.clan", "") Dialogic.VAR.bg.community = properties.get("bg.community", "") Dialogic.VAR.bg.country = properties.get("bg.country", "") Dialogic.VAR.bg.username = properties.get("bg.username", "") Dialogic.signal_event.connect(_on_dialogic_signal) Dialogic.start("res://timelines/new_player_wizard.dtl") # Called every frame. 'delta' is the elapsed time since the previous frame. func _process(_delta): pass func _on_dialogic_signal(argument:String): Dialogic.paused = true if argument == "create_dojo": var result: Response = await _global_scn.create_dojo(Dialogic.VAR.newdojo) if result.status == OK: Dialogic.VAR.dojo = Dialogic.VAR.newdojo else: print_debug("%s failed: %s - %s" % [argument, result.code, result.data]) elif argument == "update_preferences": var result: Response = await _global_scn.update_user_preferences({ "bg.clan": Dialogic.VAR.bg.clan, "bg.community": Dialogic.VAR.bg.community, "bg.country": Dialogic.VAR.bg.country, "bg.username": Dialogic.VAR.bg.username }) if result.status == OK: print_debug("Update preferences was successful!") else: print_debug("Update preferences failed: %s - %s" % [result.code, result.data]) elif argument == "the_end": return Dialogic.paused = false