extends DialogicBackground ## The default background scene. ## Extend the DialogicBackground class to create your own background scene. @onready var image_node = $Image @onready var color_node = $ColorRect func _ready() -> void: image_node.expand_mode = TextureRect.EXPAND_IGNORE_SIZE image_node.stretch_mode = TextureRect.STRETCH_KEEP_ASPECT_COVERED image_node.anchor_right = 1 image_node.anchor_bottom = 1 func _update_background(argument:String, time:float) -> void: if argument.begins_with('res://'): image_node.texture = load(argument) color_node.color = Color.TRANSPARENT elif argument.is_valid_html_color(): image_node.texture = null color_node.color = Color(argument, 1) else: image_node.texture = null color_node.color = Color.from_string(argument, Color.TRANSPARENT)