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name="ResourceRenameWarning" type="AcceptDialog" parent="."] title = "Dialogic resource renamed!" initial_position = 5 size = Vector2i(494, 135) ok_button_text = "Show Unique Identifiers" dialog_text = "You renamed a dialogic resource. This does NOT automatically rename the unique identifier for this resource. Consider checking in the Reference Manager if the identifiers are still the way you want them." dialog_autowrap = true [node name="ReferenceManager" type="Window" parent="."] disable_3d = true title = "Reference Manager" initial_position = 2 size = Vector2i(858, 442) visible = false wrap_controls = true content_scale_mode = 1 content_scale_aspect = 4 script = ExtResource("10_xbkrt") [node name="Manager" parent="ReferenceManager" instance=ExtResource("10_l1rf8")] theme_override_styles/panel = SubResource("StyleBoxFlat_hwjob") [node name="UpdateManager" type="Node" parent="."] script = ExtResource("14_l6b1p") [node name="Window" type="Window" parent="UpdateManager"] title = "Dialogic Update Checker" initial_position = 2 size = Vector2i(600, 400) visible = false wrap_controls = true [node name="UpdateInstallWindow" parent="UpdateManager/Window" instance=ExtResource("15_cu4xj")] [node name="UpdateCheckRequest" type="HTTPRequest" parent="UpdateManager"] timeout = 5.0 [node name="DownloadRequest" type="HTTPRequest" parent="UpdateManager"] [connection signal="close_requested" from="ReferenceManager" to="ReferenceManager" method="_on_close_requested"] [connection signal="downdload_completed" from="UpdateManager" to="UpdateManager/Window/UpdateInstallWindow" method="_on_update_manager_downdload_completed"] [connection signal="update_check_completed" from="UpdateManager" to="UpdateManager" method="_on_update_check_completed"] [connection signal="close_requested" from="UpdateManager/Window" to="UpdateManager/Window/UpdateInstallWindow" method="_on_window_close_requested"] [connection signal="request_completed" from="UpdateManager/UpdateCheckRequest" to="UpdateManager" method="_on_UpdateCheck_request_completed"] [connection signal="request_completed" from="UpdateManager/DownloadRequest" to="UpdateManager" method="_on_DownloadRequest_completed"]